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Strathclyde, Scotland

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... LITTRAV UE. C~nAlS Co&vo!KAG s o Y.r.ox, EIieSd byJohnf. i. Barrow, Esq..a-F.RS., F.S.A. Edinburghb Adasi 1 Charles Babck.. - A vy ?? of the voyeges of Cook, most owse- fully edited, enriclisdbiynew material, and many interesting . lettets sot hibento~bbithed d thi ddmplbteiessinih1 work, mr. Bascow is mucbhindebtio the coiirfaiv attdis Lordso p1ihe 6id~fiZ5t, who grajtd him'hbctst tT*e4Moe: ...


... ?? LITERA TURE. Au & u4 rfl XRv. Dot. ALEXANDER C ae, | C 111*Iorkoq inveresh; . cntaing Memorials of the Men # alnd Jenta of his Tize. Blackwood & Sons, e £dir.gbthg and London. A Ba > of surpssing interest} aud one ?? esct~eun u *t feeling of grotitude with which we would rebeive an uu. V P1pthd gilt of great usefuDesW and pincely cost, Who ci Su) alve 6oncse.ved that, in the wintry ...


... LITER A TURE. WL Co vnno E.NLAM D A' SCOrLAED. By Hugh 'sa3 REq., LLD'., Sberiffflnbetitute ebPerth^Erei-) T, & T. Clark, Edjnburh. (BECO0NDIOn!Ca.) ln inteetigtras a parti5ilY read before the Soscial a V Umber, 1860; but though a short abstract of It -sFi appear i th5e prinrd proceedings of the AssOciatlOr, it will afford L but an imperfect idea of the subject, as nOW treated of at ...


... 'LITERAT1 AR R ?? EI3WT60PY AGRXIIUUEURAL CEmIsrY. -,By Thomas A1- derson, ?? F.R.SE., FC.S., perofessor-of Chemistry m the laiersitj Glasgow, and Chemist to the High- -x landanddAgricnlturaiSocietY of Scotland Enburgh Adam;&Ch3rli>lc.- -lS t . T is a book for frmers, to Whomit will be of much value, sait saints ftozn a higb authority, and embraces a vast as it enumtefur i regarJ5 the genera ...


... L I T E R AT U R E. IL 1 5. ni a a. t' _ -. h\ATEnATIVE OF THE CAXADIAzN RED RIVER EXPIrro( C EXPEDITION OF 1857, AND OF TEE AssiNN15OI2on D SASKATCHEWAN ExPLORInG EXPEDITION OP 185%. By Benry Youle Hind, M.A., ?? Professoo Cis; v inietry and Geology in the Universityof Trinird'Uee t Toronto. In 2 vols. London: Longman, Grae,;.. v man & Roberts. b IN tbese volumes we have an interestinga v a , ...


... T H E A T R E-:R 0 Y A L. THEATE K iYX.~ . T ?? BaNTOMIE in The debutofthepantomime of ,Little Red Riding Hood, li at the Theatre- Royal last night,: was a great succesf, both as regards its intrinsic .merits, and the crowded house which gi wsas drawn togethir to witzness its performance. The-story it itself isj 1'tbld,.4 an nsonue oflthe scenes are of the most- d gorgeous description. There ...


... in MR. MM GLOVBB'S tAREREX L BEl. | If the farewell benefit of Mr. Sam Glover last night; at. : t the Theatre Royal, previous to his leaving for Australia, I was not so great in point of numbers as we could have wished I -albeit the lower part of the house was crowded -nothing could surpass the outburst of hearty feeling which greated d hiafirstappearance yesterdayevening,andwhichwa5 renewed z ...


... LITERATU-BE. IA^eFUW TOE ?? 'beinga Collection of Tempe- o ~e~ana- d MIiscellaneous Fiece3, chiefly &cottisb. Byj jOh, yog, late Inmate of Barnkill Poorhouse. Glasgow: George.Gallie. 1860. - L Ts galther. of this volume of poems remrlie in his preface, , -vitb sniglzd modesty and tandour,- that ' ?? slight poetical abilities he may possesslahvabeenvaltivated within t walls of a poorhouse-not ...


... - - NINETEEN YEARS IN POLYNESIA; Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific. By the Rev, George Turner, of the London Missionary Society. 8vo, pp. 548. London: John Snow 1861. Nowhere, in modern times, has the success of Christian missions to the heathen been so decided and triumphant as in the islands of the South Sea. During the last thirty years -In'-4he iever o ...


... A p OVARY OF Co-MPOaBY BIocus211T: A Hand book of the Peerageof Rank, Worth, and Intellect. Lon- don and GlasgOw; Richard Griffin & Co. ,WE base all a natural desire to know some particulars of thrcee wo, by their own genius, merits, or the accident of birth, 0CCPY a Position above their fellows, and who thereby exercise a considerable influence-for good, it is to bebe,-OD the family of ...


... LITi:ERATURF- Beugh Barey, Sh.,LLI , rifrfiubstituteoferh shire, Zinburgh T. c& F. ark,. -up. 57 SEhRe.IffinBur& in thi Cr5t;'5 presents the-public e t~+whichwaPrt31 Withpaper, in its complete state, -~ wa paolly rceade hi bhtimbefore the ,jalidic ti 550 of the SairScec Associatbeonea theira 00 I - cginGlasgow. The anther Re'sgewiatn, a rQ Udon, shelecal-asdistinguaished ta from ...


... - THE HORSE AND HIS RIDER* (From the Athcnatun.' I The history of the horse spaos the distance between re- mote eqochs. He has seen many changes comeg, over .the,- face of the earth, and his enduring powers have experienced without injury mutations of temperature that have destroyed :other genera, or driven them'towarmer latitudes. Ia nearly' every region of the world, and it various ...