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Advertisements & Notices

... A NTIENT CONCERT ROOMS. r hIARRIS, In conJunction with Mr. WILLERT BpEALE, baa the honour to announce A GRAND MORNING CONCERT, Os THIS DAY (Saturday), Sept. 16th, supported by the Oieel~in6 Artistes:-MDMdE. GRISI, MDME. VIARDOT GAR:CIA, MAD)LLE ORVIL (Pupil of lMadame Viardot Oarcie), and MADAME GASSIER, SiGNOR ANGELO LUISE, 1GNO11 GltAZIA>NI, SlGNoR FALLAR, SIGNOR KINNI, and SIGNORt CIAMPI, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bQ es tin . _______ SALE ADJOURNED. mHE S tiLE OF FURNITURE, &a., ADVERTISED 1 to take place THIS DAY, at Miountpottinger, JOHN CRAMISIE, Auctioneer. 8, Waring Street, Belfast. 3427 SALE CONTINUED. IN TRIE MAT'r Or P. KF.LLY, A BANKRUPT. IllHE BANKRUPT SALE OF HOSIERY GOODS, I &c., will be continued THIS DAY, at Eleven o'clock, at the Mart, 5. (Geolge's Lane. JOHfN II. GOWAN, Auctioneer. 15th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. AUCtiOD of Barbidoes Sugar. [ARDY, BROTHERS and -CO. intend OFFERING BY AUCTION, at their Ofbice, CON- MEiRCIAL BUILDINGS, on THURSDAY NEXT, the 20th of September, at Tw9 o'Clock, ., 150 Hhds., 8a Tres., and 12 Brlis. Barbadoes Sui': * JA'IES FOXALL BroLzr Commercial Buildings, Db1ViSQimb0,.11ee ?? AUCTION OF TIMbEII, DLAS, \bc. flUGH KELIYT, Proprietor of the Liffey Saw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAhII ¢mLic Snienten ~A TRE A Y A L, BEBELFAST STSOFNIGHTSOF THE PoPULAR AMER&- ClNtAStMR. GARDINER COYNE. MNDAY EENING, SSeptemher 17, 1860, the t °erforli ICS will c~iIenilC co N iith the Drama, in T lE i ITE i HOORSE OF THE PEPPERS. (I pq perpnIrish Gentle- d Cy_ Ueralil pe~t~er, . Mr. GardinerCy. b ; by theinimitable Farce of To be f(Ied by tl T11TE BUTCHER OF LISBON. aratitrtant. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~aIes bg 3utnrtt+ SALE THIS DAY VESSELS FOR SALE. -- m0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON T MONDAY September 17, at One !r ta ;o'clock; onBoatihltle Brigantino IARIA, at thle Ballast Wharf, QUEEN'S QUAY, Blfast the following sulbstantial Vessels:- Brivantinc MARIA, of Barrow, 74 x 19 3-10tbs x 12; Registers 130 tons, Carries 200 tons; now at Blflist. Brigantine GLEANER, of Barrow, 62 x 19 x 11; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EThEATROYA DUBALIN -MrLM E DARIUS has mueh pleasure to announeo that he has, ncti on with r. WILERTb BELLET BEmade arrang-e ments for a short geries of Italian Operas, commencing on lc MONDAY EVENINGSp.1, 1800., 8G TISEVENING (MN sonday), September 17th, DON 010- C. VANNI-Don Giovanni, Signor Graziani Donna Anna, Ma- tmems Grist; Don Otta vis, Signor Mario ; 11 Commandittore, el Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES, &C. JAMS J. FARtRALL, VETERINAR JSURGEON, 42, WICKLOW-STREET, DUBILIN. FAIIBALLS MIXTURtE for the removal of 8X~iuts, Spa- 6f Vine, Curbs, Ringbonea, all Bony Enlargements, and Ligtmoti- tona Injuries; a guaranteed remedy for those dioceses, and in nso case causing blemish. Sold, izkbottles at 7a. Od., and sent post free to any part of. the kingdom-on recoipt of a post Office order for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN-Mr. RBARRIS has much pleasuire to announce that be bas, h, corjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrange- mentb for a abort series of Italian Operas, commencing on MiONDAY EVENING, Sept. 10, 1800. ,TIIS EVENING (Tuesday), September 18th, NORMA- Nonea, Nadame Grisi; Adelgisa, Madise. Orvill; Clotildo, 3iadame Chiericl; Pollic, Signor Angelo Lulse; Oroveso, Signor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICED CHAMPAGNE AD CLARET. Champagne, Is. per Halfpint Bottle. Claret, Od. per Quarter Bottle. FORTUNE and CO. have much pleasure in introducing the above Summer Wines to the notice of the Public at such extremely low prices as to place them within the reach of AU classes. FORTUNE AND CO., Importers of Foreign, Wines and Spirit., 28, 29, and 30, GOLDEN-LANE, And 129, 180, and 131, CAPEL-STBEET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C Whlb 1t lim 31)setnt. 11 i T EASTR R O Y A L, BELFELAST. \SFI N lCITS TF;'~ lE POPULARAMERI- CANT AlKIS MIt. GAItUINER COYNE. CA A1~ (Tfurndaiy), SviltelpteIMbe lS, 1800, lilt ,1;1oniee5 will COririCOCO w ith tho Dramera, T HIE \u.ENhLLS OF ERIN; OR, A SOLDIER'S VIC ~GRAVE. nlv l it~al atl * - I*-r*. Gardiner Coyne. Tjo Is e rfll,) iY thle ilimitdlalae lo AN 11s1i ENGAGEMENT. a O'LIaffctY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -tilts bl) i_-lttin~. SALE POSTPONED. NOTICE. FllIl SALE OF FLAX IACHINERY0 AT CONN'S- 1 WATER MILL is 1)OtpIoned Ulciil TUESDAY, the Gth November, 18G0. 3469 (GEO. C. iIYINDMAN, Auctioni er. SUGARIS bl AUCTION F TAMES 3IA CNAMAR11-1, CO. tV1Ll;O(FFP FOR J Stl v AUCTIO'N, o THUR31SDAY next, thle 20th inst., at Twlve olilelck, t0 Iltds-. 1 5 Tcs.. and IBarhadoOs SUGAR. 20 BarreI%, ) Donogall ...