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Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. -Mr HAJtR18 has the pleasure to announce that he has, In conjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrange- pments for a short series of. Italian Operas, commencing on hiONDAY, SEI'TEMBERt:10, 1860, supported by tie following eminent Art istes _ 1ADANIE GRIS1 SIGNOR MARIO MADAME VIARiDOT GARCIA IGNORi ANGELO LUISE )IADLLE OltVIL' IGNOR GRlAZIANI )IADLLE SEDLATZEK SIGNOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H E AT RE R O Y A L, D BELFAST. THIS EVENING (Wednesday), September 5, C thle l'fiX lmwses will conluiflnce with Sheridan ladmoided Play of TEIE lUNCHBACK. Masteraltel Mr. Kelly. Julia,. . .. . . Miss Brandon. The wvliole to eonclude with tihe Screamingii Farce of LOAN OF A LOVER. Engacnieit ,f t he great American Irish Comedian, GARL)NEIR cOYNFB. Due notice will be given of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iades b1¢ llntonm I__ SALE TO-M1ORROW. IMPORTANT SALE OF LIVE STOCK, HAY. AND GROWING CROPS. K R. 1IUG(I C. CLAiRE llAS RECEIVED iltmnluetions from JAMES OWEVNS, Esq, to Soll liv AUCTION, at IIOLE'STONU (withill TWO Miles of the l'allyclare and Doaelt Station of tIe Nithehrn Counities Railway), on TiIUISDAY, 6th SeptiUmber, 18611, at Eleven o'eclck, the foilowinia verS' Valuable LIVE STOCK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICGVIONS. , . . ' ustRubIbahed, Cloth, Price 8d. 'rpH~i1I CUC -OR, PRIDE AND VA- ..B.NI I. A Tale by AoCNB M. STEWART. \The CATHOLIC PUBLISHING and BoOKSELLiNG COM_ PANY (Limited), CHARLES DOLMAN, Manager, 61, New Bend street, LONDON; JOHN MULLANY, 1, PARLAMNET-I STREET, DUBLIN. | A SCHOOL HISTORY OF IRELAND. A iowr ready in 12mo, strongly half-bOund in Layout calf, cloth sides, 65., THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *.3AbMc iwblcr3n.cflteael T R E R O Y A LA , I IBELFAST. T IG(ThrNdy), Septemblelr , ISG IS tie l'ctlheliCtls vwill coio nene with Sheridnli ~1)iolves' aill ired Play of' TI T WIFE! Jnulan St. Pierre, Mr. Kelly. ?tMariana, Miss Branidon. Thewine to Wl~lliO t (:,ll' ith tic Scil itlln Farce ot';le Till,, TlUG11II DIAMOND! Si Eunt h(Uit oat Ami ilea ii Atn CDIait, GAll UN E,,'lt CD N E. Dee' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9 lCts bnJ t11diou. SALE THIS DAY. AUCTION OF FLAX MACHINERY IN LOTS. MEADOW STREET MILLS, BELFAST. 'Mr. IlYNDNMAN is instructed to SoIl in Lots, at tit Premises, ont THURSDAY, the 6th September nex at ELEVEN o'clock, LL TIE FLAX MACHINERY, &C., COM A PRISING 4,040 Sluindles, and the necessarm Preparing and Hackling Machinery, with Shaftinl Piping, Silver Cals, Reels, Gas Pendants, Gasaliei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t3SERMONS. (1 IXRCE OE TE N. B. V. M., CHA- PELIZOD.-CliER2Y SERMON.-On NEXT SUN- DAY, 9tIS Ssetember, immediately after last mass, commonfl- ing t Eleven o'Clock, a CHARITY SERMON will bo Preached in the CHURCH of the NATIVITY, B. V. M., CifAPELIZOD, by the Rev. Mr. WREN, onc of the Fathers, 0.3LI., Inchieoro, in aid of the Schools and Decoration of the Interior of t°e Church. Contributions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. - HARRIS has the plesanre to announce th A In conjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, m A arrange- rellts for a short series of Italian Operas, co .mmeecing On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1860, supported by1 the following eminent Artistes:_ MADAME GURSI SIGNOR MA glo MADAME VIARDOT GARIA SIGNOR Al QGELO LUISE YADLLE ORVIL SIGNOR C JRAZIANI MADLLE SEDLATZEK SIGNOR FALLAR MADLLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OOM PAPER, in great variety, at R M lAUBICE BROOKS'S, SACKVILLE-PLACE, Dublin. +ANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLIN J.J PAPER STAINING WORKS, li, PARLIAMENT-STREET, and 4, and 6, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Colours, Varnishes. Plate, Sheet, and Crown Glass; Piaster of Paris, Roman and Portland Cements, Gold Mouldings for Rooms, and Picture Frames at mnoderate Prices, Wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN -Mr L IMBRI8 has the pleasure to announce that he has, in cenjunftion with MIr. WILLERtT BEALE. made arrange- mtsts for a abort series of Itallan Operas, commencing o0 ]MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1860, supported by the following eminent Artistes:- lMADAME GRISI SiGNOR MARIO MADAMEVIARDOT GARCIA SIGNOR ANGELO LUISIE MIADLLE ORVIL SIGNORl GIAzIAZNI MADLILE SEDLATzEEK SlGNOR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... `Itjbjic Am ,em if r11I E A T RtE R O Y A L, T BELFAST, THIS EVENING (Friday), September 7, 1860, tle PeI ron Tirs will coin ounce with Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer's adruired Play Of M ONEYV. Evelyn .Mr. Kelly. Calaa.;;*;;;l iss BrandoF . The whole to concluade wit h Ithu La gughatbli6 Farce of I'VE WRITTEN TO BROWN. The Gre!t American Artiste, Mr. GARDINER (OY.NfE., whliom tihe Prcss aad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Star bs Alndirnx. AUCTION SALE OF GASALIERS. To be Sold by AUCTION, at the Corn Exchange Roonns, Victoria Street, on TUESDAY next, Illt Sept. inst., fit Twelve o'clock, A GREAT VARIETY AND SPLENDII) STOCK kA of Rich Cut Crystal, Ormolu, and Bronze 1, 2, 3, and 4-Light Gasaliers (with Glasses), ont the Tele- seope and Plain principle; Hall Lanterns and Lamps; Lobby and Bracket Lights, &c., &c. ...