... Monday Evknino. Aberdeen, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Yarmouth, and Brighton, S., Dublin, 8.8. E., Holyi®*d> Hull, southerly, Sheffield, W.N.W,, Bristol, and Plymouth—all fine; Cardiff. Falmouth, london, Wjlverton, and Mllford Hareu all 3.W., cloudy; TBundoc, S.W., damp; Edinburgh, W., very fine; Glasgow, fine, frost j Inverness, frost; 'Whitehaven, W.S.W., showery. ...


... AND MAOVKTIt' TVJOKAPU3.] BOUSE LORDS. THUHSDAT, JUNE 20. Tbeir lordships did not meot day, being ft* *Dnl»prj»ry aooetriou Queen Viotoru the throne. BOUSE OF COMMONS THURSDAY, JUNE 20. The Speaker took the chair four o'elock. AND GLOUCESTER. reply question from Colonel Smyth, Mr. T. Duncombk stated that he Intended to proceed «lth his motion for the i>sns of new write the boroughs and ...


... THE NEW TOWN 13ALL. ! . ' ?? IT; is a fortunate circumstance that our Town Council, before committing itself to an absolute and final selection of the best of the competitive plans for a new Town Hall resolved upon eonsulting an architect of Mr TITErS eminence., Mr TiTE, as will be seen from his letters read at the council meeting yesterday, will pronounce no hasty or ill-considered opinion, ...


... English Puritanism and its Leaders. By the Rev. Principal Tulloch, head of the University of St. Andrew's, &e., &e. Only two years have elapsed since Dr. Talloch published his most excellent work on The Leaders of the Reformation. The matter and style of that history are still fresh in our remembrance. The Rev. Principal exhi- bited to us the four great reformners-Luther, Cklvin, Latimer, ...


... Apart from the inspiriting influence of charming weather and holiday time, the fete which took place yes. terday, in Aston Park, In connection with the Temperance Association In this town, must have been replete with agreeable assoolations to those who participated in it. The object of the gathering was notmerely amusement, what was aimed at being something practical and useful in the cause of ...


... As the hour of eight drew on the streots, which had gra. dually thinned of their multitudes during the afternoon, again began to fill-the only variation upon the morning features of the crowd being the Intermixture with its more orderly and respeetablo components, of a horde of young zapeoallions-the outpourings of the faobories and schools, whose ingenuityseemedoonatantly on the raokfor the ...


... PiCas Lu FOLLEMr. Winter has come upon uss iiaddonly andwith such severity, tliakt before 'wve have quite arranged our article on autumn dress, we are called upoin to devote our attention to a description of the different materials and styles more suitable to the present accompanirnents-of this season of the year- frost and snow. Two distinctly opposite styles will, it'is said, meet with ...


... 3IUT DECEMBER, 1861. And ever more 'Is it come? they avid, -FRANCEIS BROWN. 'TrUly the watohers have long watched and waited, And to them day hath seemed long time in breaking; Eopea that one time their gladdened hearts elated Now seem to be their troubled hearts forsaking. The years roll on; another's hours are numbered, Soon shall we toll the knell of its departure- And era one moment it ...


... POE TRY. OUT, LITTLE CHILD WITH RADIANT EYS j With seeking licarte we still grop on ODW Where dropt our jewel in the dumst;1 in Thu looking crowd have long, since gene, And still we seek with lonely trust gn 0 little child with radiant eyes I Dark underneath the brightening sod a The sweetest life ofall our years Is crowded in as gittoGdlg We stand outsidieftheo ga0te in tears I tee o little ...


... A SU'MMER DAY'S RElVERIE. - - t The Sumnmes sun, and genial showers, halver clothed the earth Nvithi verdant flowers- All eaterse robed in living green iFrists to ania a glorious scene. The primrose seeks the lovely deli, Tlio mountain helight thle heather bell, Thle tulip and the blushing rose in cottage gardens find repcse. Thle birch, the beeeh. and hardy Oak, The mrountain ash that crowns ...


... og Altqatulj?- 77,. Letters ass Wrk of LsndV Mary Wortley Montague. Edited by, her getradson, Lord Wlharncliffe Trhird Edition, with Adiin and a New Memoir by W. Moy Thomaas.-Henlry G. Bohn, Londbnt. Solss, four or five generations have elapsed since the piquantt genius of Lady Miary Wortley Montagu gained her a brilliantI faile anmongst her contemporei'ies, and though a similar lapse of time ...


... 4 j The Poetical )Vorks of John Milton. New Edition. Vol. II. Bohn's Illustrated Library.-II. G. Bobn, London. T'Pns volume completes lilr. Bohn's well-printed, well-illus- trated elition of the worlis of Milton, forming an admirable addition to the popular series which embraces so many other productions that the world will not willinglv lot die. A very useful feature of the volume before us ...