Advertisements & Notices

... THE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. P hR. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to an- 1V3 nounce the next BALL at his Rooms will take ] rlace about the middle of December. al NAVAL CAl)ETS, MARINE CADETS, &c. in EASTMAN'S tl ROYAL NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT, of EASTERN PARADE, SOUTHSEA. 3 5Z7 GENTLEMEN have passed from this Estab. cr lishment as Naval Cadets, and more than 200 D as Marine Cadets, &c. al At the last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTABLISHED 1838. r ITICTORIA and LEGAL and COMMERCIAL V LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 18 lung Willa C istreet, Ciiyy 2 Thomas Nesbitt, Esq. Chairmatn. a O'B. B. 'lWoolsey, Las. Deputy-Chairman. i Chrrles Baldwin, Esq. Sidney Gurney, Esq. a George Denny, Esq. W. I. Jameson, Esq. J. C. Oimsdale, Esq. John Jonee, [sq. William Elliott, M.D. John Nolrjoth, ESQ. ERob'rt Ellis, Esq. Mieaburp Stapilanol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yy~R zWILEY ARTRTinHADL- 7 arpo the ?? or enamm rainsd.& NOVETIESfor' CHR~ISTMAS and the aOiDexrnTs. smiftmRswH jzwIzKLS. WATCH and (1l.0K XANWFAcTuRER2 and ntFoRTRB of ZVERY 1)8CR7IMON of FANCY NOVEMTI& 1T. A. SIMM'8S and Co. Invite attention to their chlo n elegant AB2ORTKMENT of JZWE4LERY ?? niturca de Cheminis. Table Ornaenleu4l Dessin Cockn Gan- Bass, Pano Cbinet Ware, Medlueval mounted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE is hereby given, that the ORAL. ''PA RTN ERtS IP heretofore esbaistiog bstween us ths under- ~siv itO SE1NsO TitW A ITl PS arpd TH 0 il AR F ?? 'R.N E Y. and( )tr 1oHN 8SITI, as engineers and mnhliwrighte. at Bradford. in sbscoanty of York,isiider the style or firin of tR. Ithwattes and Co b entin lyDISSOLVE!D by ?? this Twenty-sixth day of November. 18O0. R. TIIWAITZ1S, Witeaia toe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN 3iR. HARRIS has tfhe hono100 to Snuounce the on- Sgeesat of Mr. and Mrs. CHAFLIFS ZAN for a limited priod. Theywillhe assisted byIlis aapmanlMssNChap. ,,, Xr G Everett and Mr J F Catheart, late Members of the lays, Princess's COmPanY.-TH18 EVENING (Saturday), pecemober lst, 1860, the pe) formsnces wili commence with the, istorical Play of LOUlS xl-Louls XI., Mr Charles X,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F URNITURE and DECORATION, V MEDAILLE D'IONNEUR, EXPOSITION UNI E'E- SELLE. 3855.-PlIZE iMEDAL GREAT XRlBiTION of 1851.-JACKSON and GRAHARI invite tle NOBILITY, GENTRY, and Families about to decorate or furnish, to visit their spacious show-rooms, gallei ies, and mnanufactory. at 85, 37, and 3S Oxford street. and Perly's place, Freston place, and Newman's mews adjoining. ArPPIN BROTHERS' TABLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALB:1ION BEWEJR2, Q-E3 ES EE, X WP ES x a Ie E. MULLETT &z Co. Beg to inform all Housekeepers and families they have taken the above, and have a Good Stock of Which they will send out in Small or Large Casks. IF NOT APPROVED OF WILL BE TAKEN BACK AND EXCHANGED. The XX Ales are pariticilarly recommended, at is. per Gallon. CASKS NOT CHARGED FOR. JOHN WARREN, GOLDSMITH, JEWVELLER, WATCH AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fH R E Y'S 25a OVE RCO A-T. SIO, 123 LH A MSIT 190EET' pIOFO E adHARMI)NIlMS ro 1 Tunie g and Repalra1-P'24 V.ENINC. P~artles, supplied with PIANOFORTES: EorH~MONI~fS~bqabyW~OODNEWS,2f, Lounanld dIARPX-TW7RUM1B CLOTHS, sad 'FLOQ~R. ?? QGTHS-ANDPW OMD &Co4. JRO D1DSTADSflE wad.TABLfl LIXEN Al4DlAWl$& VQ. TO STAY aAKR.-M1I'INLYS mpoe j. IYERINTG MACHIINE to bq con at 3.LdA ~ al '.I~IFNNURSERtY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MELROS COTTAGES, COTH-AM-ROAD). .1U1:Le neat and useful HOUSEHOLD FURTNITURE, CHINA GLASS, LINEN, BOOKS, A Octave Cotlage PIANOFORTE, bjy Wornum; A' painted whiged WARDROBE, An Igfeets of a Lady, de~ceased, at No. f), MELRIOSE- OOTTAGES. COTHAMA-ROAD: (,comprising bedstead and furniture, feaither beds, mattresses, ,L bhdding, ehests of drawers, weashastande and ware, tose- ~,(A1 and mahogany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Ds'EPOSIT,ASSURANCE,and DISCOUNT BANK -bX e FIVE PER CENT. onl sius for fixed periods, or at If seven days' notice, ?? per Cent. at' Call. l G. }L LIAWManager.- A 9Offices, 5, Cannon-street, West, E.C.. ?? __ ?? . fo l VERoY PERSON IIlS OWN PHYSICIAN !-Thousands of _ 1l ?? to be given awvay for the suppression of Quacklery, a on the receipt of One Peiny. Postage tanmp, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAOOB VAS1R, OVEROAT ~S~p.BR'S 8.IVRN3 AL - pARAFFIN O A~YT.D LEo GRAT)~S EITOH.I~N RGIM. -Of ffuperlor 54 GUI' ERCOA-33 ME EN$ ICKIS. GGUNW'. D ?? OUTA BRCHA.BOTOltDLIE'F D~~~ Xl]) B~~~OOT Ia. 6(.toe t~ICK'S GUPTA rEROIIA-BO~i~OMED BOYS' and 'DHOTQGRAPHS''on, Ivory, ?ae~,n Ga DAILY, at theos Iofd tsO o htgapy vrth fi Il ART MAN~UFAOTURE .-S.lLNGOF3 A).L'AW TMI. DAYS, at ?? ~.I h ?? ; ulr are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES-M'NConey Lent on J.. Personal Security, Leases, &c. I4 SUMS from t20 to £ 300 ADVANCED two or three 3 days after application, for two years, one year, or six r months (repayable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly B i ents) ; and good Bi lls Discounted. Chargls b oderalmte, and striet confidence observed. LONDON AND pRjOVINCIAL LOAN COMPANY Office, 69, Goswell-road London. ...