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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Just Published, 8Imo, fancy cloth, Letetred, price lnle siiliKl THE fA THOLIC CHILD TAUGHT i1 By JESUS. Translated from the French by a Catholic Priest. Dublin: JOHN MULLANY, 1, PARL1AMENT-STRI' T. London; The Catholic Publishing ComP5ny* T'Iia Day ia1'ablilshed 8vo., Owed. price 18. rJ'HE CORPORA'rION OF DUBLN. T The LetterB of Pubsil's In the Dally Express, accom- ir {and ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HEATRE ROYAL, LUBLIN. T Contlrij'd success of the celebrated Irish Comredia, T o'll DltEW.-* The Irish Ernigrant-Patrlck O'Brien, lr Jehn Dibe~-The Omnibus-Pat Rooney, 32r John Drew. T11S EALNIING (Thursday), November 8th, the perfor- 11es will commence wvith the laughablo Farce of DELICATE CetoUND._Cltizen Sangfroid, Mr Yi Baynlbam; Alphonse de hTndier. Ir C Weston; Pauline, bliss S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II E A r R E U 0 Y A L, 1B ELBFAST. Al Coti~reaiina of CATHERINE HOWARD will wyl it VRf lOUIl y personatim tilgte hero c illhil )iNIO O, a d liVEN Nfl t'fil~tr,!Ihlsiv) y) Novotterib S, 1 SC 860 t ri wi l cote it ll 11Cna IN c tn tlhe Cie lebrate c )Ift:, i nl l Ft!At, ofl .cS o A C N IE l lNHOWARD; OlR THEO TOMB, 'I ,1111NE, AND SCAFFOLD. dielvold Mr. WVYBERT' ROUSBY. To cotiri tenMt th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jan iate IM 3iffiool PAINTINGS O.V V l'IEW THIlS DA Y ' owing to delay in the arrival of the ,,ost imaportant Pic- Oires till late Yesteriiik!/, Mr. CRA C EE, anxio,,s hail the admirers of thl Fine Arts should aee fsull oppOvi tuniiitq of inspecting this Magnifieent Collection, has POSTPONED the Sale far ONE DA Y. The Sale will take p plaee on PJIRDA Y and SATUR.4D 1, 9th enlm l0 oti nstanit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I Continved success of the celebrated Irish Comedian, ITjohiN DREW, who will appear This Evening (by special f.ire) as Handy Andy, being most positively his last ap- ,ear a Ic this charaetcr.-First Night of My Friend in the PI , °^_1S EVENING (Friday), November Jth, the per- So mnces will commence with the laughable Farce of KILL O MCIE-Air 3armaduke Mildmaa, Ur ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T II I S D A Y. WEST OF SCOTLAND EXIIITION! R. HENRY EVERARD, SECRETARY 01' 1'ropert) 5 late West oScotlasd Exlhl' itioin, Glasgo w, las to regret, on tthe epst of thle Artists and others. whosn Property ,as Exlitilted, that the Efo1tllow was not arl-rangedI to take place latter' in thet sellso aulcid, owin to the gret disappfint intfltRlt by many 'if these parties. lIe has Slnr-estoil to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SMOKERS AND T1IE TRADE. T EDW^ARl I;EEVIL havist; lisposcd of ts lIsitelest in -i the Estabilliheiatot at Nas~sau-str vet, tile business will be car- ried on at 27,AIERCIIANTIS.QUAY, Rs heretofore. (-OPE'S P AC KELT 'T OBiACCOES, S . tJ Maunlifuetrs red by a; I' ,ATlqE~iS' PflOCESS, vihll pre- or serves tflc eiaural flarour of tuic lieaf, inl 2cr. Lind jib Packets and Tlins. vi Hillney Deow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a 1]1115lC alil'af. tlt 1I F AT E ' 0 Y A L, T B BELFAST. (i aeun(t oln tile great success of CATHERINE . 110VW , it will] 'le rietpw il eed (luring the l teek. Tills fEN [NO lidoy), November 9, 1N 60, the Wri iesr ili llcor meonew ith the Ci thClbrated li ,Zl+E hi Fi lets .\|t. *,1 C.VfilE! l' IOWVARD; OR. THE, TOIMB, II 'iII11 IllNE, AN]) CAFFOLD, Edhetvil d' .. .i. IVYBEI1T ROUSBY. To1 C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1JYACINTHS, TULIPS, JAPANLILIES, J I. FOR FRESE1NT PLANTING. AlU Orders 21s. andS a71(irids seat, Cari'miiNe Pfldi, to BeI~iisl iand ny(i Se aorit 0O1 Me Irish Coast. COLLECTION A, FOR CONSERVAT1'ORY AND FLOWER GARDEN DECORATiON, 21D., Co ntains 1i heauti fii, Hlyacintlihs, 2 splenidid Japan Lilies, cxtrs. large roots; G Polyantlics Narcissus, 12 weet-scented Jonquils, 40 Narcissus, reticuis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. T. AUDEON'8 PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS. Ott 018O-MOR1O0W, the 11th Nov., ianediatelyeuterthe Gospel of the High Mass, which will commcnce at 12 o'Clock, the ANNUAL ClHARItTY SEIlMON will be preached in the Ncw Church of St. AidDEoN, IIIGII-STHEET, by the o1v. PATRICK MOONEY, PP., in ald of the above SchooiS, in which tue numerous Poor Children of the Parish and Neigih- bourbooui. of both sexes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 E A T, R E IR 0 Y A L, S 1 BELFAST. lC n n lf the 6rrat sne-igss Of CATHERINE \1). it will he repeatetd again th is Evenine. 'I 'I1lclri'til Dramia of THE BlEGGAR'S ,yl'l4 t.\'l2NNG (Satlltrday), Novemiet 10, 1St0, tile t I'. -t'tI InM IKs WiII coitlitieice wit] the Celebrated C ,l Illl. illIiv A et,, of r CATH'llEl'INE i\V:ARTD; OR, 'THlE TOMB, THRO111INE, AND SCAFFOLD. el ic~lciwl, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11BATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I Continued success of the celebrated Irish Comedian, yrJ.ll itiEW, win will appear This Evening as Captain or giagnire in the favourite Comedy of The Serious and .s O'Brien In -The Irish Emigrant`- LNIL;NIG (Saturday), November 10th, the performances Tli Commence with tile aiughable Farce of THE ROUGH LI.,1oND.-Lord Plato, Mr P Allen ; Sir WVilliam Evergreon, gir ...