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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... There is not more offensive or contemptible form of the lovo of paradox thaw eagerness to tha: gome particularly iniquity or cruelty is strictly legal and logical. there actually an priori preaump- in favour the technic* correctness f a judicial decision involving practical cols-. - which cannot be without horror. Thiy take for jnuituU that the rules of law are a-surd and immoral, and th ...


... St. Petersbukg, Dec. 21.—The Government here is mnch occupied with the despatches lately received, which announce considerable excitement emong the population of the Slave provinces of Turkey and of Austria. The reforms and tho con* oesjiorL3 made to the Hungarians by the Austrian Government have produced considerable excitement among the Poles. They in their turn demand the restoration of all ...


... LITKBFOOL itTinji &r - JOHira. m&KurQKao. aamcua Saturday. BaturOar. •'si 1 Veal .. Ir.. Fresh Fork . „ .. 0 • 6*.. 07* Salmon „ .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 Lobsters 0 8 .. 1 10 .. * 1:: 81:::::: IV: Sa-—: : :: |:: ::S 1: Baddook. .. .. 0 0 4 .. B •Owls « ooople.. .. 3 « .. Docks .. Geese each .. 0.. 8 4 8.. 8 Turkeys .«•«• ..I ..10 0 8.. 8 0 .. 8 .. 0 8 «..! 8 Babbits couple.. .. 0 8 3 .. 3 8 ...


... FATAL ACCIDENTS. In oonsequenoe of tbe severity of the weather the river Dee has been frosenover ainoe Wednesday last. From that time handreds cf skaters have been the river skating each day. We are sorry to say that two or three fatal accidents have occurred daring that time. Saturday iast a yonth named Williams skating just opposite Dee-lane, when he came across a hole in the loe, and before ...

Stock Molasses is Boxd.—lhe following quantities of molasses vr.ce remainiug In the Livei? pool bonded ..

... 1860: -From B. P. India, 3l>S tons 11 cwt. Si qn. b '> tons 1 or. 17 lb. Total. tans 4 owt. I'UNKBAL in USB la.—A letter from Berlin states that the severe cold prevailed daring the funeral of the late king caused illness among many of the persons whotere present. More than of the soldiers who lined the streets were oblige! go Into hospital, and some of them have died. number hones hare ...


... or THB NEW LECTURE AND READING ROOM AT QAIiSTON. The opening this building, the foundation stonr, of which was laid in April last, C'il hratcd last eveningly tin part), Ac., at wliish upwards 403 were present. The ollflce aituatel near the centre of the villago, and has erected from designs by Mr. U»y, qf this to«a. I« It of a mixed style of architecture. n.-U* ...

CORRESPONDENCE. MID-DAY MOVEMENT WANTED. ro _™ ''TOM LITmroOL MERCURY. correspondent Dom -tentlon of the ..

... mort fruitful eooroea of the fv~® 'I - the inadequate payment of female When the facts are known to those who are their but efforts to check the soul-destructive of prostitution, they will see the necessity of dividing their labours between the fallen women and the no less morally degraded class who themselves fatten while they feed the social eviL Two or three weeks ago a letter appeared in ...


... STORM IN CARDINAL'S PALACE. Naples, Dec. 291—The chief the reaction here is, nominally, the Cardinal Staple*, Iwiar.o- Srcrza; the real chief Mgr. Sp-ocapietra, p pm tjbus and n.oak S . incent Paul, living in the of that body. Cardinal Antonelli has given him as tutor to the C-ird:nal cf Naples. Mr. »paic*pUtra direct relations with torougu the Cnarity, who have been called to tiko charge ...


... Those of our readers who recolleot Dr. Lindsey Alexander, of Edinburgh, once the respec:ed mister of Aewington Chapel, and the congregation of Great George-street Chapel, who recently gave a call to Mr. Pulsford, of the same city, will tie interested in the following brief notice of these two eminent ministers, which we therefore copy from a Dundee paper January B,IBGI 41 DR. ALEXANDER AND MB. ...