... There' is > fast'which did not oome oat on the trial, bat whichqaite of the defenoe that Miss Longworth went Gaiata to hnnt np M.jir Ye'.verton. The real indacement was respeot (or the memory of> gallant French officer to whom shelhad formed an attachment the interval between her first introduction to Major Yelverton in 1532, and her going to.Qalata in 1856. This officer died, was Killed, ...


... The bill introduced by the President of the Board of Trade was published yesterday. It to be known The Harbours and Passing Tolls, &c., Act, 1861, and contains CO sections. The bill is divided into six parts. Pert first relates to loans to harbours, and provides that the Publio Works Loan Coinmissioners may, out of the funds for the time being at their disposal, or provided by Parliament ...


... An adjourned meeting of this board took place last evening, in the public offices, Green-lane, Mr. Morecroft the chair, and the other members present were Mettsrs. Liversidge, Webb, Williams, Gamming, Mudie, Biokersteth, Peters, H itch moo gh, and Lee. letter was read from Mr. T. R. Roberts, district auditor, fixing the April, at ten o'clock the forenoon, for auditing the aoooants of the board ...

ANOTHER PlTCil-IN' ON THE railway. KnrroiLs f™' ° f 0 'V occurred which' from now known among the initiate ma

... hat which arc mental to livcg and tho panancua, and which mu't ultimately tell with effect upon tie va of railway property. Tlio ordinary train from north, due Pre tin at 10 35, was last night about half an hour liebinrl time, and limited mail which is da* at Preston 11 was alio about twenty late, ko that a very short distanoo was between trains when they Preston fur south, and it became a ...


... The weekly meeting of the Mersey Docks and Harbonr Board was held yesterday at the Dockoffice. Revenue-buildings. Mr. 0. Turner, M.P., presided, and the other members present were Messrs. Anderson, Boult, Farnworth, Smith, Littledale, Mondel, Rankin, Shand, Arnold, Bold, Laird, Bushel!, Evans, Id man, Forwood, Darbyshire, Langtou, and Rees. TENDERS. On the reoommendation of the works committee ...


... BAUC3 POPCII SCPRKMA. DOMESTIC. is stated that her Majesty's visit to mbridge, which was prevented by the pr emature death of the King of Portugal, is been postponed to May next. Another Cabinet Council was held on Jaturday afternoon. Her Majesty held a Privy Council on Saturday evening. It was attended by the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Secretary of State for War, and Lord Granville, all ...


... The Sherborne Journal completes the love story of which Mr. Magan, an Irish gentleman and lately a member of Parliament, and Miss Miles arc the hero and heroine. Our readers will remember (says the Journal), sorao two years ago, an action for breach of promise of marriage at Bristol, which, falling at a very dull time of year, was made the most of by the Bristol papers. In commercial language, ...


... Free Public Unseam, William Brown-street—Public Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from Ten a.m. till dnsk. On Tuesdays and Fridays the Museum is closed (except students) for cleaning, arranging, &o. During Easter, Whitsun, and Christmas weeks the Museum Is open daily, exoept on Christmas Day. Free Public Library, William Brown-street—Open dally, from Ten a.m. Ten p.m., ...


... Notwithstanding the vigilance of the police nothing additional has transpired In referenoe the terrible murder of the brothers Shaw, at Monaghan, who, it will be remembered, were fonnd t'ead in their hoose from the results of gnn shot wounds. After a long investigation the coroner'* jury have re* turned an open verdict, and the three prisoners, Shaw, M'Niece, and Jackson, have consequently ...


... Derby, Thursday Night.—The get out the water from the Sha'e Pit of the G'Uy Works have been contiuue-1 and dey, ond it is hoped that the pit will be dry to-night or early to morrow. It la now conclusively nettled that there are 20 men and three fcoys left the pit; but lo hopes are entertained that they will recovered alive. ...