... SOUTHERN DIVISION OF LANCASHIRE. CUOWN COURT. BEFORE MR. BARON CIIANNELL. WEDNESDAY, DI MEMBER 18. THE CHILD MURDER Naucy Armfield, who wag convijted od Wednesday las: of the murder of & infant Droylusden and sentenced to if been respited. MANSLAUGHTET . AT LIVERPOOL. Jobn Scully, who found guilty yesterday of the m*nslanghter of Ma r Kelly, Liverpool, on the 17th of September was sentenced ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a BIRTHS, MAURRIAGES, ANTD DEATHIS. s ?? of B irh, Marriges, and Deaths cnnot be inete s withlout they aire properly authentic~ted by the namec an/d address of Y thlesender. BIRTHS. ae Tausans-On tlhe 6th inst., at South-place, Herne-h~ill, dj the wife of T. Conwvay Travers, Esq., Royal Marines t Light Infantry, of a daughter. WrFigh,Dx the wiufeof tshte Re~v. H.Arabutbuot Peilden, of a h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At NIaRYFUTL9, in Eldon-pJaee, on the 8th net., the wife of Ur Di. D. Main, of a ?? tbe qligh Bridae, On the 9tb inst., Mrs Thomas Loga, of a daughter, At REDTINGTON, OR the 11th inet., the wife of Mr John Urwin, of a son. At BnIAumARis, North Wales, on the ?? inst., tbe wife of the lev. E. E. Iooppell, Head Master of the Marine School, Soutu Shields, of a daughter. AARRIAGES. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,. At NORTH SHERLDS, in Spriog-terrace, on the 2nd inst., the wile of A. Edwards, Esq., R.N., H.M.S. CAstor, of a ?? Smith's-plaoe, Toll-square, G. tbe 6th inlt., the wife of Capt. William Taylor, of a daughter. At WATEBLOO, Blyth, on the 8th inst., the wife of Air J. W. Riohol, of a daughter, At SUNfDlERLAND, in High-street, on the 30th ult., the wife of Mr Robert Dick6on, chemist, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ' D a: of totw !Kp Hws O a e Z T, The illness under which her Royal Highness the Duchess of Rent had been ?? for some time, though of a nature to create anxiety, did not assume, until about one o'block on Fri- day last, a character such es to cause serious alarm of an imnimediate fatal termination. Sir Jandes Clark, Her Majesty's physician, called at Frogmore-house on Friday, on his way from ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WUNRA.&T. O - RE&RARD OSTLZR. On Friday, tho 30th ult, the mortal remains of Mr. Richard Ostler were censigned to their last resting place in Kirkstall Churchyard, near Leeds. The death of Mr. Oastler, though.he had passed the allotted term of three ueore yeare and ten, and was known to be in -failing' health, called forth a feeling of profound regret through- out the whole manufecturing ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to FUNERAL OF MISS DALTON, OF THURNHAM. _ On Thursday last, the remains of the late Miss Dalton, of Thurnham, vhose demite we announced in our last num- ber, were inteired in the family mausoleum in the chapter. house of Cockersanl Abbey. The last offices of the lead were conducted with all the Pomp and ceremonial with which the Church of Rome invests the sepulture of a dis- tinguished member ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r RfBlIRTS. *ARrs-es.-Ontheithinst., at UAherehott, the.7vife of CaptahiAkeasi of a son. HAIT.-On the Gth inst., att Parkhurst, Isle of Wight, the wife cf George lall, Esq., Governor ?? oe, of :L son. L6.ovn.-On the 1lth ult., at Halifas, Yoea Scesa, on board the steam packet Amcrica, the wife of Colonel Lloyd, eoeal Engineers, prematurely, of a daughter, who survived hex birth n few heoars. i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0, B~IRTHS. r- C zov.-O the 28th ult., at 46, Charles-street, the Eon. Mar ( r- Curzon, of a --os. P 1lIEAOS.-On the 29th ult., at Hampstead, the vrife of IV.b . U Hceaton, Esq._(N. of a son. ' LOTT.-On the 26th u[t., at The Gratge, Werhaaa, Suffo:k, to Y wife of Stephen Janies Lott, Esq., premnaturely, of a, *lt, ?? r born. NEATB.-On the 26th ult., at the residence of her mnotherl _ Portsdown ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... d BIRTHS. h ?? the 7th inst., nt Acton-pluce, Suffolk, the Ii -Lady Flroence Barnardiston, of a daughter. ,e OUiSE.-On the Gth inst., at Elmore Court, bloucestershire, the life of W. V. Guise, Esn., of a daughbcr. ?? the 9th inst., at 122, Leadenhs'l-rtreet, the wife ot Charles Wellington Howvell, Esq., of a eon. JoXSc.-On the Gth inst., at Craimner H-tall, Norfollc, the wife of is Sir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Funeral of Mr. Braid wood. One of the most imposing funerals that has taken place in the metropolis silce the public obsequies of the Duke of Wellington was performed on Saturday, when the remains of the late chief of the Fire Brigade were solemnly con- veyed to their last resting-place in Abney Park Cemetery, in the presence of an immnense concourse of silent and almost mourning spectators. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. April 15, at Stratton St. Margaret, Wilts, the wife of Mr. Thomas East, Master of the Highworth and Swindon Union, of a son. MARRIED. April 16, at the parish Church, Wimbledon, by the Rev. H. W. Haygartb, M. A., Incumbent, assisted by the Rev. H. A. Pickard, M.A., Fred. William Olivet, Esq., M. A., Student of Christ Church, to Harriet Elizabeth, second daughter of Harry Pollard Ashby, ...