... -w I A&' x hor , 'I :. . : : 4 R- _ I I r I II . The exhibition of picture and statuary select 14ipirchase by the winneos o p rizes in the Art sliion lot- tey this yenwar opened on Satnrds ~ mornhl at the (GAblry of the Society of ?? Artists, in Snffoeicstreet, Pill-malL There are a hundred and fourteen oil paintings, Adkhl have been chosen out of the rimqipal exhibitions of the pas season ...


... I forgot to tell you that on a former visit to the hotel I KS found, sitting at tO table with as long a face as he could TU make of a round one, our ?? the Cockney; being by his own contrivance a d4tenu. Having, as usual,delivered em tip his passport at Cologne, he persuaded himself that the act printed Dampftchiff document he obtained at the packet- no, office v as something equivalent to the ...


... an vttmoxinlll. THE MARTYR OF DAMASCUS. hi the dreadful massacro of the Cbristians in Damaccus, Mr. Graham had been placed for safetv by the British Consul in the houso of a Maoslrln, and the Turkilsh guard-who noted as his escort on leaving his place of refuge-on being attacked by a band of Druses, LEYT our Missionary to his fate, when he fell a victim to their infuriate rage. There's wailing ...


... to Tho thirteenth annual sbow of foals and yearlings ;be it was held at Easitigwold on the 10th inst. The number of entries was 109, cousiderably exceeding those of any previous at year. There was a good attendance of the neighbouring gentry and farmers, notwithstanding the uesfavourable day. Richard Rowlay, Esq., of Weldon Bank, near Pickering; Thomas Robinson, E-q., of Methley, Wakefield ; ...


... F A I RS. BALLYBOT FAIR.-The usual monthly fair at Billy- bot was held on Monday. There was a good show of cattle, whichi sold at rather higher rates than those of last month-first-class nailch cows selling at from £9 to £10; springers were in good demand, and young heifers realised prices at fieon £6 to £7. Sheep sold slowly; quotations changeable. In the horse fair there was littl: business ...


... TUEESDAY, AUTTGL'5 21. The show principally exhibited at this annual market are second blackfaced ewe lambs; but tbis year few of this description were shown, be- ing more scarce than in ordinary years; besides, many of them wvere bought in the country pre- Vious to the market, as many of the LrEeders of Cheviot sheep had to turn to the blackfaced breed in consequence of the last severe winter ...


... FAS111 N AN D) VAURETIES 1\la.ItltAG1C INi 1111il LwrEl.-The marria,,e C t 115113 bs tollybl CAi11pboill Esq., son of theo iito Sir cu:e CamIbCil, of l ;ned, N.D., to Lvelyx, eldest datiglil ,i It-n'102 Stu ft, lE.q., of Croslie Wust, Gallowvay, :WII(t e ,; sghtt'fr of til lalte A;;ndirul Lodr (jieooge Stuart, G ?? '11 riltlutrl! l it St. o-orM.gc, Ilfaovcr-esqtnrer Ti'l ?? ritO a1 as pr-fm ...


... On Monday last this great fair, with its world-spread fame as the greatest horse mart in this country,was com- menced, and the celebrity Lincolnshire has acquired for its production of horses, has this year been fully sus- tained. The facilities which this county affords for grazing purposes, the energy evinced by the most com- petent and influential judges of horses to advance the interests ...


... I FASHIi N ANDARIETIES . The band of thi Doniegal milidija will, by permission of Mfajor Todd, play at Bray this day (Monday), weather permitting, from 3 to 5.30 o'clock, under direction of Mr..Griggs, bandmaster., 'io following is tbe piogrammo of music to be performed:-blarch; Ovecturc. Uno Chasse sacns les Aiencs; Waltz, La Preili Margarita Marie Selec- tion of Irish Airs, Griggs; Polka, ...


... - TIE JULLIEN FESIIVAL. The first of a series of three concerts, which are embrnced under the above heading, was given last evening in the lound Room of the IRotundo, under the conductorship of liii Higldiess Prine CGeorge Galitzin. What strange slid evenul I stories the walls of the old Round 12oem could tell bad they but the power to speak. If they had, doubtiless theyc would bay-` Within us ...


... TmaF SCIIOOL AnITH5MEtIC. BY R. JOIceNSTON.- (McGlashtm and Gill.-Mr. Johnston is teacher of the Swords Endowed School, and, if we may judge from his little treatise on numbers, an expert arithmetician as well as skilful to communicate his knowledge. A vast number of treatises have been written since the days of Voster on the subject which has enployed Air. John- ston's spare time, and all ...


... . The following is a List of the Prizes awarded at the exhi- l bition noticed in last week's Mercury:- (LASS 1.-PLANTS. MISCELLANEOUS PLeAWS (collection of six -let, Mr. Dryden, gar- r denor to T. W. Evans, Esq., M.P., Allestree Hallt ORCHIDS (collection of three.)-It, ltMr. Dryden. H iFCCsoAS (collection of six)-Ist, Mr. Seals, gardener to J. T. , Morley, Esq.; 2nd, Mr. George DorI'inlgton, ...