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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL POSTINGS. IN Ci.IANiCERY. ADVERTISEMENT TO CREDITORS, LEGATDES, and INCU.lNBRANCERS. Cause Petition, un-T HEREBY require all der the CourtofChan- I persons claiming to be Crec eery (Ireland) Regula- Itors or Pecuniary Legatees of tion Act, 1850. GarrettCurran.lateofBennekerry In the County of Carlow, deeessad, In the Matter of onorbeforo the 15th August next, William Curran, Executor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. dust ilublslted, Tln Post 8vo., Cloth, Priee 5s. lE TRAIUMPh1 OF THE CATHOLIC Ti Ciii lllfl IN THlE EARLY MIES. I'y Amtnnosr. IiCAItAEA, D.D. Also, price 8d. T HiE: OLD TltiE; or, Filial iety, * Ioyal 32mo., Cloth. The CAf'iOLIC PUBLISHIING iad DlOOKSELLING COM- 1'ANY (.intid), CIIAIRIES D(LMAN, Mtailgor, 6l, New Lond-stdrect, I Mi)ostt JOHN IULLANY, 1, PARILIAMENT- STlREEI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEQUEEN'S ROYAL THE ATRE.- T ,i ost appearantce of Miss EMILY WYNDHIAM and Mr. i, ytiNGi-li-i 9,gagtlteft of Miss L.T'PlOMP'SON-Eve'Y ,seie0L the rofnowned HERR NIC0L'il DILMIN and lis) ~ct~io~l Sons. -THIlS EVENING (Monday), Jaly 23d1, the0 rh!iolO ill comimence with tile tile iosv 111la0-rlesllo Ex-.' r~t'osua oittlilDII'O.-Phiido, Mr C Young; dXnas, 21i55 V, viilliont Anna, MIrs 1I Webb; 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1E QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- T Piteh appearance of Mhss EMILY WYNDHIAM and Mr. j, uOING.-Every evening the renowned IIERE NICOL~ID ]D'EV1lN and his talented Family 1--THIlS EVzNING (Fri. day), July 27, the perfomnances will comme~nce with a seods- *0osir Drama entitled A HULSBIAND) Tro RDER.--Urou do ateanipre, Mr Vivash s Pierre ilarceAu, Ir Vincont; Josephine, Pds Wyndham ; Elise, 'Miss A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. G REIiAM1 LIFEE ASSURANCE ~~~~~~S&CIETY, 37, OLD JEWRY, LONDON. e NEW atsaic~s, 1859. Policies issued during the year assuring upwards of ONE MILLION STERLING. N e Premiums received during the year 1819, £28,208 2.. 10d. Although the principal portion of this Socletybs policies are upon First class Lives, Its peculiar feature consists In the Assurance, at equitable rates, of thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * INSURANCES. LIFE PLICIESare gerncrttly lorciedi w thl con'ditions i ~noplcable to tIre cuse Of i'r-olossir':re Meit, aritioters, ithit 0,:ct A ssuranceS for tirt Btenefit ccl tibcir'lureiliicir Creidfmra. btt,1 Ptersons trio not likleey to leo bo, ceed tire linilts of Lie- l ,commit Suilcide, eilter into Al!litui~re or Navil Service, Of i-'Vis5IOttct characater, rail by lteretii;g, or dile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rp E UEE'SI~YAL THEATRE.- 4 cleingiil ttic i'Ceiiiwned HtElIM NICUIA'l DEWLN sold hIls itri~tked Stils !-TillS EVENING (WeillCii-sO')y. July 211, tIm 2 I oiiiafles vI ut cosemnenci' N miti the thle noI Wiirli51100su Ex- t bola gill) M e~tit led 1) lO.Iio MC 'I coup1 ; oIieii's, Miss II 1. Wyndhameli Ainon MJrs 11 Webb iartoi', Mi'ls. M DNIsi. a Cili litejoic Excrchi;c by Biee Nicalo Dieatiii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E. HAYES LAW AND GENERAL E . STATIONECR, 36, CQLLEGE-GREEN, DUBLIN, Requcsts the attention of the Public to a well selected Stock of STATIONERtY. HERALDIC ENGRAVING AND DIE SINKING;. NO CIIARGE FOR PLAIN STAMPING ARMS, CRESTS, INI TIALS, OR ADDRESS. Wedding and Visiting Cards eagraved and printed. Orders from the country promptly attended to. 'URNITURE AND UPHOLSTE;RY F1' WAREROOMS. TlODD, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,VIIB QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- T i enrth appeartllance of 311 S . EMILY WYNDHIA M and M ,r- C yO t.O.--VvY Cevening the renowned IIEIIR NICOL'0 pi'LIN and lils talented Family I-TilS IVlNING Crhurs- IIIo) f July 20, the peiformaneel will commeclXe with a' ArtIs- ,,.mc Diania entitled A 11USBAND TO OlD l.MhBaron de reaullO.c, Mr Vivash iPlcerrc Marcal* I MIr Vincent; Joseplinoe jlii' L Wyndham ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. (EORK AND 1INSALE JUNCTION \_J RAILWAY. Nsotice is hereby given tllat a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING 01 the Shareholdors of this Company will be hold at tite Coujesany's OftIces, 17, GRIACECHUiRCIi-STREEI' i LON1DON,ovi WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of Angust Next, at Hradf pastpno o'Clock precisely, r7.m., for the purpose of Submitting to the Proprietors, for their approral, an agree' ment for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE, I. ~ -ilengagmentof Miss L.111IIPOW ,iiJNEvery *'tighe reviolvilod Ii ililNi dcol.,) Di)1,12U and his i.:l~~vd ons TM I EV 'ING (Tueslily), JjIiy J1ti, tile p' I nIioles Nvill commnence Avit) the tile 'IC' ireslO 'I- I1.%joitianzi entitled DIDii.-lDido, Mi', c Iyolng ., Emeas, M iss I: i, Niithauni ; Anna, Mtsc IT Webb 11iAs l . l '1 avs '1,IC e fotlowed by Uile ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rV LE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- TSI'th appearance of M.%iss EMILY WVYNDIIAM and Mr. CyoUNG.-EVerY evening the 'renowned liKEn: NI1COL'o rcItLN and his talented Vaninly !-TIllS EVE2NIN ('a. 1.r.doy), July 211, thle perfornlnulecs witll commence WIth tlO k-All-ical Dtriinu entitleld l3EN Till. 1lO.xrswmVAI3-O ;BiOlllig, M1r C Young ; irik btill if, 31i 11 t'lvatI I Vli Sjili nr, Mr 'It Fitzjarnes; ...