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Advertisements & Notices

... RHBISTMAS NOVELTIES, AND IM- C POllTANT REDUCTION Or PRICES. We reipectfully solicit attention to our CHOICE FANCY STOCK OF CIRISTMAS NOVELTIES, Including a large variety of NEW JEWELLERY, BRACELETS, BROOCHES, LOCKETS, RINGS, STUDS, dc., ft WORKBOXES, WRITING DESKS, PAPIER 'MACHE,- andotber elegant FACYARTICLEP_ .- sultoble, fot Present8s' ss, OUR DRESS DEPARTMENTS Are also completely ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FillrR OYL 1ULIN. FIRS ~Rj~DJUVNI~~ ?? the conve- Mbes of persona eiiga itne and the Juvenillo f ,the prforancceswill commence at mtciotel4and be sO arranged £hat tbe Pantomime will tsrmi- nateat Qorte pas 10-THS EENIG, January, lot, the performance will eommnce with the Farec of TIsl IDDY ASHORE -Harry Halcyon, Mri Burkinllaawr Toti Cringle, Nr Granby; Lady Etarchington, Mrs C 11 Stephen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEAT:RE ROYAL, DUBLIN. V 'TIIiSEVENING (Wednesday), January 2d, the per- formances Will commence with tile ,ionlesticDramla entitled A WOLF IN SIIEEP'S CLOTIHING.-Colonel Percy Ktirko, Mr F Allen: Colonel Lord Churchill, Mr Mlunro; Mester Jasper Carew, Mr W Bnlycbam; Koter Ciedezoy, Mr Itarfoot; Anne Carevr, Mlss S T'horns; Danto Carew, `Mrs Stepjionson, To Conclude with the Christmas Pan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF RATES-I hereby give No- itce that. as Collector-eOneral of Rates in the city of Dublin, under the Act of 12 and 18 Viet, chap, 91,I hab e received from the proper persons and bodies, ?? and cor- porate, In the said Act In that behalf get forth, estimates of the sums of money required for the underimentloned pur. poses in the year 188 ; and that the amounts thereof re- spectively; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. '7ERY DEDIRABLE FURN8FED V APARTMENTS *or Singlo Persona, or Ftiliei con. nected with tjc Military may iba ba4 between Iloyal Barrack, sad Park, epoposite e thep15adaO- Apply At No. 10, Park- Bate-street. - j2,5 SERMONS. ST. ,MICHA' s ROMAN CATHOLIC 0Y, NORTH AN rE.sThdT, lkd PRESIEnIT TION.OnlpftA HOU~SkZ GEORIOE'HILL, On. SUNDAY,. wth wf JaeneaY, 1881, at Half past Twedve o'lock, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1. THIS EVENING (Thursday), January 3d, the Per- formances will commence with tic ?? entitled A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHIINO._-Colfflel Percy Kirke, Mt F Allen Colonel Lord Churchill. Mlr muaro ;. 3iastor' Jasper Cnrew, Hr W Baythhm lester Chuddnoy, Mr Earfoot; Anne Carew, Miss S Theme ; Demo Caw w, 3Mrs Stephenton. To conclude with the Chrlstmas Pantomime entitled JACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDOW QLASS for Dwelling-hUo es I VI Ost-offlees, fsetasetorles, ide., with a large aisort weotiof rlate Gigli 31lrar. S AC i-tlCE BROOKS, E ?? SACKVI PLACE. DUBLIN. I THE BEST AND CHEAPEST1 TEAS T . AiND COFFEES IN IRELAND. a OLDiHAII, BROTHERS, r Respectfully bog tl attetlon of ?? andt Ut Piaile to the follorwing Ae AU VLIST OF TEAS, ?? THET RECOME8Df,,, Al o which A~e'lbten, personally abd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THIS EVENING (Frlday), January 4th, the; per- formances will commence with thle dontestICDrani, entitled A SHEEP IN WOLF'8 CLOTIl1iai-Colonfl Percy Mirkeb %fr F Allen; Colonel Lord Chel-Clill, Mr Mnnro ; MaWel Jper CaSTer, Mt- V Baynham; K.ster Chedioy, Mr Barfoot Aine Carew, dils 5 ,Thon; ?? Carew, Mr Stepbhenson. To Concinde with the Christmas Pantomima ?? JACK TilE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? s. ?? ~sutis~as4~Ushr5OctiOt!ubiin Catle, 35J IS Eieellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a LEVEE at Dubin Castle, on WRONESOA, the tth January, 1861, at Onc 9'Cloci It Is requested that 0410t GentTeman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Name and Place ?? boil, in Town and Country, legibly written, not prrnted, therson ono to be delivrecd to the person appointed to resolve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE IR OYAL, DUBLrN. THIS EVENING (Saturday), January rsth, the per- forreances will conmmenco with the drltoic ?? entitled A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTIIG.-Colont! Percy Kirke, Mr F Allen. Colonci Lord Churchill, Mr Mlunro; Master Jasper Carew, Mr W DBynham ; Kester Chedtey. Mr Barfootf Anne, Carew, Miss S ITheorne Dame Cnrew, Mrs Stephienpon. To coitnude with tile Christmas Pan tmlme entitled ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATAE ;ROYAL, iUBLIN. THIS EVmING: (Monday), January Atl, the per-- foranances will oommnence with tire ?? ,tmenttied THE bAUGHTER OF 'IliE ST -S-Tho Hen. AntSony J- atone, Mr Rolston ; Mr Crawley, Mr Byng; LieutenantErnest Dalton, R.N,, Mr .Wlestin;rBlcchiaIBoeeiwnlg, MrIlarfoot; Eatberlui Daiton, Mjss' Edwards; srMoointcataract, Mras C E Stephenson; MlrIlm, Mist S, r Ad Thorno. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... K ILD ARE-STREET FIRE, \ 7TESTIMONIAL FUND. TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREBXAN'S JOURNAL. Suz-On the 4irt Of myself and the two mad-servants navy Maliegs and Teresa MuNganly, I beg respectfully to ACKNOWLEDGE ?? RECEIPT of the SUBSCRIPTIONS to the above Fund, amounting to £156, which sum haa been apporlloned te advertised in this morning'l paper and to return our grateful thanks to the Subscribers ...