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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE THIS DAY. PROPERTY FOR SALE. VALUABLE INVESTMENT. T' ho SOLD by AUCTION, at the Mart of Mr. HlUGH r. CLARKE, Rosemary Street., Belfast, on M(NIDAY, the 301th day of July instant, at Twelve ii'0lch, ,VLL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, . siaitte ithe Townilandl and Parish of BALLY- MACARRETT, anld County of Down, as held by the lati FRANCIS MILLIOAN conntaining- in length, at the front of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ii~bhc rn~nvent+ CONTINUED SUCCESS. VICTORIA HALL, BELFAST. ,ItIIILTON'S MAGNIFICENT CONTINENT AL H DIORA MA OF ITALY. NOTICE TO THIE PUBLIC. srs. IIA' lLTON beg to announce to the Gentry f e t-if Belfast that, owing~ to the great and aiftlli Iecess of their Exhibition, it will remain FVCVV Evening at a Q uarter-past Eight, M lON - 011 %1,EbX ESDA.) , and SATURDAY, at 2 o'clock, 6. ?? with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. OOn TO IBE SOLD, the REVER- £2'5 SIONARY INTRIREST in the above suim, Invested III Government li per Cent. Stock, p~ayable on thdo deatb of tile survivor of Two Lives, a gentleman and lady, tile guatleman aged 54 years and the lady 61 years. Applly tO RESRV ?? u Wooni:soovE, Solicitor, No. 30, Upper lotnt- street, Dublin, LEGAL POSTINGS. COUI:TOiF BANKitUPrCY AND INSOLVENCY. IiS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... miiEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. -II THARI8~I has MIaclI Pleasure in anno0uncing that ar-' ,tolagemtiitti have been made, in cotijonetion with' Mr. WlL~ ,L ?? BEALE, for a shott series of Italian, OperasuPonl 01n ,niprcecdclItned scale, combining the two copani i of Ile' llljC'et) Is TlICoIC r atit the Ptoyal Italian Opera, CovIDnt tar-' Cto, fiat noing eili uiaemble of the moot Emitteot Artistes in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L L E X H I B I T I O N. VICTORIA IIALL, BELFAST. THE LAST WEIEK BUT TWO-POSITIVELY CLOSING AUGUST 18. .Il1Iittil that over visited Belfast las received r'n ttiltl of ?? aud approbationas 509 H1'AMILTON'S )tSSAL lIORA MA OF ITALY; l b ?? the public Prcss the most super b wvork i i r vet producd. Every one should see this cu vettzluati hibition before it closes. It will It l Eavery Evening at a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TpUEp, QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- Eightih AppilaraCe Of MISS EMILY WVYNDIIAM and y.CHARLES YOL'NG.-Every evening the roninend N lICOI(0 DEULIC and h is talented Family !-T-ITS is LNING ('neoditY). J uly 81st,1I1860, the perr18 mar0le m ; with thm e celebrated Drama, entitied the R.1crlC]{Eit OF PAPIS.-Old Daddly olt , MI' i 1 Webb; Itiole ;oroen Mr I 1 Vivash; Henry Berlitle, M Ur J D bff; ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Just Publshed, Price Ss. Cd, Cleth, Lettreei, iHE QUEEN'S AND PRINCESSES OF 1 FRANCE. By G. 'Woitri, Esq. The CAfIXOLIC PUBLISHING and BOOiSiLLING COM- PANY (Limited), CHARLES DOLMAN, Manager, 61, New Bond-strcet, Lourosr * JOlX Ml;ULLANY, 1, PAULL&ME - j STREET, DUBLIN. HUFFY'S HIB iRNIANX AKC(GAZINE, No. 2 FORI AUGUST, PRICE EIGHiTRENOE. Contents :I The Rapparee, an IrlSh Tale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,aitalts bg A6nctl_. SALE THIS DAY. NEW YACHT FOR SALE BY AUCTION. Ti m~lo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON TUES- kT L DkY, the 31st inst., at Two o'clock u~S. precisely, where she now lies, in CLAREN- *:DON DOCK, Belfast, the Fast-Sailing and Safe Yacht ELLEN LOUISA, 61 Tons; Decked over.; has Cabin accommodation forTwelvepersons;lengtb, 28 feet; breadth, 8 feet 10 inches; Spars all picked Baltic; ...