... Oft wandering down through Harborne's quiet lanes- A is V wont when daily toil is e'or- 'oP1pird a cottage, 'neath some sheltering trees, FiawraplIed in Nature's mantle-ivy green. Not far fromu thence, a running brook purls by, 'ld nniniuurs soft tbrough tie umbrageous glea In diveor cadence with the fitful breeze. A thouiflud songsters swelled their little throats In grateful harmony. Wliiei ...


... TmaF SCIIOOL AnITH5MEtIC. BY R. JOIceNSTON.- (McGlashtm and Gill.-Mr. Johnston is teacher of the Swords Endowed School, and, if we may judge from his little treatise on numbers, an expert arithmetician as well as skilful to communicate his knowledge. A vast number of treatises have been written since the days of Voster on the subject which has enployed Air. John- ston's spare time, and all ...


... 1IrtaO.511~ flA5I.& . * to T.. BURTON BtEwEsaES.-Although July is not a brew- t, ing month, the sight of Bass's brewery is astonishing, so enormous is the scale of operations.:-I saw coppers big enough to boil a good sized whale, and coolers big enough for the serving up of half-a-dozen whales; mashtubs big enough for a guardhouse; and, on an upper floor, the mills, from which the ground malt ...


... p -n I . - . . The fourth annual exhibition of this society took place on Tuesday and yeaterday, in the Pnbio Room, Low- town, Pudesy, and, especially in a pecuniary point of view, was of a very aucceeaful character. Notwithstanding the e state of the weather, there was a large attendance of the r residents in the town and district. The plants and cub flowers for exhibitioa were arranged on ...


... 1 Meworials of Thomas Hood. CoUected, Arranged, and Edited by his DAuoHTER. With a Preface and Notes by his SoN. 2 vols. Moxon and Co. It is generally sid that the biographies of men of letters are uninteresting, because their lives are uneventful. We admit the fact, but demur to the reason assigned for it. The few splendid excep- tions to the rule suggest a different explanation. To take only ...


... LITEBATURE, TEE HOLY BiBLs, with an Explanatory and Practical Corn mientary. IlustratedEdition. PartslandIL -Imperial At quarto.. lopdon, and Hope Street, Glasgow: James S. ; Virtue. ag _An wko know the very beautiful aud correct manner in irs which so niany valuable works have been sent forth into the ice world by Mr. Virtue will be gratified to learn that he is now ad engaged in -the ...


... LITERARY NIEWS. I [Lectures on the History of Fine and Ornamental Arts, by Wim B. Scott, head master of the Government School of Design at Newcastle, are announced as forth- coming by Mlessrs. Longman and Co. The Life and Letters of John Angell James, includ- ing an unfinished Autobiography, edited by R. W. Dale, M.A., are preparing for publication by Messrs. Nisbet and Co. Messrs. ...


... !'HE mfTflIH IrUSEfUMr. At the time of its publication, a few days since, we gave an abstract of tee Report of the Select ttea appointed to inquire how fin, and in what way, ( may be desirable to find increased space for the extension and 0r raligeinent of the various collections of the British Museum, and the best eleans of rendering them available for the pro- motion of science and art. As ...


... THlE BRlTIS[i MUSEUMI. The following is the report of the select committee Your committee having duly considered the subject sub- nmitted to thon, are of opinion that their reply to the first branch of the inquiry, which relates to the provision of additional space for the collections in the British Measure, miay be conveniently arranged under the following heads:- I. Whether all the ...


... The Tin Box. A Story of the last Century, from the Escritoire of the late Samuel Scobel, Clerk. be Edited by G. W.-Bradbury and Evans. be rel A tin box has an uninviting look, an uninviting fo sound; buat this Tin Box, is worth opening ro and looking into. The form in which this story us is written-that of letters,-though at the outset en displeasing to readers accustomed to the more dra- ? ...


... THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. 'Racket, confsifosi. love, and ga f iraio, Rhymes without reason. huulun an flrtati n tcorn primos, shipping, marriage, kintl 0blation, Concerts, theatricals, a poling clown, Are topics of at city's conversation; They dance, like'imerry wovelets, up and clown; 60(1 help all hermits, and such youths as I a05, It is suilicient, and a slico, to try 'en if. yet, ouch it is, ...


... -vXwTh. FY NYFFRYN GENEDIGOL. CQflWtuedig i Mr. M. Leivis .fJnes, grocer, &C., RhL Nid oes man yu Ngwalia wiwlon Yn fwy prvdferth a mwy ffrwvtblon, Na chwait odid le mor swynol A fy nyifryn genedigol. Fe fu anian ar el goram Yn addurno 'l llithrig lethrau; Gwelir myrdd o geinion swypol Yn fy nyffryn genedigol. Dolydd deilioge, golitydd gwylltion, Perlianau prydferth yn dra llawnion, A ...