... PICKINGS FROM PUNCH, EXIT ROMBAT.INn' be EXIT BOMBALINOl The Earthquake growls beneath his feet, Vesuvius banks her fires, o'erhead, Bewildered gbirr' through the street Slink with a tamned and timorous tread. r. The ptiest holds up his trembling hands, In vain to sainted Januarius; The Despot's hungry hireling bands ?? to deem their pay precarious. Armed Retribution pours its force id From ...


... LITESTY MISCELLANEq& -- - - - -* EMLaS TO CoNvErSATIoN-Society is a picnic t every one should bring his share of the entertO° 'oh Some look pretty, some dress well, some talk mert vory few do all. It is a blessing to havre a good etl; and but if one is defcient in that respect, where is the hea°y refreshing it beforehand. Perhaps it wovtp be a of borrow a few ,good things than not have th ...


... FASRIO2 MrI) DVARETIES. I -.: T-ASHIONCA - - . VR'E. I I The Right lon,. the Lord .Chief3 Ju1tice. has errired atlnrrlrchglsss, acconipenled by Misses Lefroy and GcergiLrtroy.-,: ;!. :..'' :' .1,, 1,, ,Ih.; :o0.Ferrall ,as~narvived iet~llis. reside~nce, arripn-vsiiuoarc, fl-nitheP cntinkcl t. ' Siirg'on Bu'tclier fiis lfttowrifor three week9. Doctor Evory'aKe i-;tdy,,wIsbselellali has icen re ...

Theatrical Rifles in Paris

... TO THE EDITOR OF rTIER BRA. Theatre, Port St. Martin, Paris, Sept. 10. My dear Sir,-Perhaps at the present moment, when all are so enthusiastic in the cause of the Rifle Movement in England, you would like to hear some account of the secret expedition undertaken by the Royal Princess's Rifle Corps to show the French nation a specimen of their abilities and discipline. We started on Sunday, ...

Published: Sunday 16 September 1860
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 570 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I I~c - : nAI- .'~ -_ e lig] The Globe of Saturday, which is thle only Londron t papebr that has any comments Ont the fall of Perugia, the intelligence 'not- having~ reached Londnutllt on l Saturday, has the annexed commtentst onl the arffair' ,t Petuia i avened. estedas :Inbyat- rp catured Goenerale Anhony Schmidt, the hru uero ofptioes la 'Peruigia calpta.' 'ihe Pa~sid tioops fought ...


... .152 V .. TV . (Frorn the Gloucestershire Ch/ronicle.) In a few days, a volunteer review will take place in this P ciy h getmltary station of the Ronians,; thle battle- P f o h E ld was divided between the Saxons aned tnwihe D nes th otress which turned the success of Charles I. into misfortune; in all ages a great historical site,r and in our own days a commercial centre which would be r one ...


... A CLERK'S DREAM. At the desk I sate a-dreaming, and my dreams were of those days~ When with light step I wandered-climbed the heather-purploed braes, W'here the winds, all times refreshing, kissed my brow and acuity hair, And the song birds' joyous warblings woke the echoes every- where. In the depths of an old dim forest, 'neath the shadows of the trees, kh~~u~~il I Iay, msel heart-full, ...


... PRAX4 Muslo, ?? SADLER'S WFLLS -This tbeatre has re-opened for the winter season, under the sole lesseeship of Mr. Phelps. The house has been tastefully decorated, and a new droup- scene, representing the church at Stratford-the Avon, with a swan floating, on it, forming the foreground- has been very riuely painted. The opening play has been 11 As You Like it; Mr. Puelps, of course, taking ...


... 2; OR I ?? M -sf aGA L FESTI VA L. [rnos ou. OwN OWN OterltrS.] NORWICH, TNIIcsAY. The first perfor moonce--a extra one as cortprr llr with previous years-took place last evening. St. Andrew's- hall was pretty walt filled, although there wore some vacant seats; and the general effect was brilliant and imposing, although, on looking above front the gay and bright scene below, the eye rested on ...


... BANAGHER GREAT ANN UAL FAIR. THE CATTLE FAIR, TUISDAY, SEiruiE[nrt 19.-As usual at this great annual maiket, long established, and the results of which have been so much looked for, this day was appropriated to the exclusive sale of horned stock, and such figures having beeti obtained at the last fair, expectationr were high, and it was, generally sup- posed that it would turn out a good fair. ...


... I THE HBStEN FAI1-MIoam.4Y EVENING, SET. 17.- This being the second day of this great annual fair, it was, as usual, devoted to the sale of horses, of which there was a very large supply, but the greater portion were of an inferior description, and were driven out unsold. It was stated by some who have resorted the fair for several years thatthesupply was unusuallylarge, whilst by others it ...


... A- ?? B AM. - r.A- or. _J~iJL XJ1i WI.± U IW1. cli 1% .Oass FORt Rxvinw. -Books, Music, New Engravings, ?? intended for review, left at the establishment of Mr' C. Ms'CklE~rA, Rled Lki'n-court, Fleet-street London, addavased to the Editor otf the Derby Mercury, will be -~rwarded and receive at tettion. MAGAZINES, &c. T2se A,'t-Journal. No. LXIX., New Series, September. lonsdon: GEORGE ...