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Lothian, Scotland

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Literary Extracts

... .I - ii?? ?? - tt i ? ?? X, c-rarg I x I The admirers of Colonel Hamley, theauthorP of Ladsy- Lee's Widowhood, and historion. 3 grapber (in Maga) of the Siege of Sebhwtopol, -will be happy to-hear that the Messrs Blackwood t have in the press a new work from the pen of: p the gentleman who is at once a most successful ;i novelist and Professor of Military History and a -Art at the Staff ...

[ill] Science, Art, &c

... -1h kIllt1irt, f) ?? ] - M , ?Ar IrMsautt t ,,'ytS& antn-'UnveS a new novel, by the .2-=9.sucnrE~t-'Swim iciy and Fascination, to be .el~z't4; -`G-lady3s the Raper. ?? 7S~flioe;Colltns's novel, The WVoenan in - r'WetW6 obserlee, has just been added by ti ats nf'-,ieiprig, to his copyright collection i-:eEstt-41&Gsies. -7L kt', 0f Ctid ...


... O T E . AT .. ! SO. 'VOLUNTE.ER REVIEW AT WINDSOR, On Thursday the Berkshire Volunteer R fle (Corps was reviewed by Major-General Seymour in Windsor Great Park, in presence of an as- semblage of pwajids of 30,000. spectators. Previous to'the review, a rifle match was held for the possession of several valuable prizes' which had been presented for competition. The spot selected for' the ...

Literary Extracts

... I Wittrai'll O ratts. THE IDEA OF THEl SP6rSNING.JPNNY.-We take the suhjoined ,-xlract from a most interesting volume- Men who Have Risen: -Suddeeily be (James Hargreaves) dropped upon his knees, and rolled on the stone floor a: full length.- Hie lay with his lace towards the floor, and made lines and circles with the end of a burned stick. le rose and went to the fire to burn his stick. He ...

Original Poetry

... Oriina Voettq. THE HERO OF ITALY. 'Onee more, and yet again, King of our tlsnel Third of a trio that can never die t This of proud Scrntland, tbat Helvetla's cldme, t Thoa-oi tne sunny, sivores oGitIly. Great Liberator I with each deed sublime- Wherein all elements of greatness lie, e Whatever patriot, hero, sage, bath Sought b Guerdeons of endless fame-thy history is wrought! io As the ...

Literary Notices

... Vi 't r av b~tic . THF, REVIVAL: or Wno TEACHET1H LIKE GOD? By the Rev. JOHN PHILIP, Minister of the Free Church of -,Tordoun. Edinburgh: J. Maclaren. LJrST autumn witnessed unwonted scenes on many a harvest field. The rural scandal and the rural jest' gave way to eager queries and re- plies on subjects which, expounded by our Lord himself, warmed the hearts of the two disciples journeying to ...


... TE. JULL]EN IESTIVAL. The obligations which the public of thiB Count- try oweto the late M_ Jullien, for his untiring 3D Lm we %ppoin¶tr seal in ministering to their amusement during the last twenty years, have been fully appreci- lonel1 ated in this city, and, we are glad to think, to Lienten5 some extent repaid by the patronage accorded Dr Dun to the magnificent entertainment which last- ...

Literary Notices

... It , . THI& MAGAZINES OF THE MOXTH - -- a First in P'ace alnd first in merit Rmong the cv contents of the CORInILL is Mr Thackeray's tt lecture upon the third of the Georges, It lacks le somewhat tbe charm of novelty, for many read- ers must have heard it delivered; and the best bits have already been anaele familiar by news- R paper reports. Still, it will be perused with v, delight, and its ...

Literary Extracts

... - 'TER AND the many marked since .Adtap~torro of e~aruirc tol the rmtnI of ne),it war( ..aeevis ove or the Inii sitnpuldr that trees i- wivth uende secialiv for. the aftdfn,,.en. 'oV the i'ativ ?? mountain sbonld be in broad outline the ten d ,ms ibrmal Of trees. Toe vine, which is ro be tidinj .lecourpatioii of tuan, i. way ,-arolv ?? in) we its growth;' fa-hog, into festoons h,. ...

Original Poetry

... . 0? -, orql ?? -V -. Ur : . .. f Q. - EDINBURG'S HEART OF STONE. Helplessly drmik.-on that heart of stone As.atony aud.cold-,,without movement or moan- -She lies, and the nig it wir d, with sobs of distress, FluttJers the rags 'f the loathsomne'dreas, 'Thatbut shws'-her sex-, nor hides her shame- .Andthere's no one to blame? No-There's no one to *. b'.arel ?? e ?? Above iher, the ancient ...

Original Poetry

... .I II tera tlal; ,t Xi . . AN-THONY MAILEY,. : . H 5rn L BOYr s sTHAT OrNTO &BAD r WAY OV - . ErO ,NEWSPAPERS. . Bsille BLActADbkR-(to prleoaer)-What, have t . you been doing'since you ran lawany;fom school,? U -'Mr 3 EE ?? bf United Industrial Scbools)-Je has got into a bad wsvay'of, elling iiewvs. papers-flaughter.-fesees, atid'articles Of float descrlp.. ,ion.' , - . . Ochi An'thony Mailey ...

Literary Notices

... cll I O jitmull j4i otim. Tnx TOMMIEDEG SHOOTINGS; OR, A m3oon IN I SCOTLAND. By THO1MAs JEANS. With illus- hm trations, by Percival Skeltan. London: pri R1utledge, Warne, and R ut'edge. - in WHEn the days begin to creep in, and coal and evt gas bills increase-when advertisements of gla it warm clothing and cough lozenges hint of ani the approach of winter, it is pleasant to recall, f by ...