Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ACTOX.-On the 19h inst., at the Vicarage, Iverne Minster, the wife of the Rev. John Acton, of a eon. DRUnMoND.-Onthe 20thinst., at54, Sloane-street, thewifeof Walter Drummond, Esq., of a son. FIELDeNG.-On the 20th inst., at Downing, Flintshire, the Viscountess Fielding, of a daughter. KINtrEL -On the 18th inst., at 23, Blomfield-roea, Maida-hifl, the wife of Dr. Gotfried lKinkel, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I -- The Late Mr. Bowlby. Thomas William Bowlby, the late special correspondent of The Times in China, was the son of Tbomas Bowlby, a captain in the Royal Artillery; his mother was a daughter ot General Balfour. He was born at Gibraltar, and was the eldest of a numerous family. When be was yet very young, his parents took up their residcnce in Sunderland, where his father entered upon the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Asson.-On the Mest nit., at No. 3, Abeccrn-place, St. John'- weed, the wife of Edward Rt. Anson, Reqq , late of H.M.'s Bengal Civil Service, of a daughter. BRACLavoa.-On the 29th nlt., the Lady Amelius Wentwerth Beauclerk, of No. 3, Bryanston-square, of a daughter. Cummsss.-On the 24th nit., at St. James's Rectory, Colchester, * the tife of the Rev. Richard S. Cnunmin, M.A., of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... cc for Sqit--o o ?? ri;hti~ ?? oes ?? Ace -- -: 'upcl ;/h;I acaoo itafior - ift- 0-i th ?? -- ½ Lodoiter 1 ths county the ladly O tr 1Wings N&to- Dvicooi4 MARs,~i.'.,]tsq, of a dai~iebt,~r. 2 £50 a On the lis ot. tto tw6t.P~tSrhletn h ieo THos. 11 I~mo Es, sugeon, Of aL Son. V . Dr- 100 :FL-tah :,athe 4th January, at Caledontia Mount, Lecils, Mro. RIoCtARDo ;iii.HavRoar-, -c-aL, of a. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of '1iktft$,t atugc, 'Eu.t ?? . IN, .ng tNotlce7 oJ Dii ?? iages ?? ohouidde authenticted o bf tytoic site andr ?? of 'the stn aas or ?? to is: .. tllo~tyhooracc~cdtettAgcurts.] -ii| ; us BI R T H S oge O the 80th ult., at Hyroes, in the South of Prance,, the: wife: rna of Dr. Griffith, Taltreuddyn, Merionetlhshire, of a son. OuIthe 28th ult.,, tthe wife of Mr. ?? Pritcliaid, Bodeistedd,. ,Y ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Id tor~'*n Me W Catioan. ufroore te o.ncemrntn for PuN4. Iain.Zotoca of Births rne4l be paid for, as adittise. . ?? BIRTH. El, ?? the OtsIs. h iof FHenry llawsoEsRq. Kereal ]BIARRIAGIEr A~nwttrcv.-rrnjn thelbl-'lae st It.Johns C~hurc.~ by the, P~ev W. saattngou~BLA!. rctr'. AlredAtherlcy,oflo liegtn oMarta. datughteor cf r. i~ithU of Neiitonborgcland, BA;IA ?? i 7th Inst.. at St. Marys -Chureh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marra1101Eor Int to 1PIixfeule u nt .r NA tccsof irh- * must -ce a adllricmnt. ,I~~ittig~ _ t i lefst, at Chlcwall, bythe 1tv. A. actr.M A1 . incurnabont of St. rants.I Hailiwell, ansiste by the 1.A.L eoWrcte. Walton Atenswroth q. a Beech MusatoMazy usa eldes daugter1.~ of1 o: f NOIosly 1163. near Livrpol AiP1RteH .N-l.On a 7h n t, West Butteirwlck, by the R1ev. W. IL. Allerof, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 7 Walworth Terrace, onathe 14th instant, Mrs. Win. NWyse Ritchie; ason. eon At 39 Crown Street, on the 14th instant, MrU. John Galbraith; a son. At 57 Clarence Street. on the 14th instant, Mrs. William Brown ; a daughter. At G0 Renfrew Street, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Matthew young * a Eon. At 23 Garscadden Street, on the 14th instant, Mre. Jam. Stewart; a son. At Westfi Id Cottage ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE KING OF PRUSSIA. His Majesty Frederick William the Fourth King of Prussia, died at his palace at Bans Souci, on Wednesday morning, in the 66th year of his age. He succeeded to the throne in 1840, on the decease of his father, but for some years past his health has not suffered him to take any part in the affairs of government, and the kingdom has been ruled by a Regency, at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AN EXTRAORDINARY MARRIAGE. Atthe Cout for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, on Thursday, the following singular case was heard:- BSVAN (VALSELY CALLED U MARION) V. M'SAHOV. The peiitloner, MarRaret Lea Bevan, prayed for a declaration that a marriage which was, in tact, celebra- ted between her and James M'Miahon, the respondent, on the 23rd of July, 1858, was null and void by reason of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. - no AiFORD.-On the 2d inst., at Weston-super-Mare, tine r-fe af ir, me Richard Alford, surgeon, of a daughter. ANDERsoN.-On the 26th ult., at Kew, the wife of Dr. i . Anderb ree eon, E.M.'s Bengal Army, of a daughter. DouotAs.-On the 2d inst., at West-hill, WanIsT-Ostl, the Vi14 of loenry Douglas, Esq., of a daoghter. he DuNNE.-On the Ist inst., at Bircher-hall, in the outvv of Hfue, ...