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December 1860
36 29



Glamorgan, Wales

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... CARDIFF POLICE INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY.—Before Aid. Alexander and R. O. Jones, Esq. RBFBBSHMENT HOUSES.—John Pope, of Bute-street, was charged with keeping a refreshment house without a license.— Inspector Lynn deposed to seeing parties buying pies which were cooked on the premises. He had spoken to defendant several times about getting a license.—The defendant pleaded ignorance of the act.—Fined ...

[No title]

... HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—A daring highway robbery ac- companied with considerable violence, took place on Saturday morning, in broad daylight, in the village of Helton, near Poitsmooth, it appears that pay-serjeaot Thomas Davis, of the Royal Marine Artilley was pro- ceding from his bouse at Kingston to Fort Cumberland, the head-quarters of the corps, with it sum of money in hit Possession amounting to ...


... MR. W. S. CARTWEtIGHTc FAIRWATER.Touchstone, in speaking of the 1,000 guinea stakes, says—A bay filly by Loup-Garou, out of Bloomer, has shown five times, and on her first appearance ran a good second to Big Hen (at Bath), when the latter carried a 5lbs. penalty, nothing being near the two. At Worcester she wen the Co, entry Stakes by a head from Sporting Life-learu., King of Kent, and ...


... A decision has been come to by the governmentlwith regard to the punishment that shall be inflicted upon this wretched woman, who resided in Somersetshire before she went to live in London. She is now sentenced to penal servitude for life. It has already been:stated that after the prisoner's conviction she made several statements of a very extraordinary description in reference to the crime of ...

[No title]

... REES'S IMPROVED DIARY AND ALMANACK FOR 1861.- This useful remembrancer and diurnal recorder again appears with its usual fund of information. The superior manner in which it is got up, combined with its cheapness, cannot fail to recommend it to any one who inspects it. A GOOD HAWL. The Russian Government having sent over £ 40,U00 worth of old worn out copper coin to be sold in England, with a ...


... ITHE GUARDIAN. FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 1860, 1.30 P.M. HERB we are, once more in the midst of Christmas with just such weather as is usually admitted to impart a zest to its enjoyment—that is among those well-to- do, who have not to lament the want of health, peace and prosperity. These are they who enjoy the greatest comforts and happiness of the season, still there is not lacking some degree of ...

[No title]

... The secession movement in the south of the United States has seriously affected the price ot slaves. Hands worth jE350 a month ago will not now fetch JL150. A monthly nurse named Swiiton committed suicide on Monday evening, in London, by the frightful act of disembowelling. ...


... MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT INSTITUTE. The Reading-room of this Institution has been open for some weeks, and is now in active working operation. On Mon- day evening the first lecture for the winter season was delivered in the ludependaut Chapel, by Mr. John Willett, of Cardiff. Mr. L. Jenkius presided, and the attendance was very good. The subject of the lecture was Social Improvement. The lecturer ...


... GENERAL NEWS. Her Mkjcity hi* presented a gift of three days' pay to each man on board the Orlando, for the alacrity in ietting that Vessel ready to starch forthemieeing of •. Wale* from Aaqrrica. -■ Colour!, Taj lor aaecM&to the .position lately-new theRighl Ho&^9i*W. Bylt-on Jolltffe, in eooneaioo with the ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. SUDDEN DEATH.—Mr. Rogers, the pew opener at High street Chapel, died suddenly on Christmas day. He had sat down to dinner, apparently in good health, when suddenly he dropped his knife and fork, and died almost instantaneously- apparently from some disease of the heart. AWFUL TO THINK oF!-At Dowlais there is a woman still living, only forty-five years of age, who is ...


... Lord Cranworth ia in Paris collecting information respecting the judicial organisation of France. The weaver* st Hasliogdon have struck for an in- crease of wages. A proclamation appears im the Qazttit giving currency tõ the dew bronseor mixed coinage. We regret td hear of the serious illness of the Duke of Bedford. It is e^pifdled tSat Parliament will meet for the despatch ot business on ...


... In a recent visit to Risca we heard of a poor widow whose son, among the victims in the pit, had but a few weeks before come to Risca to work: his disconsolate mother, on hearing of his death, came from Swansea for the purpose of claiming his body; and, after remaining in Risca for a week, during which time no bodies were extricated, was obliged to return without securing the melancholy ...