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... amounted to 447 horses, 642 black cattle, 561 pigs, 149 sheep, 4 calves, and 4 goats. Total number of stock, 1,807.- Northeru Whig. CASTLEISLArea.-Our fair on Mouday was badly supplied, but quite sufficient for the demand. Spring. ers and milchers not worth ...


... astounds 'r'hi air is dense and wiltry; the plain heaves As With an earthlquake; to the coverts tiy The birds writh tremulous whig end piercing note, The stWed, ffriglted with averted ears And snorting nostril. leaps from side to side ?? w ildly, alid writh ...


... sent forth of .her having ex- pired that her Majesty recovered a warmth in her of breast and one of her arms. Dr. Mead, with whig 1 boldness, held out against the Jacobite physicians, 0 and predicted that the Queen would certainly die wer Ein one hour. ...