... ilk Sl)balssi Ca1)j~aegss ice M/0'occo. By FRsEDERIcK BARD- MSAiN, Special Correspondent of The Times. W. Black- wood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. SOME of our readers have already seen these letters, as they appeared in the Timces, written from the head-quarters of the Spanish army during the war with Morocco. They eave of course been revised, and now form a connected narrative, the ...


... 11 (Toov Xe 'Folet.) i- BAjREGE is the principal article for derni-toilette, either I- sprinkled with small bunches of flowers, or embroidered s pease, of a darker colour than the barege itself. Popiinette it is much admired, and very elegantly worn ; the beautiful d folds in which it falls produce a graceful effect. Grey r barege, embroidered in colours, with flounces bordered with Ls the ...


... -COURT DF.1FA8ION. On'Her Majecty'j journey to Oobourg she will be met at Coblentz: by our amnbassador at.Frankforti Sir Alex. ender Malet, and his suite, who will accompany the Qaeen to Frankfort. Her Mejesty is expected to page the night of the 27th at the Eritel d'Angleterre, and on the following day the royel party proceeds by the Royal Bdvarian State Railway to Aichaffenburgh, where the ...


... THIE STA TUPE BOOX. r A correspondence On the subjes t of the reforma- tion of the Statute Book has just been published by order of the House of Commions. The following, letter from Mr. Bi-gg to Mr. J. C. Hamilton is the m mo st interesting of the series:- I January 2, 18G0. d I beg to request the actention of the Lords Commission- y era of her Majesty's Treiiury to your communications of ,f ...


... DbAeA, MUSIC, &e. Sunnnv.-This popular theatre has renoenred, under the IOng-estcblijaed joint management of Mfess~rs. Oreewick aud Shepherd, with a very poweorful company. A now mielodrama, foil of striking sititations, called 1Ralph. Gaston; Or, the Three Lives, has been pla~yed with much Success. The plnt of thre piece is as follows :-Padpha Gosten, the son of a British Yeoman, has' a ...


... PICKING-S PIROMx PUNOEH -% 7 M4Wbesandilie1V t , -1the'author ?? t eei Mr,, O'BrieznuthaA ton , - Totoltetin nuet,'!J it4 Wh etf~ty~ei~fD lb . i ...


... Ton will not expect much literary news at this season of the year, when all authors and publishers have, like Queen Guinevere, fled the town, but there is more book gossip- than September usually supplies. Messrs. Longman's quarterly NIotes on Books-a soft of trade circular or price icurrent of their house-announces several interesting books *as forthconming,- Prominent among them- is a, ...


... T.HE COUR T. BAgMORAL, AUOUST 29.-IHer Majesty, accom- panied by Princess Alice, and attended, by the Hon. Beatrice Bynrg, left Alt-na-Guissach yosterday'morn- ig, and returned to the Castle in the evening, having ridden round by Loch Callater. The Prince Consort went out deer-stalking, and rutnroed to the Castle in tile evening. The Prince aind Princess of' Loiningen amrived at the Castle ...


... PUBLIO AMUSEMENTS, In very cold weather, espeially, say in the bitter month of August, it is nothing short of a real pleasure tobebusy. The vulgar, but sensible, recommendation Buiness first, and pleasure afterwards, is univer- sally believed in, or at least believed in by all those honest dull souls who go to make up the wealth of the nation, and do not knoV hoa superior a thing to bmsi. ...


... 1sIIJO0N Ajr BRIGIITOY. -[rO'M TlIE 1IIcIGIITOS GAzPTTr.1 Lord Harburton arrived at Albion-house, Kiog's-road, en ?? Bllenday. f Lady leutincek arrived at 40, Cannon-place, on Monday. Lieut.-Colonel Cavendish and Lady Emily Caveudish Lava left the Norfolk Hotel, after a considerable stay, for l- Ayot, St. Lawrence, Welwyn, Herts. Sir George and Lady Elizabeth Osborne and family have removed ...


... The season is fast drawing to a close, and several of the no most popular members of the company have left in order to fulfil other engagements, and their plaees have been supu plied by others. The M2anager baed engaged, at considerable expense, Mir. Leigrh Murray, of Drury Lane and the Adeiphi w, Theatres, and he made his first appearance here on Mondayo~ night, at Stoyle's Benefit, in the ...


... THE ITALIANT OPERAS.; La Favorio was presented last, evening' before a Dublin audience for. the first time this season, and the sUCfccss attending its production on this occasion; must with justice be attributed to the superior artistic; style in which the solo and concerted gems of its musie' were executed, rather than toe any popular'appre'ciationaof its value ae a lyric drama.;- Rarely, if ...