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... Uica's DICTIONARY ot' ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MiNEs. Part X. London: Longman g4 Co. TIIE articles of chief importance in this number are on Brines and Mining, which are treated in the most com- prehensivo manner, and largely illustrated by diagrams and engravings. No one interested in mining should fail to read them. The articles om Measures, Mercury, and Artificial Manures are also elaborate ...


... THE TWO SICK MEN. (FROM PUNCH.) In Europe two sick men did dwell, Of whom there's little hope; The Sultan one: as far from well The other is the Pope. This wreck a triple crown, and that A Royal Turban wears; Too weak the head in either hat To manage its affairs. The first has been a sufferer sad For many a weary day; And loads ofphysic he has had To keep grim death at bay. The second 'gan to ...


... THE COURT. TLLMORAL, AUGUST 13.-Her Majesty, accom- panied by Princess Alice and Prince Leopold, and attended by the Countess of Desart, drove to Inver- cauld and honored Mr. Farqnharson with a visit. The Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Arthur, went out grouse-shooting at Gainnshiel; Sir G. Grey had the honor of shooting with his Royal Highness. Sir James Clark was the only addition to ...


... THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW I FOR 1861. WE sonic time since quoted an article from the Faerers' Gazette, suggesting that the show of the Royal Agricultural Society should bc held next yver in Belfast, and giving many sound reasorts why such anr event would be desirable. We regret to say, hov- ever, that there seems to bh consideraible apathy in Belfrast anid the rest of Ulster with ...


... THE COURT. RATOInoA.T,, AUGUST 26.-The Queen, accompanied by Princess Alice fnd Prince Arthur, and attended by Lndy Macdonald, drove round by the Bridge of Dee yesterday, and then walked round by the Falls of Garr.n-valt back to the Castle through the Bailoch Bhuie. The l'rince Consort went out deer- stalking. There was no addition to the Royal dinner. party. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ...


... T HE C OURT. S, BALMORAL, AUGUST I1.-Iler Majesty, accom- m panied by the Princesses llelena and Lonise, drove 7e to the foot of the falls of Garrwalt in the afternoon. I The Prince Consort went out deer-stalking. The s, Royal dinner-party included the Princess Alice. and it Sir G. Grey, with the Ladies and Gentlemen in IV WVaiting. le The Earl and Countess of Derby and Lady Emma n Stanley ...


... FAS IIION. T II E C O U It T. SATurDAY--'IIO Prince Consort has scarcely commencedl deer-stalkiiig in earnest. The driving of tile woods in the nfeighboiirhood or Balmuoral and Abegeldlio has beeiv with the hop)e of fiiliiig one or two Strats, or outlying deer, which hnal been in the leiglibooihiood. The sport of deer-stalling, always very uncertain, is likely to be more si t han usual this ...


... .THE C OURT. BALMORA'L, MONDAY.- The Queen, the Prince Con- sort, and the Princess Alice attended Divine service n the Parish Church of Crathie on Sunday. The Ladies and Gentlemen of the Household were in at- tendance. The Very Rov. Dr. Barclay, Principal of the University of Glasgow, officiated. It being Sun- (lay, his Royal Highness the Prince Consort's birth- dav was celebrated quite ...


... an vttmoxinlll. THE MARTYR OF DAMASCUS. hi the dreadful massacro of the Cbristians in Damaccus, Mr. Graham had been placed for safetv by the British Consul in the houso of a Maoslrln, and the Turkilsh guard-who noted as his escort on leaving his place of refuge-on being attacked by a band of Druses, LEYT our Missionary to his fate, when he fell a victim to their infuriate rage. There's wailing ...


... F A I RS. BALLYBOT FAIR.-The usual monthly fair at Billy- bot was held on Monday. There was a good show of cattle, whichi sold at rather higher rates than those of last month-first-class nailch cows selling at from £9 to £10; springers were in good demand, and young heifers realised prices at fieon £6 to £7. Sheep sold slowly; quotations changeable. In the horse fair there was littl: business ...


... FASHIONS FOR AUGUS.T. THE unseasonable character of the weather has almost entirely prevented the adoption of those light and elegant toilettes prepared in anticipation of warm days and sunny skies. Hence the fashion (which we hoped was but for a day) of large silk paletots, or burnous with sleeves, is still almost uni- versally followed, and we can scarcely wonder, under the circumstances, ...


... THE COURT. OSBORNE, JULY 28.-Her Majesty and the Prince Consort gave their annual dinner and fete yesterday to the seamen and marines ot the Royal yachts, the detachment of infantry stationed at East Cowes, the labourers and workmen employed on the Osborne estate, and the Coast Guard and Trinity House men. Dinner was prepared for about 650 persons, nnd was laid in large tents erected on the ...