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... BALLiNASLOr F&IR, (FnOM OUit RPoTEtA.!) BALIUNASLOE, WooNaESDAY, EVENuNG.-The great annual fair of Ballinaseloe, which may be truly desig- nated -an event of national importance, and the inte- rest of which increases every year, will open to-morrow morning at six o'clock. For some days past the inha- bitants of Ballinasloe have been making active prepa- rations for the reception of visitors, ...


... I 'GREAT OCTOBER FAIR OF TUAI. ( (FROa OUR CORRE5PONDENr.) TUAm, mioenDAY.-ThIs vas one of the largest cattle fairs ever held in Tuam. In fact, it was the opinion oi many that it came very nearly, if not actually up tr Ballienaloe, in point of nunshers and general quality of the supply. LOng before daylight the lots began to pour in, and to such an extent that a large tract of the. adjoining ...


... I U IlE OnIOND;STREET TRAGEDY. --- ? -~TT TRULcL OF GILL. COhIItITSSION COURT-YESTERDAY. The Lord Chief Baron and the Right Hon. Mr. Justice Ball entered court at half -past ten o'clock, when the trial of William Gill, for the murder of his wife at 14, Olincrd-sticet, in August last, was resumed. Tbe croyv i, as on the previous dtiy,was represented by Sergeant Lawson, QO.C; Mr. J. E. Walshe, ...


... FAIRS IN ULSTER DURING TIME ENSUING I WEEK. ANTRIn.-Carnlough, Friday. AR)IAGIT. - Mountnorris, Mlonday; Calhyianna, Tuesday; Blackwvatertowvni, Tonesborouighi, Tandragee, Wednesday; Lurgan, Thursday; Keady, Friday. CAVAN.-Bntlersbridge, Monday; Shercocl;, Stra- done, Wednesday; Swadlinbar, Saturday. Do%.-Castlewellan, Monday; Gilford, Ifilltown, Portaferry, Tuesday; Crossgar, Donaghadec, ...


... I FASHION AND VARIETIM | Mr. William Smith O'Brien, accompanied by Mrs. O'Brien and family, left Linerick Saturday evening for Dromoland House, on a visit to Lord lchiquit. The Marchioness of Londonderry and a party of distinguished guests arrived at Powerscourt Houso 03 Thursday night, having arrived at Xlugstoin, via Holyhesd, fromn London, at six o'clock, pm. With regard to the cOn. ...


... FASHION AND VAE TIES, I One of the young Prinees of the House of Orleans has entered his name as a pupil in the course of lectures on Architecture, at the London University Col- legs.' The Earl and Countess of Cork have arrived In London from a Continental tour. The noble earl and countess loams shortly for Marston House. Somerset. The Coutitess of Glengal and Lady Matilda Butler have arrived ...


... (FROMI OnaR CORReSPONDEST.) CLOaEus, F;nxn)Y.-Our old-established fair, held on yesterday, was largely supplied with horned cattle, whilst the show of stock in the sheep and porcine de- partments were on a rather limited scale. Best quality beef showed a decline, the top figure realised being 5id. per lb., sinking offal; mediocre descriptions brought 5d., and inferior classes 4id. per lb. ...


... CATTLE SHOW AT TOAM. (FROM OUR REPORTER.) Ttihz, ToeunsDAY NinTy -The show, which opened under the very depressing influence of wet and stormy weather, received, after three o'clock, an unexpected turn of good fortune in the way of bright sunshine, which effectually dispersed the rain-clouds for the re- mainder of the, day, and rendered the proceedings of. the exhibition of a very animated and ...


... = - -; -- i '. R I I,. 1~:' . -,. .FAmO B ARIEIED.- -- , _ _ . .. , . 1 . ,. . -I Ei- Egxcellency cptertained the following psrtys t'dinmllr on Monday :-Theoktonttss of Shannon, Lird Janmes aDd Lady Rachaesi Butler, Lady Cnroltne Lascelies, the Miisses Lnscelles, thlo Hon and RoY F and Lady Elizabeth Grey,. Hon J Leigh, Mr -Seymour, Grenildier Guards; Mr Vyner, Grenadier GuardO I .Lleutenalt ...


... I I Tris DuBLL UNIVERsiTY MXiqAzxNr-A very good number-the fare varied-solid or-amuslng, and suited to evey palate. 'I'he alarm about the future of the hel- meted lady who rules the waves is not confined to. Eng- land. The Univeraity is touched with the infetion, and, in a clever paper on French and English aimaments, takes M. Clariguy's statistics and speculatious to task for concealing the ...


... _. This evening his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has intimated his intention of being present at the Theatre Royal, where, by desire, Mr. Drew-who, we are happy t to state, has completely recovered from his recent indis- position-will appear in his inimitable character of Handy Andy. Last evening Mr. Montgomery took his benefit before what might be fairly termed a good house. He is an ...


... I , FASHION AND'VALIETIES.' Lord and Lady Durnally, fimily, and suite, have returned to Kllboy from Dublin. The Earl and Countess of Bective have left Pray to join Mre. Thompa.n at TUnderly Hall, lHirkby-Lonsdale; restrenslcand We arelhappy to learn herladyehiphasquite recovered from her late severe illness. Lord Otho Fitzgerald, one of the directors of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, to at ...