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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rSJ il!t Aole iaries scot from a distasnce molit be authorlftrated 1, the e0 rsxiyosu ereof one f out' Agents, or by that oj 0 tostiwn Ga,'ie. - .e poadvkt. Asanosucnewnts of BArlh-t ore ,sobj~ct to a charge of 1 '2B. tid. each., rotd most be properly aotheaticatrel. -- -i-irt-. t A $saely, ait Bwil-4y rncar Leeds hiic, Foif. iit , i ! a d daughte., On the 28th a.S Mesys chur.-h, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... cc for Sqit--o o ?? ri;hti~ ?? oes ?? Ace -- -: 'upcl ;/h;I acaoo itafior - ift- 0-i th ?? -- ½ Lodoiter 1 ths county the ladly O tr 1Wings N&to- Dvicooi4 MARs,~i.'.,]tsq, of a dai~iebt,~r. 2 £50 a On the lis ot. tto tw6t.P~tSrhletn h ieo THos. 11 I~mo Es, sugeon, Of aL Son. V . Dr- 100 :FL-tah :,athe 4th January, at Caledontia Mount, Lecils, Mro. RIoCtARDo ;iii.HavRoar-, -c-aL, of a. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ar All farriages sent fromn a distance miust be authenticated by the . sigaatWsCrOf, onle of our Agents, or by that of a klea owm Corres- pondeut. Alsosuicenscts of Births arc subject to a charge of 2s. 6d. each, and must ?? property ut lst7ieated Onth Sbarrfase%, Oil the 2nd inst., at our parish church. by the Rev. F. S. Robinson, Mr. JAMES GUEST, to ELIzAnBET, daughter of the late Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S Alt ltrarriages sent from a distance mus t be nuthentieatrec by the signatuec of onr of our Agenlts, or by that of a knuown Corres- ondent. Aunouincenuisets (f Births are subject to a chartie of 6d. raclh, oaut otust be property ant thenticated. iBirtb~e. On the 27th ult., at Adel, the wife of J. C. DOLAN, Esq., of a son. A 13 On the 26th rdt., at Clifton, nean Bristol, thc wife of C. 1. Ss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the 22nd inst., at the parish church, Silketonle by the Rev. J. , H. Fanar, cousin of the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. L. Walton, ?? of Shibstone, Lientenant-Colonel C. A. Gonna. chief of the Westv Riding Constabulary, to SARAulAicoc,. eldest .daughter of the late B. C. CLAusE:, Esq., of Nohiethorpe HllU, Slikstone, near Barnsley, Sa-sie day, at All Souls' church, Langham-plae, London, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I ?? - ?? On the 16th lat., at Lady-lane chapel, Leeds, by the Rev. J. Mlather, Mr. CIFARLF.s BETTS, of St. Marys-street, Stamford, to MARTHA youngest daughter of Mr. WILLUAM PALMER, of Brueswick-place, Same day, at our pariah church, Mr. JOSEPHs INESON, slUbber, to MisS SARAH MORUAN, both of this town. On the 15th inat., at the parish church, Whitby, by the Rev. W. R. Duncan, senior curate ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Ir , _ - _2F Alt Marriages sent ftorn a distance mause be authentfmted by the :ty signatlare of one of our Agents, or by that of a known Corrrea- itt, 5asnefndet. Annunueenieees of Births are subject to a charge of r ~ d. cneiha td must be properly authenticated. E, Ma.rtb. a7e, Onl Wednesday last, at the Rectory, Long Bennington, Lincolnshire, ax. Mrs. SWAIBY OXLEY, of a tlaughtsr. B 1477 _ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t ;7frtL%. |. Onl I, t 71- list., at A..el Lodge, it 1o;iq C e ility. tihe lvy of Rflo- ! iNA !.1D ?? MAi A El.t , TE(j., of Ri lalughiter. B 408 | Il0: ?? ?? inst., tlc wife of Jo9N. WILuci.i-.Nr, jots., fRq., of t (Iipotoi Wood, of a 6ior. B 414 q Oli e 00 tth inst., at Mifiil Nil chapel, Leeds, by the Rev. hanirlce W'ie.-l;tlec.l. ?? 1202cL5i1i of thde bridle, ,TIHex l302'!E'J29N, rwe., to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ge- All ?? sei Tre ds rfalsei virrat be aoflihs-ic at o bit rI- egeranaem. of one of oar Ageoie8, si' by thsf of a kurseas CarP'-re Nossicrit. Arpnorerecerirrii Of Eli-hie ore esbjecf is a ciarsrie of !Ir. 61. earthb, a-rd lurmd be ?? ?? Oii 'T1'ursal-y at St. Mary's rrurch, liarrnoley, by tire Rev. W. Binder, IMr C uZrn1 NIEIMOlI, prsvnbeoker`e assistant, to Mice StAgY Ce-JLe, neiri orf~r tha ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .Iamm U L- -0 1a83 &r .tl Ait cceicrdcc'a sod frooc ao dislescce moot be outhetlccntiedc bcy the soiectsr Of coin of see. Agtere, or by theit of a known Corrce- peecdcne. A eccsccscemoento of BJir~ths mee &obeject to a elceire of 2. 61,9 reaeh, anid co sat be 1wayeclg aubntitceliatedl. On Tursay astat he aria ?? bythe Rev. 0. Wildbre UYMONFREEMN, Rtc.,of Bren LdgeHalifax, to Man. adus daghtr o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D4T.O SR .FAIRBAIRN.1 notl, Our' readers will onl hoto aolpr aed o a- leain theC fatal teriniinatilol of thle hint-ss of Sir Pte bitt Fairhairn Whien lie fi-st appeaired to be in danger, neasrly -sll tiiu sueistlis since, tie change frons alilaresitly Vigorous __health to alarming prostration was so sudden ats to have pr-given is shock to all wise knew lhimi. With regard to the ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 45r All Mar-riages sent fromn, a dietance must be ?? ?? the d psgnature of oane of our Agmelts, or by that of a known Corres- e onsdent.e ore suncements of Dfrthg are subject to a charge of Ssefcd. eath, rind? must be property aut henticated. B. b . 0 jR~A1l~rrciage%. y- On the c4th inst., fli -arish church, Mr. EDWARD FROosT, me as ehanie Holheck, to Miss IAirV a TRAINER, of this town. Same ...