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Literary Notices

... It , . THI& MAGAZINES OF THE MOXTH - -- a First in P'ace alnd first in merit Rmong the cv contents of the CORInILL is Mr Thackeray's tt lecture upon the third of the Georges, It lacks le somewhat tbe charm of novelty, for many read- ers must have heard it delivered; and the best bits have already been anaele familiar by news- R paper reports. Still, it will be perused with v, delight, and its ...

Literary Extracts

... - 'TER AND the many marked since .Adtap~torro of e~aruirc tol the rmtnI of ne),it war( ..aeevis ove or the Inii sitnpuldr that trees i- wivth uende secialiv for. the aftdfn,,.en. 'oV the i'ativ ?? mountain sbonld be in broad outline the ten d ,ms ibrmal Of trees. Toe vine, which is ro be tidinj .lecourpatioii of tuan, i. way ,-arolv ?? in) we its growth;' fa-hog, into festoons h,. ...


... HIGHLAND SKTCHne IVr. TM CHURCE. The foreground from tis point of sight Mlust briefly us detain The, parish church starnds& on the right, net, neatt, and very plain. ehbind the church are garden plots; The sluggard bath been there, com soe we½ U';iJr tbe finest spots An O1Wly one of aiI the iota Shows culture or good care, Who owns that one ?1 The minisiter, * A man said, looking sinister, ...

Literary Notices

... cll I O jitmull j4i otim. Tnx TOMMIEDEG SHOOTINGS; OR, A m3oon IN I SCOTLAND. By THO1MAs JEANS. With illus- hm trations, by Percival Skeltan. London: pri R1utledge, Warne, and R ut'edge. - in WHEn the days begin to creep in, and coal and evt gas bills increase-when advertisements of gla it warm clothing and cough lozenges hint of ani the approach of winter, it is pleasant to recall, f by ...


... A CLERK'S DREAM. At the desk I sate a-dreaming, and my dreams were of those days~ When with light step I wandered-climbed the heather-purploed braes, W'here the winds, all times refreshing, kissed my brow and acuity hair, And the song birds' joyous warblings woke the echoes every- where. In the depths of an old dim forest, 'neath the shadows of the trees, kh~~u~~il I Iay, msel heart-full, ...


... eAUY SL ESWT . ! lMACAULAY'S MISCELLANEOUS WRITING&, (From the Times.) We are not of those who quaxrdl with the republiti~n of these miscellanies, or who joi a. ?? of the objections liieb have been taken by their ?? o i s the majority of snerit of the articles themeelves, bich, intemoiyo the instances before us, is very cofl5Pi.'U5, i3 a clear and sufficiet excus for their' speedy ...


... FASHIONS FOP SEPTEABER. (FROM LE FOLLr.T.) ±'iace maere Notwithstanding the dullness of the weather, County ?? and the. want of harmony between it and the tember, ?? Creditors data- of the, almanac, every One is occupied with dealer en I prprtos for the ssta~&ide season, and none of D. El. a, but light fabrics ace thought of'. For instance, Street. -Ktli barege is the principal article for ...

Literary Notices

... YNcraril ,,4-To f i t t S. I I Soasu Or LAiteoti AieD DOxESTIC LIE; ?? RHYMES FOR LlTTLH READERS, 'B ALI. ASDER SMART. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimnr.o. Mit Sis&aT has bcen long known to us in his capacity as a Scottish poet. The title of this book indicates those qualities of his ?? wbich many years ago won our admiration: strong belief in the dignity of labonr-love of horne amd fireside-a childlike ...


... The present season of these popular and really excellent concerts; was inaugurated on Saturday last, on which occa- aion the City Hell was perfectly crowded by a respectable audience. The Performances, which were of the usual mig. tic cellaneous character, included ,several first-class pieces. If any doubt were entertained of the improvement which has taken place, and is continuing to take ...


... ilk Sl)balssi Ca1)j~aegss ice M/0'occo. By FRsEDERIcK BARD- MSAiN, Special Correspondent of The Times. W. Black- wood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. SOME of our readers have already seen these letters, as they appeared in the Timces, written from the head-quarters of the Spanish army during the war with Morocco. They eave of course been revised, and now form a connected narrative, the ...


... 11 (Toov Xe 'Folet.) i- BAjREGE is the principal article for derni-toilette, either I- sprinkled with small bunches of flowers, or embroidered s pease, of a darker colour than the barege itself. Popiinette it is much admired, and very elegantly worn ; the beautiful d folds in which it falls produce a graceful effect. Grey r barege, embroidered in colours, with flounces bordered with Ls the ...


... PICKING-S PIROMx PUNOEH -% 7 M4Wbesandilie1V t , -1the'author ?? t eei Mr,, O'BrieznuthaA ton , - Totoltetin nuet,'!J it4 Wh etf~ty~ei~fD lb . i ...