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Midlothian, Scotland

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Literary Notices

... It , . THI& MAGAZINES OF THE MOXTH - -- a First in P'ace alnd first in merit Rmong the cv contents of the CORInILL is Mr Thackeray's tt lecture upon the third of the Georges, It lacks le somewhat tbe charm of novelty, for many read- ers must have heard it delivered; and the best bits have already been anaele familiar by news- R paper reports. Still, it will be perused with v, delight, and its ...

Literary Extracts

... - 'TER AND the many marked since .Adtap~torro of e~aruirc tol the rmtnI of ne),it war( ..aeevis ove or the Inii sitnpuldr that trees i- wivth uende secialiv for. the aftdfn,,.en. 'oV the i'ativ ?? mountain sbonld be in broad outline the ten d ,ms ibrmal Of trees. Toe vine, which is ro be tidinj .lecourpatioii of tuan, i. way ,-arolv ?? in) we its growth;' fa-hog, into festoons h,. ...

Literary Notices

... cll I O jitmull j4i otim. Tnx TOMMIEDEG SHOOTINGS; OR, A m3oon IN I SCOTLAND. By THO1MAs JEANS. With illus- hm trations, by Percival Skeltan. London: pri R1utledge, Warne, and R ut'edge. - in WHEn the days begin to creep in, and coal and evt gas bills increase-when advertisements of gla it warm clothing and cough lozenges hint of ani the approach of winter, it is pleasant to recall, f by ...


... FASHIONS FOP SEPTEABER. (FROM LE FOLLr.T.) ±'iace maere Notwithstanding the dullness of the weather, County ?? and the. want of harmony between it and the tember, ?? Creditors data- of the, almanac, every One is occupied with dealer en I prprtos for the ssta~&ide season, and none of D. El. a, but light fabrics ace thought of'. For instance, Street. -Ktli barege is the principal article for ...

Literary Notices

... YNcraril ,,4-To f i t t S. I I Soasu Or LAiteoti AieD DOxESTIC LIE; ?? RHYMES FOR LlTTLH READERS, 'B ALI. ASDER SMART. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimnr.o. Mit Sis&aT has bcen long known to us in his capacity as a Scottish poet. The title of this book indicates those qualities of his ?? wbich many years ago won our admiration: strong belief in the dignity of labonr-love of horne amd fireside-a childlike ...

Literary Notices

... 7 1 -11? , ?? t - . . 13t r?lu? ',W-tia .4 - ?il A i TiEm BLACKWELL PRuzrs Essjtr paz 1860,V London: EM. arlborough and. Co. h To one -who seriously Considers the matte; it (0 must appear singular that Protestantism should ri have made so little progress whben compared CQ with the wide sway, the gigantic strides, and.the hb still increasing power of Popery. A more in- i32 teresting inquiry ...

Original Poetry

... . 063.1ditat, Vjotfrg? THE VOLUNTEER IEV1EW AT EDINBURGMF,: 7.Tt AUGUST 1860. Let Scotland's Lion flaunt the sky- Let pibroehs rend the air, Telling to all, both far and nigh, The Lion leaves his lair I From city and front mountain glezn rours forth the rwhing tide or more than twenty thousand men, The flower of Scotland's pride. They come to show old Scotland's Qucen That Scotland's sons ...

Literature, Science, Art, &c

... life'laturt, it' All) it. 'he-TsroeTerson i .L.5to hag been given Mer J- f. Wright, the veteran water-colour 'Mainter. ?? M. Vwrzter Thornbury proceeds to thin United wit ,,fte,9with an eye to a volumne of sketches of no, me_ and things Transatlantic. ths Tie late Mr Woodhsarn has bequeathed to cot thze Britisi, Iuslitution and Io the twu So:!ietn 4 dat ,of Painters in Water Colours the sum ...

Original Poetry

... . 0? -, orql ?? -V -. Ur : . .. f Q. - EDINBURG'S HEART OF STONE. Helplessly drmik.-on that heart of stone As.atony aud.cold-,,without movement or moan- -She lies, and the nig it wir d, with sobs of distress, FluttJers the rags 'f the loathsomne'dreas, 'Thatbut shws'-her sex-, nor hides her shame- .Andthere's no one to blame? No-There's no one to *. b'.arel ?? e ?? Above iher, the ancient ...

Literary Notices

... jur-41-11 II h -tices, _ v-- THE MAGAZINES OF THE MONTH J [COtCLUDING NOTICE.] FrsrASE1 opens with a new tale Id Conway, E in lieu of Wheat and Tares, eovluded. in last urober. The story introduces ts to an glish I nnly on a German visit, makes a very good ornibencement, Bll lpromises plenty of adven- tre. In Gryll Grange Rthe ev. Dr Opilfia ' continues to deal out his learned and sent ...

Original Poetry

... .I II tera tlal; ,t Xi . . AN-THONY MAILEY,. : . H 5rn L BOYr s sTHAT OrNTO &BAD r WAY OV - . ErO ,NEWSPAPERS. . Bsille BLActADbkR-(to prleoaer)-What, have t . you been doing'since you ran lawany;fom school,? U -'Mr 3 EE ?? bf United Industrial Scbools)-Je has got into a bad wsvay'of, elling iiewvs. papers-flaughter.-fesees, atid'articles Of float descrlp.. ,ion.' , - . . Ochi An'thony Mailey ...

Original Poetry

... Oriina Voettq. THE HERO OF ITALY. 'Onee more, and yet again, King of our tlsnel Third of a trio that can never die t This of proud Scrntland, tbat Helvetla's cldme, t Thoa-oi tne sunny, sivores oGitIly. Great Liberator I with each deed sublime- Wherein all elements of greatness lie, e Whatever patriot, hero, sage, bath Sought b Guerdeons of endless fame-thy history is wrought! io As the ...