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... unpopular reminiscences of the Whig party nom. passed into oblivion, and his authority descended ito. to the new chieftain, i and s With better quie, 3 and Better opinion, better Confirmation. And from that day forward the Whigs began slowly, but steadily ...


... In the whole community, has baen, and is at the present moment, Mr. S. R. Graves, the Mayor. All classes of politicians, Whigs, Tories, and Radicals—the ladies, too, that section of society which rules all classes—are unanimous in sounding the praises ...


... Quakers and Ctle Tories joined to raise a formidable clamour. The Teries exulted in the prospect of winning two seats from the Whigs. The whole king- dom was divided between 9touts and Cowpers. At the summer assizes, Hertford was crowdasL with anxious faces ...


... canseawhich led to this podition off aftire. hen Lady Mary first knew rope, ho was ind.Iffolent ?? pollitic, end suspected of whig tendencese, onlyn, perhaps, because he wrote in eon. junction with Steele and Addison, and assooiated with them; but, in the ...


... unrelenting severity the vagaries and blunders of the Foreigns Secretary- the 'little itiatalsnudiag on the shouldere of the Whig aristocracy l-a iS believed by Liberals to be a great statesouain' the 'tan l hose reputatioi Mr. Disraeli once said was ...


... undertaking which Mr. Layard's bill will, we trust legalise, before members repair to the moors. This measure is neither a Whig nor a Tory measure ; it is a purely educational one, and as such should have the support of both sides of the House of Com- ...

Literary Extracts

... shorter in sta- fro ture, and less gifted in personal gifts and graces than his bli comely son, complained to a friend, a whig peer, who had sh also a son at Cambridge, of the very considerable expen- oh ditur of his heir. Biut, Sir James, rejoined ...


... animosity of the party which ta, constantly overreaching itself would have 01rdforth feelings of triumph in a much less 1,rerighig Whig. On this subject it is curious tantrst the mode of warfare adopted by Parlia- cotryolabatants in those days with that which ...


... party in power, when blunders of every kind have moat severely tried the patience of the ation. The Premier is one of the few Whigs who have profited by their Conservative education; he was a pupil of Pitt, and a contemporary of GreovillJ and Csatlereaegh ...


... men shouid be unable to de eat the vines ,which were hidden under that show of pi emature sobriety. Spencer was a whig, unhappily for the whig party, whioh, ?? the unhonoured and unlamented clese ol his life, wag mor'c than once brought to the verge of ruin ...


... alosraos The antheor himself wee a heroug goin Wicighe ha held officesi under Whig adcasneitratsosh eevdtepeerage fromn the hands of the Whigs e~,i at elived and died a Whig. The period heI lce o h commencemenit of L'is great work WyeS just that when the ...