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Advertisements & Notices

... FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. N ] F XCII A 1NGE ROOMS, BELFAST. ' IVEDNENDY EVE1NING Next, Sept. 12, PROFESSOR GLOVEGS 'SAN)AND VOCAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF B MDI5Eol oS IRISHI MELOIMES, With Critical Ilistlisali, aItt Smitiiestive ObservatiOnS A, I ritil~ l IniscIllilCois; selections froma other .' l ile't c wth l Cllm l ith arat ctecrsetitjt je seof DISSOLVING VINlE'WS, Ttpresolv gt. u ufor the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,Salt h,1l Aucfiol, SALE THIS DAY. SALE OF GASALIERS CONTINUED. HE AUCTION SALE OF THE GASALIERS 1 at tthe ('ORN EXCHANGE will be continued TIIS DAY, at Twelve o'clock, nlld will tic resumed on THURSDAY, 13th, at sale hot'r. A irge portion ol the Stock is yet. uridisposed ot, consisting of Crys- tal, Ormolu, and Bronze, 1, 2. 3, nRid 4 lights; and Bracket Lights; llalt Lamps, &c. IlUGll C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOOM PAPER, in great variety, at *LI' MAURICE BROOKS-S, SACKVILLE-PLACE, Dobitn. TANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLUN .IJ PAPER STAINING WORKS, 10, PARLIAMENT-STREET, aod 4, and 5, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpontino, Coloure, Varnishes, Plate, Sheet, and Crown Glass- rlaster of Paris, Romnan and Portland Cements, Gold Monldings for Reooms, and P10051ri8 Frames at moderate Prices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN-Mr J IIARRIS has much pleasure to amtonnce that lie has, in conjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrange. menes for a short series of Italian Operas, commencing on HONDAY EVENING, Sept. 10, 18G0, supportod by the fol- ewilig enalnent Artistes:- 7iAIiAME GI;ISI SIGNOR MARTO MAI)AMEVIARDOT GArCIAISIGNOR ANGELO LUISE 31AIIAME ORVJL SIGNOR GRAZIANI MADLLE SEDLATZEEK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'I? EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN -Mr J HIARRIB has much pleasure to announco that he has, ir conjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrange- scents for a short series of Italian Operas, commencing on 31OSDAY EVENIQG, Sept. 10, 1800, supported by the fol- lowing eminent Artistes:- SiADA IE GRISI SIGNOR MARIO MADAmE VIARDOT GARCIA SIGNOR ANGELO LUISE AIAAIIHE ORVIL SIGNOR GRAZIANI MADLILE SEDLATZEK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -PUBLICATIONS. Just rubllshed, Cloth, Price 8d. COUSINS; OR, PRIDE AND VA- NITY. A Tale by AOFES H1. STEWrART. The CATHOLIC PUBLISHilNG and IIOOKSELLING C09- PANY (Limited). CHARLES DOLMAN, Managor, 61, N0e Bend street, LoONDa; JOHN MULLANY 1, PARLIAMENT- STREET DUBLIN. IHOU'ES AND LANDS. 1 T0 DAIRYMEN &C.-TO BE LET, unti the lst of Novembcer netein loe LANDS of CLON- STUG, ea Cot olek Oft uln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cL CRA NOVELLO'S FAREWELL 1.JANACREO\NTC SOCIETY. 71I Cetntlc haav v tic guttticatiotn of annnomc- T bell('' l av Mle,.( sued in fectl in Tetlftogg stswtl t alC i4.t ovigisilished Lady, avhi 'ill {;ikI le Ati l et i's it It ;lan id at th e Society's DAYXtle te llt, nd TUESDAY, the 6th ' NL iCC,',;i tiltes ceryiCes of the f follwinog 151 theK tiaaIe also beon secuIrI, viz. VZ: iss eiji i Cl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C H IN I QU Y, THE CANADIAN REFORMER. GREAT PROTESTANT MEETING WILL AbIe held on THURSDAY, the 20th instant, in IMAY STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, at Eight o'clock Evening, REv. H. COOKE, D.D., LL.D., in thle Chavir, f To hear the Rev. C. CIIINIQUY, formterly a Priest of thle Church of Rome. A MORNING MrETING Will also bea held in tile same place onl FRIDAY, the 2 1st, at Two o'clocki, REV. DRt. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T R E R O Y A L, TBELFAST.. IlCN~EFIT OF TIIE GREAT AMERICAN ARTISTE, MR. GARDINEIR COYNE. S11 EVENING 14thday), Septil Sembtemer, 1860, THIS per li ill CUll with th e Histoiall *rms in Tuan l ~ Acts, (111tIede *11EE I ttI sil It; OR, OR, K ING AND THlE DEISERTER.ER modcol~d °t . Mrl *-- h Gardiner Coyne. To followed by the New Irish Comic Drama, writelrt expressly fur Mr. Gar diner ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO T I C E. HE CLEARANCE SALE AT OLD PARK T PRINT-WORKS, advertised for WEDNESDAY, 213th inst., is unavofdlably postponed to the followilig day-viz., THURSDAY, 27th-at same hour. 3lUGlI C. CLARKE, Auctioneer. TH11IS D AY. DF O R AUCTION OrF CORN A N BYFAUCTLONU ~HE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFfEtB ACIN T at bis Weekly Sale, in tile CORN EXCHANGE, at Two o'clock- AIZE 90 Tons prime White Bordeaux AIZE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... vHFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN -Mr THARRIB haa much pleasure to announce tbat be bha, Ir ?? With Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrauge- ,eAt for a short series of Italian Operas, commencing on MIONDAY EVENING, Sept. 10, 18C0, supported by the fol- lowiog eminent Artistes- MdADAME GRISI SIGNOR MARIO MADAME VIARDOT GARCIA SIGNOR ANGELO LUISE MADAME ORVIL SIGNOR GRAZIANI LADLLE SEDLATZEEK SIGNOR FALLAR MADAME ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Jut he-d Cloth Price 8d. tHE COUSINS; OR, PRI1)E AIND VA- ^T NITY. A TIle by AmiES M SrTEWAR.r The CATHOLIC PUBLISIIIING and BOOliSELLING COM- PANY (Limited) CHARLES DOLMAN, Manager, 61. New Bornd Street, LoslDoN; JOiN MULLAiNY, 1, PARLIAMENT- STREET, DUBLIN. JOHls MITCHEL IN PARIS. J TIIE IRISHMAN Of Saturday, September 15th, will contain the first part of a most Inteiesting ...