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... FASRIO2 MrI) DVARETIES. I -.: T-ASHIONCA - - . VR'E. I I The Right lon,. the Lord .Chief3 Ju1tice. has errired atlnrrlrchglsss, acconipenled by Misses Lefroy and GcergiLrtroy.-,: ;!. :..'' :' .1,, 1,, ,Ih.; :o0.Ferrall ,as~narvived iet~llis. reside~nce, arripn-vsiiuoarc, fl-nitheP cntinkcl t. ' Siirg'on Bu'tclier fiis lfttowrifor three week9. Doctor Evory'aKe i-;tdy,,wIsbselellali has icen re ...


... I FASHION AND ATIES.. I His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant enter- tained tbe following diotlngilaed company at dinner in tihe 'Vicecregal Lodge, on Saiturday :-Tii Earl and Countess of Carnwath, the Earl and Countess of Scafield, the lion. and rI 51ev. F. Grey and lady Elizabeth Grey, Miss Lascelles and Ui hliFS E Lascelles, Lady Grant, Lord Gough, thed Bigst Hon. Edward and Aira Cardwell, ...


... I I~c - : nAI- .'~ -_ e lig] The Globe of Saturday, which is thle only Londron t papebr that has any comments Ont the fall of Perugia, the intelligence 'not- having~ reached Londnutllt on l Saturday, has the annexed commtentst onl the arffair' ,t Petuia i avened. estedas :Inbyat- rp catured Goenerale Anhony Schmidt, the hru uero ofptioes la 'Peruigia calpta.' 'ihe Pa~sid tioops fought ...


... NoTwr'TsrTANDIxN the dulness :of the weather, and the want of harmony between it and the data'of the alruanap, every one is occupied' with preparations for the sea-side season, and none! but light fabrics are thought of. ;For instance,i-barege is the principal article for derni-toilette, either sprinkled with small bunches of flowers, or embroidered peas, of a darker color than the barege ...


... i l TIHE ITALIAN OPERAS. Last night Mozart's Don Giovanni was presented for the second time. It is no small praise to say that the cast of parts with which Don Giovanni was produced was fully up to the demands of the most fastidious judges. Having so recently spoken of this opera, as presented by the same cast, it is, of course, needless to enter into detailed remarks on the several parts ...


... BANAGHER GREAT ANN UAL FAIR. THE CATTLE FAIR, TUISDAY, SEiruiE[nrt 19.-As usual at this great annual maiket, long established, and the results of which have been so much looked for, this day was appropriated to the exclusive sale of horned stock, and such figures having beeti obtained at the last fair, expectationr were high, and it was, generally sup- posed that it would turn out a good fair. ...


... I . . THE ITAUIAN UPERA. l -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a brilliant opening may be deemed Indicative of triumphant progress, the present Italian opera engage- ment promises to be one of the most successful that we have had the pleasure of recording for many years. The unanimous encomiums of the London press had, in a, great degree, prepared us to expect frop Madame Grisi something like a ...


... I THE HBStEN FAI1-MIoam.4Y EVENING, SET. 17.- This being the second day of this great annual fair, it was, as usual, devoted to the sale of horses, of which there was a very large supply, but the greater portion were of an inferior description, and were driven out unsold. It was stated by some who have resorted the fair for several years thatthesupply was unusuallylarge, whilst by others it ...


... | l I. - The Marquis of' Abercorn is at present at his princely residence, Ilaronocourt, and busily employed bUper- intending Improvements eoa Ills extensive estates. Viscount liamilton 51.1'., lisa returned to Baronscourt from a tour of vishit to Ilil constiluonts In lhiacounty of Denegal, aud Lords Clauid and IJord Georga Htamilton hlave gone for a fewl days to Caledon Hail anid Colebsrook. ...


... HUCII O'NEILL,. THAE PRINCE OV'ULSTER; A POEm. -By JoIIN O'SNILI.. Second Canto. (Dublin .AI'Glashan: and Gi)l)o-Some timue since we noticed the publication of the first canto of. a poemunder the above title. We then with pleasure bore testimony to the very many unmistakeable evidences afforded by the work that Mr. O'Neill, who then made his first appearance before the public in this ...


... THE SAINT AND THE HERO. YiE holy knaves, to whom the crowd It stupid adoration knelt, To see, whilst abject heads they bowcd, The blood of Jaunarius melt: A grcater miracle behold Than that of simulated gore, Which melts when hot, congeals when cold, But which your silly dupes adore. Ye linow how It3ly ha6 bcen, Thank most Yuurselves, for weary years, of slavery a mournful scene- A wretceied ...


... FAS HION. T H E CO U RT. BALMOnRAL, SrePT' 2.-Her Majesty, accornpanied by the Prince and Princess of' Leiningen and the Prikicesses Alice, Idleina, and Louise, and Prince 'Arthur, 'drovo to 'Alt-ndw-Guissadh yesterday, 'and rode to the Falls of Glasshalt. The Prince Consort went obt deer..stalkzing. ' Lord Charles L: FitzRoy has succeeded Lieut'-Colonel'tlie ?? 'Ros' in attendance on her ...