... ascertained, stand ?? papers, 50; Conservative, 17; Independent, 20; Neuter, 128. No distirction is here rando between Liberal rnnd Whig, or Liberal and Radicail; nor between Conservative and Liberal-Conservative or Tory. NEWSPAPER BIRTHS AND DiEA-THS, DURING ...


... men shouid be unable to de eat the vines ,which were hidden under that show of pi emature sobriety. Spencer was a whig, unhappily for the whig party, whioh, ?? the unhonoured and unlamented clese ol his life, wag mor'c than once brought to the verge of ruin ...


... Quakers and Ctle Tories joined to raise a formidable clamour. The Teries exulted in the prospect of winning two seats from the Whigs. The whole king- dom was divided between 9touts and Cowpers. At the summer assizes, Hertford was crowdasL with anxious faces ...


... the IAtra e snssd, and The CcAmntAr'o, rose, end in the convas of a lee'gtb. sued eddrfors tre'arded t upn the coenduc ef t Whigs as regarded reforma. The Derby Bofatni Bil w'ths just sunh a one -as might ha e 'been expected from Wlthe Confarvative Government ...


... time to devise t!ctitious plots, in .whicl thcs Ctheolies were represented as conspiring against the civil government. T he Whigs of that day, the Shaftesbulys and the Russells, were always ready to denounce Iopery, and to excite the animosity of the more ...


... alosraos The antheor himself wee a heroug goin Wicighe ha held officesi under Whig adcasneitratsosh eevdtepeerage fromn the hands of the Whigs e~,i at elived and died a Whig. The period heI lce o h commencemenit of L'is great work WyeS just that when the ...


... letter was addressed from Lausanne to Lord Eliot in October, 1784, and it contains this passage: Yet let me soberly ask you on Whig principles, whether itbe not a dangerous discovery that the King can keep his favourite Minister against a majority of the ...


... Macaulay, as may be verified . by reference to the fifth volume of his History of England, are:- Canvassed actively on the Whig side! Mamma- Dear! dear I dear! What a pity it is. a you can't agree! Small Boy- Well, mamma, we should agree, only she's ...


... Macaulay, as may be verified by refer- ence to the 6th volume of his IHistor -I of Enlgland, are- canvassed actively on the whig side 1 A FAIR REMARK.- A middle-aged young lady is so angry with the government for asking her how old she is, that she declares ...


... animosity of the party which ta, constantly overreaching itself would have 01rdforth feelings of triumph in a much less 1,rerighig Whig. On this subject it is curious tantrst the mode of warfare adopted by Parlia- cotryolabatants in those days with that which ...


... canseawhich led to this podition off aftire. hen Lady Mary first knew rope, ho was ind.Iffolent ?? pollitic, end suspected of whig tendencese, onlyn, perhaps, because he wrote in eon. junction with Steele and Addison, and assooiated with them; but, in the ...