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Advertisements & Notices

... P ROPOSED WmEE OF SPECIAL PRAYER 1 - AT THE COMj*'IENCE-MENT OF THE YEAR 1861. It is proposed that the EIGHT DAys from SUN- DAY, January 6t1, to SUNDAY, January 18th, in- Clnsive, 1861. should be observed as a season of SPt'ECAL SsrPLICATtON. With a view to give something of precision and agreement to our worsbip, the following subjects are ,ss~qqested for thought, prayer, and exhortation, day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FillrR OYL 1ULIN. FIRS ~Rj~DJUVNI~~ ?? the conve- Mbes of persona eiiga itne and the Juvenillo f ,the prforancceswill commence at mtciotel4and be sO arranged £hat tbe Pantomime will tsrmi- nateat Qorte pas 10-THS EENIG, January, lot, the performance will eommnce with the Farec of TIsl IDDY ASHORE -Harry Halcyon, Mri Burkinllaawr Toti Cringle, Nr Granby; Lady Etarchington, Mrs C 11 Stephen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST TWO NIGHTS. TIIEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. IMENIESSE SUCCESS OF MR. AND MRS. CHARLES KEAN, Who will appear this EveniUng in MACBETH, being o the last night but one of their eugagenent. In addition to the Company already engaged atthe Theatre Royal, they will he supported by the foll!ow- ing Ladies and Gentlemen, front the Princesses' Are Tbentrc, Londoin:- utnd MISS CHAPMAN. MR. CATHCART. ron ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RHBISTMAS NOVELTIES, AND IM- C POllTANT REDUCTION Or PRICES. We reipectfully solicit attention to our CHOICE FANCY STOCK OF CIRISTMAS NOVELTIES, Including a large variety of NEW JEWELLERY, BRACELETS, BROOCHES, LOCKETS, RINGS, STUDS, dc., ft WORKBOXES, WRITING DESKS, PAPIER 'MACHE,- andotber elegant FACYARTICLEP_ .- sultoble, fot Present8s' ss, OUR DRESS DEPARTMENTS Are also completely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF RATES-I hereby give No- itce that. as Collector-eOneral of Rates in the city of Dublin, under the Act of 12 and 18 Viet, chap, 91,I hab e received from the proper persons and bodies, ?? and cor- porate, In the said Act In that behalf get forth, estimates of the sums of money required for the underimentloned pur. poses in the year 188 ; and that the amounts thereof re- spectively; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEAT:RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. V 'TIIiSEVENING (Wednesday), January 2d, the per- formances Will commence with tile ,ionlesticDramla entitled A WOLF IN SIIEEP'S CLOTIHING.-Colonel Percy Ktirko, Mr F Allen: Colonel Lord Churchill, Mr Mlunro; Mester Jasper Carew, Mr W Bnlycbam; Koter Ciedezoy, Mr Itarfoot; Anne Carevr, Mlss S T'horns; Danto Carew, `Mrs Stepjionson, To Conclude with the Christmas Pan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAST NIGHT., T HEATRE lIOYAL, BELFA.ST. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF MR. AND MRS. , CHARLES KIEAN, Who will nppEIar this Evening in T'lHE MERCHANT OF VENICE, bohing the last nigh-t of their engage- (I ment. In addition to the Company already engaged at the Theatreo Royal, they wvill be supported by the foPow- ing LDdies and Gentlemen, from the Princesses' S Theatre, London:-- MISS CHAPMAN. MR. CATROART. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. BELFAST FAIR. AY HORS E.-AN EXCELLENT B Bay HORSE, 6 years old. in good condition, suited for either Harness or l c Saddle, Nvill be offered for SALE, at Mr. ROBSON'S HORSE BAZAAR, on THIS DAY (Wed- nesday.). 31 * ~ ~ ~ n ' e f R e g'D- . EXTENSIVE AND IMPORTANT SALE OF FI'I.VT-CLASS NEW FURNITURE, AT 57 & 59, YORK STREET, 0,ONTINUED THIS DAY, FROM TEN TILL A)FOUR, at and under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. JOHN'S CHURCH DORCAS T SOCIETY, For the Relief of the Poor of all Denominations, by Loans of Money, Gr-anits of Clothes, and Food. Contributions will be tbankfully received by Rtv. C. SEAVER, President. Mrs. LEWIS, Treasurer. 5000 Mrs. HEWITT, Secretary. PIANOFORTE TUNING. REXMOVAL. CRYMBLE, FROM BROADWOOD'S, AND o lato of Mr. COrFrY's, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that hle has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1. THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 3d, the Per- formances will commence with tic ?? entitled A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHIINO._-Colfflel Percy Kirke, Mt F Allen Colonel Lord Churchill. Mlr muaro ;. 3iastor' Jasper Cnrew, Hr W Baythhm lester Chuddnoy, Mr Earfoot; Anne Carew, Miss S Theme ; Demo Caw w, 3Mrs Stephenton. To conclude with the Chrlstmas Pantomime entitled JACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. '7ERY DEDIRABLE FURN8FED V APARTMENTS *or Singlo Persona, or Ftiliei con. nected with tjc Military may iba ba4 between Iloyal Barrack, sad Park, epoposite e thep15adaO- Apply At No. 10, Park- Bate-street. - j2,5 SERMONS. ST. ,MICHA' s ROMAN CATHOLIC 0Y, NORTH AN rE.sThdT, lkd PRESIEnIT TION.OnlpftA HOU~SkZ GEORIOE'HILL, On. SUNDAY,. wth wf JaeneaY, 1881, at Half past Twedve o'lock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO-MORROW. TO GLASGOW IN ABOUT 6* HOURS. .s~rTHE ADEL A SAILS FOR 4s~~,1GLASGOW (Via ARDROSSAN). ~'~~~.g1O-MORROW (Friday), at 5 minutes past 4 Afternoon. r ~Passengers will reach Glasgow about 10.45 N Irish timec) same Evening. 2093 R. HENDERSON & SON. Aaentt. JANUAI1Y, 1861. STEAM COM.%MUNICATION BETWEEN B EL FAS8T A ND L I VE RPOO L. T n E BELFAST STEAMN- T ShIlP COMPANY Y'SIs New Swift ...