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Literary Notices

... i'-tc-a-g B40ftto. C; BATION By TxouAs HurosN, F LS., Captain Bengal Army. London: wVil. Alleat.and Co. uithor of this handsomevolume--which -we state, at the risk of frightening most 'tas is devoted to an interpretation of the joss of the Apocalypse-has, happily, in his | fae, enabled us to give at a glance the 1i iupon which he proceeds to lunfold the tvteries of the book. Like most ...


... PICTURE OF To SCOTTISH VOLUXTEER REVIEW B Y. MR SAMUEBL OUGH. The S ?? wiliie ?? Par has.Alre a ildtof seI ?? versatile townsman, Mr a .Sauekil able-ls ?? his s`ccess: , scenery au endf,the,:r~eev e,5-;gr+,ouyW Aei,,abIes'. the - P arbisti to a rd or overcomne -a- y of the diffl-, 'eulties i.eoiine'tied weitli the 'ei~ese'rtation of' F such nto a,&. t~h~e,;r efie ?? E Bough, wdh his 'weliowa ...


... LITERA TURB. 1COTFALLS xON THE BOUNDARY or AXOTvn3 WORLD, with PNsnative Illustrations. By Robert Dale Owen, formerly Member of Congrs s and _merican Minister to Naples. Londons Thitbner & Co., oD Paternoster Row. MTE truth' that extremes meet may be aptly illustrated in tennection with the volume before us. Robert Dale Owen is sn of Robert Owen, of New Lanark, who gained for him. sel a world ...


... ' IGHLAND SKETCHES. ?? - n TT.- VII. THE ISLE OF 3IUL. Our easel's cow turn'd t the west, And there a little it mast rest; Far in the ?? en FrWithbhils dark blue and plains bright green; This picture of the hapPY isle Was sketched in true Salvator style, Ere lowland bagnen ventured forth With BarPnes DO far west and north; qua reproduced here, line and shade, AnldDeithser worse nor better ...


... LITER A T U R E. Wimp?1' HAsiwoOK To Scwnsb FOR ToupasTr: Illua- trated with Maps, Plans, ?? Views. By the Rev. John M1. Wilson. London: T. Nelson & Sons, Paternoster Row. 186se .TEI comprehensive nn-d .ystematio style, so tastefully cor- ?? in this valuable work, give to it special pretensions to Public notice. WhNe embracing every object and place of Riterest in Scotla, and giving every ...

Original Poetry

... ?? -77?? . - . ?- ?? 4? - Origli 1-111''i A THOUGHT AV TAFIESIDE.', The winds are rinekilnglous,, dear;Tom,:: .. The clouds are drifting dark, And the fitful torrents of the ruin Are lashing and shakingthe windowv ppne ; I sit in the fir.light dim andired, , And I think of the loved ones living a.n dead- ;,e th Tliey are.fewv.dear Tom,- .v l ..:And youd; Toml ,, ,.ri ' he ssshe latest left of ...


... . LIT E R.A-TUR L -io:jamesNett&C B rne ~ra we T.31a4is -the woyk, we ?? -Alfackay, -for i apme~tamey aespeeted Epiacopebin~ clergy~man in the, towuf ?? of Inernes, an nw a caplaini to he`r.Majesty's foreesi I da. Its prnia ?? this, ta tpeet c sttalight-reading sketch of the Indiian natiasies- thttt is, ifmoe may wisihotit levity apply the term lih edn oany- thing havin'g referensce to ?? ...


... | THE THEATRE ROYAL-MISS GLYNm. Last evening this trigic actress parsonated Shakspere!s Ciepatra-a character peculiarly suited to that lof by and in passioned sty le in which thih lady canwalk'forth, lend ado'rna melt to regal1 pomp; andiinpart grace to *3man'a. the most elevated sphere. -Wie laswtight saw vividlygshadovd forth by MilsiGlyn the imnperious Queen of Egypt, iith her'fass-a ...


... PTICKINGS F ROM P-UNaH. r- Ufst. TE A~LLOCUTION.I The following is a snummary of the Allocution delivered by the Pope in the Consistory held on the 25th King Victor's a wretch and a horrible thief, Blasphemer, church-robber, and stabber, And I'm happy to thiuk.he'll one day come to grief For being so greedy a grabber. As tonebing the sldiers who died inl my cause, N9o fate could be better or ...


... -* WEST TEVIOTDALE AEi CULTURAL *. - SOCIE TY'S 81OW.. : TRhis ann'ai exhibition took place yesterday at Hawiek.- The vweather was not altogether favdrl,1 'heavy showers of rain having faller : at intervals during.the forenoon The. attend- ance of farimers and other interested parties 'was large.' Trie shov of cattle wa very meagre; that of Leicester sheep and horses above the average, bath ...


... Id At- z { .- v v 4n.r | OCTOBER is leading us onwards towards the winter. We , have no longer the freshness and simplicity of the tissues r for summer, nor have we generally adopted the rich mate- a rials for winter. The autumn toilettes that are beginning to make their appearance combine somewhat the character of winter dress with the lighter and more cheerful aspect ' of the toilettes worn ...

Literary Notices

... 311traig I'dittoo THE MAGAZINES OF THE MONTH. h Off the ground of politics, BEACKWOOD is al- ways clever and sensible. There is only a one political paper this month-a review of b a recent book on Rome by MIr Hemans, v a son of the poetess-and, if not very cleve 0 it is both sensible and appropriate. Mor Hemans is one of those perverts who have i been led to join the Romish communion by a ...