... I . _- r - . e . - His Royal Highness the Count de Flanders Paid a visit, on Friday last, to Mr. Cornelia Goggin's bog oak establshment, 13, Nassau. street, and selected several of thoso bog oak ornaments, copies of the Irish antiques, of rare and Cxquilito beauty, In the production of whieli lis houso has attained so much celebrity. The Hon. Mr. Vereker has arrived in this city from London. ...


... I|- _ - AMATEUR TREAThICALS. One of the most attractire amateur theatrical performances that w c havp witnessed for a long time was given on Satur- ddy.evenlng in the Conecrt Room of the Rotundo, which wee turned into tho.prettiest of miniature theatres for thenoe Ihe attendance wearcrowdedand hlghly fashionable. The performances comprited tho famous old comedy of High Life Belowt Stairs, and ...


... I . 1 (3a1o1m OUL RcroI-onrca.) B3ALUANASLOlP .TscURSDAoY NJoocsr.-The great Octo- ber fair of sheep, horses, and black cattle commences here to-morrow, and will be continued on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. The general opinion is, that there will be a large supply of cattle and of horses, bat that the display of sheep will be limited, owing to the severe mortality amongst them from rot ...


... - I , , - I t . . ,V, tooe in onf-tls m Ost -nd A whilst £lc Wcipi~isiait ?? jeplttd ?? ?? aoofie'glh~ltio ebO I ?? f ( ?? tr dfivelopt cnt lh l1t d elfftill ffjp-ropilft3T7C1WII jttl a; i tlef tbls DIe1ta anthd ?? ?? :fhei1, plt n~d aednotsbhoio ?? dO Jri 81rara,~ {htb ldeg'iost,'crthngibehe1notira6|o hrttiihc'of. the'lev'Oil, Uoarluina It iabni jbiotiee o ?? thbt titiel,,sl rt~ilibinl^ al ...


... -1.~ tipRT'I!UI--1RAL SOCIETY. 'IIe first spring borwothbi' society foi the present. ' ea nc ietedqudlrqavYi1 the Ratuado F 94'qo RM opoasion, uder an nuerusursnust' ~ was glorious, ,an~l thpousarng ,who#a4 ,1beea kept iithin 15 door.Aucngij mos sevre 4 Profctdo i~suied ,f~ortb. hn e# ?? ot*ia r r fine warrm~day~of; theioeaso~ha, ?? a8o ihe,'d t i61 froainthes promocade in Ironst of the ...


... LLt I j - l l E .. . . T--- ITERATUIEJ .¢r--a 1,. > ?? I DUILUUZUNIVEBSITY MaAOAltL-.A k~irdly~but 4ir, notice~of thie Esbibition usihers in, tig lbl n rin Irelandhas the, .honour of.: having originated: the'ee.ri-; imeie of industrial 'progress in 'the B1itish 'empire, 'dt E I thoughthe preeiut displayin Kildaro-street is'limn-twd, com pared with, the l,,rg~a E~ribitioa, ten ys~earsago, It, ...


... Iff- , _ ,. - - - - - , I Lost enrning ir. and Mrs. W. J. Florence took their farc& weli'benlirit Iu tlbe ipreseece of a' crowded andfashtilonlbql audietee. Thc performances comnmenced with th§ comic dra- ima of Ihf to flood zarc, In which Mr. Florence; as Paddy O1lfferly, wea mnot effective, and khpt the housee from one roar of Isaghter. to alother. In the Protean koeivth of Ths 1eecri ...


... The cotcert on Saturday-the seventh of the 'Winter Con- certs, resumed after an interval of soume weeks-although of undoubted excellence, presents few points for special oriti- clam. The programme was almost irreproachable, and the artists, if not of the first class, were far from nameless. The band, under the direction of Mr. Augustus Meanns, keeps up to its old point of efficiency, and on ...


... LORD DWBNSLEYDALB AT AMPTHILL. The twentieth annual exhibition of the Silsoe and Ampt- 'WiU Labourers' Friend Society has juet been held at Ampt- ' hill, the competitores being assembled. Lord WmnsnLmDaL spoke as follows: Referring to them as his friends and neighbours, his lordship said it gave him great pleaeure in being present at the twentieth mneeting o'fthis exclent and usefal soojety. ...


... OLYXP1C THEBAT7: The prolonged illnes of Mr.F, Robsoa has rendered neces- sary a complete change of perfoirmancei at this theatre, And the strengthening of the company by the engagement of Miss Amy Sedgwick. Sheridan's brilliant comesdy of the Sehool ?? was the first piece produced under this arrange8 ment; Mliss Amy Sedgwlck performing the part of Ladly Tcsacic. It was at once obvious, ...


... TORD UAYOR'S DAY. ORDER OF THE CiVIC rROCESSION. d the Ertertainment Committee issued their ~xegre Y mme of the civio pageantry On the occei so t~e~l i ~rara t Lo3rd NayorCrbitt to his second y° r of v ion wlill start from the Gaildhall at about 'r ptocee nhe ?? o'clock, in the subjoined order ali-aet Nical,3DConstables to clear the way. Ci ainj~goon, tboe DpuY ?? of the ?? Poliee, Mountedo r ...


... 01 ! thou exquisite load ! we must part, we must part; And the thought that with sorrow is filhng my heart, As my eye wanders hack to thy verdure clad shore Ih, that I may exult in its beauties no more. I must bid thee farewell; but how oft in my dreams, will my spirit revisit thy silvery streams; I shall feel my cheek fann'd by the breath of thy gales, And shall wander again through thy ...