Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .y ie MARRIAGES. i At St. Alkmund's, Derby, on the I st inst., by the Rev. B. 11. Abney, vicar, and Rural Dean, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Wm. Bury. father of the bridegroom, the Rev. es Thomas William Bury, vicar of Bramcote, to Catherine Mary, h second daughter of the Rev. E. H. Abney, B.A., of the Firs, Derby. On Monday, the 24th ult., at St. Alkimund's, Derby, by nt the Rev. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ; December 31, sat ?? Fortialdetreet, Westk in. this city, thewlfe ?? norof a 4aughter , , Deecmgbr31, at Keniothqar thralnes, the wife diGiibgk'hr6ire, EIQ.' Ie .~ o, ' Veenibri 127, ati' C'eli~id, Ppebleshir, Lady GIbeon' 'ennidlistol,i efa son.; ?? I ?? S - - , I liece ?? Milta, Xihewfleof W. St oltir Tisdill, ,Eo 1Otl~ egieat,,tf a daugfiter- 4 : Deccxalerp 29,.qlt eopj-peraft isa ...


... There is not more offensive or contemptible form of the lovo of paradox thaw eagerness to tha: gome particularly iniquity or cruelty is strictly legal and logical. there actually an priori preaump- in favour the technic* correctness f a judicial decision involving practical cols-. - which cannot be without horror. Thiy take for jnuituU that the rules of law are a-surd and immoral, and th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FREDERICK WILLIAm IV.: HlIS DEATH. Frederick William IV. is dead; and at his death new hopes are ?? for the free future of Prussia, He leave3 Prussia as his father, the old Herr, left her. When the fourth Frederick William came to the throne, he wag balled as the accomplished scholar, artist, and wit. His father had been respected-but he, the crown prince, who had been nurtured in the stormy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OlIITUARY FOR 1IfG. The peerage has lost, dhtring tile ?? twelve monlths, the Dn!;cs of Itirimnond tind Norfolk; the Marquis of Dalhousie; tile Earls of Aberdeen, Dundonald, Stafford, leven and Meiville, Cawdor, Loncford, Lautirrldale, xbori>ugh, rind Alanvers, Visrounts Arhutlinot, Gor. ianstowsn, Cuill'imore, aind Southv eit; Lords Londles. horoulgh, Urasi nore arni Browne, Sandys, ...


... St. Petersbukg, Dec. 21.—The Government here is mnch occupied with the despatches lately received, which announce considerable excitement emong the population of the Slave provinces of Turkey and of Austria. The reforms and tho con* oesjiorL3 made to the Hungarians by the Austrian Government have produced considerable excitement among the Poles. They in their turn demand the restoration of all ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE KING OF PRUSSIA, After a long and painiful illness FredericklWilliam. the IV. died at Sams-Souci yesterday. For soine years he had been reduced almost to a state of ididtcy, and the government of Prussia devolved on his \brotor the Regent, now KIng.' Freperick William w6s a be- nevolent man and an indulgent ruler. Greatly eloved by his' subjects, he initiated a constitutional ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... King Frederic Wlim' ?? Wediiesdsy 'Beljl~F~eei~kWm iwa'n'VWas, brn October.UZ,-1795,, BerMVisdHd e co ably 99 a 'Snd, wesa therefore,'in the' 66thx je~r' 'of h-ag~.p pucceded hisefa`th 'rdiclb;k William IIL, on 7h oef Jiina~c184(L wlie X; wa' iiniked * any :eat eventiidtil '.the ;ter 188, *heg the revolutonatry spirit of th~e j&idS si-zedonthe is ozbe of Belin. There is a ate~dbsote cii ord. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I -- The Late Mr. Bowlby. Thomas William Bowlby, the late special correspondent of The Times in China, was the son of Tbomas Bowlby, a captain in the Royal Artillery; his mother was a daughter ot General Balfour. He was born at Gibraltar, and was the eldest of a numerous family. When be was yet very young, his parents took up their residcnce in Sunderland, where his father entered upon the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Asson.-On the Mest nit., at No. 3, Abeccrn-place, St. John'- weed, the wife of Edward Rt. Anson, Reqq , late of H.M.'s Bengal Civil Service, of a daughter. BRACLavoa.-On the 29th nlt., the Lady Amelius Wentwerth Beauclerk, of No. 3, Bryanston-square, of a daughter. Cummsss.-On the 24th nit., at St. James's Rectory, Colchester, * the tife of the Rev. Richard S. Cnunmin, M.A., of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... cc for Sqit--o o ?? ri;hti~ ?? oes ?? Ace -- -: 'upcl ;/h;I acaoo itafior - ift- 0-i th ?? -- ½ Lodoiter 1 ths county the ladly O tr 1Wings N&to- Dvicooi4 MARs,~i.'.,]tsq, of a dai~iebt,~r. 2 £50 a On the lis ot. tto tw6t.P~tSrhletn h ieo THos. 11 I~mo Es, sugeon, Of aL Son. V . Dr- 100 :FL-tah :,athe 4th January, at Caledontia Mount, Lecils, Mro. RIoCtARDo ;iii.HavRoar-, -c-aL, of a. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of '1iktft$,t atugc, 'Eu.t ?? . IN, .ng tNotlce7 oJ Dii ?? iages ?? ohouidde authenticted o bf tytoic site andr ?? of 'the stn aas or ?? to is: .. tllo~tyhooracc~cdtettAgcurts.] -ii| ; us BI R T H S oge O the 80th ult., at Hyroes, in the South of Prance,, the: wife: rna of Dr. Griffith, Taltreuddyn, Merionetlhshire, of a son. OuIthe 28th ult.,, tthe wife of Mr. ?? Pritcliaid, Bodeistedd,. ,Y ...