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... ,THE; SMITHFIELD CLUBi The Annual Exhibition of this society was opened tob the public at the Baker Street Bazaar,-London, on Tuesday, the private view, which was attended by Her Majesty the Queen,, the, Prince Consort,' Price Alfred, the Princess Alice, and Prince Louis of Hesse Darmnstadt, having taken place on Monday evening, after the prizes had been awarded. The Empress of the French, ...


... javidoulagm LLINELLAU ArfarwOlA Mr. Thomas Hughia, BOar, RhA. Ton.- TBYMDEIL Bn farw DYE-a dyn o worth I bawb trwy 'r dref; Yn ffrynd i bawb yn ol ei nerth, Y cawsom ef: Un didwyll, eerchog, giln ei fron, Yn gwisgo gwvu ar wyneb lion; Heb rwgnach dim o dan bob ten, A Uawer loes; Un amyneddgar-tirion fryd- Am wneutbur llea i bawb trwy 'r byd, Nes ennuill erch a pharch o hyd, Trwy afiach osB. ...


... LLINELLAU Arfarwokaetl' William Owev, mab Mr. D. Owen, gardd- wr, Llanrwsf, Yr Awn a fu farw Rhagfyr 9fecd, 1&60, ,ie dair blwydd a hanwer oed. PA beth oedd hyn, 0 ! frenin braw! Dycoliaeth sydd yn tori i wylo; Mae rhbswm dyn yn sefyll draw, Crutdaondeb sydd yn cywilyddio ? Ai byddar, dali, a mud wyt ti, Erch antur wibiwr difyfyrdod ? Al dyeitbr it' ein loesau ni, Pan d'rewaist William bach ...

Literary Extracts

... tv rm .. - ? , ? , - VIVCIO.: -91 ?a '61.0 TH El EGLISH J61 Sc'Scs -Of the guilt of a man 6onvictod 'by an.English jury; there can in ordinarr 'cases be absolutely no doubt at ~all. ?? ..any: transaction ctn claim the praise of deliberation, solemnity, impartiality, and absolute certainitym i its positive rtiicltt, it is an'E- P9! glish Criminal ?? mnip leavas~the dock of -opt courts rid : ear ...


... gadfollatth. PENNILLION ANERCH I Mary Emily, merchen* Mr. a Mrs. Jones, shop, Llan- rhaiadr ya Mochnant, ac 'wyres ilr Parch. C. Jonu, Dolggllau. PA le mae ?? yn y byd Mor dlws a baban bach, Mewn breuddwyd dedwydd yn ei gryd, Neu 'n gwenu 'n wyneb iach ? Y fechan dlos! pwy all wahardd Pennillio cerdd i ti? Mae 'r peth sy'n temtio awen baxdd Yn Mary Emily. Mae baban llon A'i lygad byw, Yn ffoli ...


... F EASHIONS FOR DECEMBER. From Le Pellet. The rigour of the commencement of winterly weather has prepared us for welcoming the new cloaks and mantles for out of 'doors, and there is no fear now of our complain- ing of their length or amplitude. Thepaletlt form is de- cidedly the most in favour. Either the paletdt sac with revers and small sleeves, or if one lvishes it less ndyligd, it may be ...

Poet's Corner

... ?? I j, 1, I ?? ' SON.-W1IRY DO YOU TELL ME I Why do you tell se 8he is fair And praise her beautiful eyes and ar? Why do you dwell on her radiant smile, And tell Of her delicate lipsthq while L Why,'Oh I Why, for her charms I see, But they can navel be aught to me;. Alas I that face, so near divine, Will light some other path than mine. Why do you tell methat hve' heart, -19 every virtue's ...

Poet's Corner

... t 9 I , I .P:? -i ; w most ?? .v ?? tnheebare tre, ?? ?? . Arid the inow-clad left, A.nd inhaled the cold breath ?? breeze; But I never saw the tree, N'or the snow- Covered leasem. But i thought 01 ?? and oe lngtreec Thiseworld iesa stage, . Wherefrom chilabo0d to aje *DleappolntrneiitO~r blxth~rlghtat-te ~nt, aipeal , Ma But tellnbie the man,,; S ine the Worl4,be~,jkn,:, That hoped not in ...

Poet's Corner

... SOfThT B o aT TE Qfllh (Writtinforthe Ms ?? C n t and lafl ' - W' 0* . e aremet ?? lu gai nhstival bright, Whore beautyand fashro are seen' Where.dCaeis dispie-edto reepitatefliight, ?? 'I'eaauce is worabipp das Queen.S:, ?? And shoiildsmeim'rya moment'look lodingly baok Ovefrlife's eventfulcarer, e - No happIer. ip6t3 *ill she find on iits traok ?? .3.And siva; 1tA biiterest ...

Literary Extracts

... r, I . f ;V~ev~s1 i~l!tfwv5frfirl. i/n ?? U:V i ' tI l ?? ~ ~ is ?? .'.!ir ;,ESti HIEDGFnOd8s FOOD.-I ?? rftenr heardrthatdiedgeF1; W1 hogs are'- gA6iodito` eat, and that gipsies are 'tesrtfond.i f, to' ., the,'aiihd tiiatthey are grea p~rfibignts in{ .thu'iartof fr ?? ooda~g ?? 'I have'lately had the goca ftiith.'to g *, 1tain ifpoiation2.onithps p int from ib hia , 'aBiity B o,.ยข ,I ...