... HANDSWORT[ AND LOZELLS FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION. The third exhibition for the preosnt season, in connection with this Association, took place on Tuesday, in the beautifully laid out grounds surrounding Gilbertstone House, Yardley, the residence of ir. B. N. Kimberley, a gentleman whose succoestal competition for a length of time at the Edgbaeton, llandewonlh, and other ...


... THE VOLUNTEER OF JULY IAL THE SEQUEL. (From Punch.) If yon're ivaking cml] me earlv-though I feel so very queer, T/ at wilh all t-he calling in the world I sban't get up, I fear; I ought to clean ruy rifle, and a precious iob 'twill be- Forthe ?? tight at Chisellhnrst I don'tthink theo'll catch Me. Grant'r cooking-w negon on theground they told us weshonlnd find, And so I lebt. unluckily. my ...


... fjj-& ?A TURF. Yriciasstides of Painilties. $ed.7didl Series. By Sir ant BEIRNAR.D BurxE, Ijlster Ring-a-tt-Antis. Lou- w~ll( don: Longmuan anrd Co. Sir Those whD have seen the firs e'e fSrB dev Burke's 1Vicissitudes will need no rouid giv tion of ours to read the second. We on]>' regfret bin that want of space will not permit us to notice 'Ore Mel than a few out of the many romlances which ...


... A VOICE FROIE THE SESSION. I think a Foreign Minister Should be above reproof, And fromi everything that's sinister Should always keep aloof! Against my best intention, Though all the worlhi hios run, I vastulre just to miention The things that I have ' done ! I sanctioned th' annexing Of SAVoy aed of NICE For, thongle it W3aS pIrplexing, It Europe kept in peace ! The treaty made with Pir ...

Published: Sunday 22 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 304 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L8ITERATURE. The Cotkgqe Of &h Alps: or, Life atW Man neri; inbakt &itzerliald. By a LADY. In Two Volumes. those ~ Sampson Low and Son. tion w The preface is at first sight rather puzzliug. it picture sets off with a commendatory memoir of Madame In Dora d'Istria, an ?? lady and duotor prnesof the Ghika family, to whom these weil-co vlmsare dedicated by the American lady their prospcM author. ...


... The little auxilliary platform at the Town Hall devoted to instrumental solos is fast becoming idsitified in public estimation with artistic excellence in general, and the gem performances of the Monday evening concerts in par- ticular. It would seem as if the various tons pictures- to borrow a German idiom-when removed to this rcstrictcl arena, acquired something of the finish and delicacy ...


... A L*AY O1F SAINT STEPHEN'S. (Fromh Bentiiy'5 Afiscellwty.) Of hen ibte~l senrators W~ho fill St. Stephens's seats, fri A stranigely varioua cat31ogue l Our obscrvatior, greets.d Trwo K~ings, a Dua;e, a Mfarrslall, too, Cl In K-oiptdrlei gui60 nrc reon; p A Noble I'erlore-r, and a Knighy/t, p] A Firan1klyn arnd A-rdeanle, P1 We've Fcllorrcs, Mlerry, Rich, and I Vise, gc5' LOrryF, sllerdy, ...


... - - - - - - _^ A ^ A TO A SIGH. Ohil givo to sorrow momentary eaqo, Thou gontlo tell-tal of a pansive breost, For thou, wshon ohenting hopes no more onn please, Thou Ounst afford, at least, a transient rest. Oh ! thon nmbiguones,joyless, softly rise While the tear tromblos on the pallid oheook, Severe the virtue that a sigh denies, To save a bursting heart that omot broth. THE PIMPERNEL. The ...


... pRoVINCIAL THEA RICALS I, (FIccoa OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT&.) ABERDBERY. HrnADCVSnIwN's C1rsCUS.-We cunfeos we, led soma mig- ?? to the numbers likely to attend this Piace Of amusement, seeing PjUC ha ie Monday, the 16th instrart, one annual holiday, when first tleyo circsees, arc meet patronised, for the oceraeon of their giving rajleedt,ar in this tows. Bot we were mistaken, for at both por. , ...

Published: Sunday 22 July 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 5633 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... : || _1 . _ MAOAUILAY'B CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL ESSAYS.- The critical and historical essay may be set dovin as the creation of Macaulay's genius. That which was purely critical had already attained great excellence in the hands of Jeffrey and Smith, and that which was merely historical had been approved of if not admired, by the readers of Southey and 1lam. But that which was eminently both ...


... BROUGH tMEORIAL FUND. A vocal and instrumental concert on a great s took place on Friday at St. Jame'sb-lal, for the beneft of the widow and family of the late lamented Robert Brough. It was got up by a committee of gentle- men-riends of Mr. Brough ; and a number of the r0ost 4minern members of the musical profession-a profession ever ready to come forward in the cause of benevolence- gave ...


... a ar UNDER THE VIOLETS. l in Her hands are cold; her face Is white; No more her pulses come and go; Her eyes are shut to life and light;- Fold the white vesture, snow on snow, * do And lay her where the violets blow, do Bat not beneath a graven stone, go To plead for tears with alien eyes, A slender cross of wood alones Shall say that here a maiden lies Fc In peace beneath the peaceful skies. ...