... I HOUSE WI S - 1 - I .N I * }IOUSEI0 ?? UsVUBPoOm AND umw U um&kBI'I U . jo- e- ?? i . . . 7 ~~sd. ,d t*tt ?? l;6 O 8.. O bl'? .0.? , .?t, p p 8- C ?bF .Jh . *, n ?? Q «'n C B0lli; 4 ' - ?? I wo, I ?? Ha-look 4l 0' '0'St? ..,2 ° * 38 4: ?? 8ji;;C; .5, a 0, ..6 &e04 ; 86 6 2 ° .. ?? 0. 4 ?? 0 S 0,.1 O' a 0o i~jo..~IXSG8.. ?? ?? ?? 0 Q.. .s., 0 0 O, ?? ?? O0 O ! . ?? ?? 0 . 7,:0 ?? 0:.. 0 0. ...


... - TRIFLES. corn not the slightest word or deed, Nor deem it void of power; There's fruit in ech vwind-wafted seed, Waiting its natal hour. A whisper'd word may touch the heart, And esfl it hack to life; A look of love bid sin depat And still unholy strife. No act falls fruitless; none can tell How vast its powers may be, Nor what results unfolded dwell Within it silently. Work, and despair not ...


... I:. HO I = e -. aORN IrTA g 0~ ORIP ao I engage maj be done Iit'S x t .BlT11-MARRIAGES; a DJiATI c N*?O ISOtOO of 1314b. Manliap, or Jbah r bhaetd 4 Adirly' tSrZ~ 4 W° ?twplrPWAMreotr, UM. Robert, Xraae; r -adaughter. ?? - aps; 22, v i 4f..oh~ Go ,I .of a ., ?? ; ?? lb. jbvl.~ canbu J W . . ?? Rap, ?? ?? J theo ?? Jo Bmr.aWli aoi Parrwnomrhntala 'ahE toth. of Holywell;' : a l we,7ane time and ...


... NORTH PIBBLESDALE AGRIUULTURAL I ASSOCIATION. I This ,rcl~tit's twelfth annual exhibition vas held at settlc oin Thlursday last, the show ground being in a1 eldl situia, Edju't outside the town, and about msidway between Settle and thle adjacent villages 'of Laugeliffe, Stainfortli, and Gi gl1oqwo~k. Being favoured with delightful weather vieitersswtro numerous, and included, besidee local ...


... DbAeA, MUSIC, &e. Sunnnv.-This popular theatre has renoenred, under the IOng-estcblijaed joint management of Mfess~rs. Oreewick aud Shepherd, with a very poweorful company. A now mielodrama, foil of striking sititations, called 1Ralph. Gaston; Or, the Three Lives, has been pla~yed with much Success. The plnt of thre piece is as follows :-Padpha Gosten, the son of a British Yeoman, has' a ...


... 1sIIJO0N Ajr BRIGIITOY. -[rO'M TlIE 1IIcIGIITOS GAzPTTr.1 Lord Harburton arrived at Albion-house, Kiog's-road, en ?? Bllenday. f Lady leutincek arrived at 40, Cannon-place, on Monday. Lieut.-Colonel Cavendish and Lady Emily Caveudish Lava left the Norfolk Hotel, after a considerable stay, for l- Ayot, St. Lawrence, Welwyn, Herts. Sir George and Lady Elizabeth Osborne and family have removed ...


... THE ITALIANT OPERAS.; La Favorio was presented last, evening' before a Dublin audience for. the first time this season, and the sUCfccss attending its production on this occasion; must with justice be attributed to the superior artistic; style in which the solo and concerted gems of its musie' were executed, rather than toe any popular'appre'ciationaof its value ae a lyric drama.;- Rarely, if ...


... THE COURT. THE QUEEN'S ARRIIVAL AT ANTWERP. BRUSSELS, SEPT. 24.- Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the Princess Alice, and the Prince Consort, accom- panied by Lord J. Russell and a numerous suite, arrived at Antwerp in the Royal yacht about twenty minutes betbre eight o'clock this mornint. The Royal flotilla, which was composed of the Victoria naed Albert, the Vivid, and the Osborne, reachedl the ...


... THE CUrfATEI'S FIRlESIDE. I have one only daeghter, But she is more to me Thtan if I had a score or so To olustor round my lnee; And no'er by hoon coiupttfliotk WeS idler's time beguiled, As the onroto'5 leisure momenta By tho prattil of his child. Mvi weorthy friend and vicar, The Iteverend Mr. Blount, Of little rosy children Has moro than be can count; And the good man semiles aeoeuely, And ...


... HIGHLAND SKTCHne IVr. TM CHURCE. The foreground from tis point of sight Mlust briefly us detain The, parish church starnds& on the right, net, neatt, and very plain. ehbind the church are garden plots; The sluggard bath been there, com soe we½ U';iJr tbe finest spots An O1Wly one of aiI the iota Shows culture or good care, Who owns that one ?1 The minisiter, * A man said, looking sinister, ...


... guadouladho Y NEGRO TRALLODUS. a Ar lia y Missouri m ewn dycbryn a galar - y Eisteddai y Negro trallodusi ilawr; O'i ddeutu yn swynol, telorai yr adar, Ond wylo wniai ef, a'i flinderau oedd fawr: Ysbeiiwyd ei r ryddid-anwylyd dynoliaeth; Mae prudd-der a hiraeeb yn llanw ei fron, d Wrth feddwl am Affric-magwrfa ei genedlaeth, c Le bu gynt yn rhodio yn rbydd ac yn lon. Trueni I fe'i ?? A chadwyn ...


... LIT E R A T U RE. SCIEN!IIc PA~uING MADE EASY1.4 Mr. Fletcher is a sensitle and unostentatious guide. He has learning, and he has experience. He does not pretend to make a farmer by giving him a manual. He ?? faroing, a man mustfarm. Science is Of Use only to the ?? who has mastered all the practical details of his businegs. But, the practical details once mastered, soience is of infinite use ...