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Lancashire, England


Ulverston, Lancashire, England

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... their= rd will pip* mph sell • WNW. awl Whom ••• warm slim Mora 111 . .01.16 *ow. p.m with ▪ DA erlMb lif rsr -SWAM. Ow•Filia.e•whig, ilmwr. nimbi MIN% Tam. amid r llieseese. Tem* DN. • = rt %Mrs Mpwair •r • Mena IS • c•ITNIL. PON ) AIDVISTISSIV gm, flu- ...


... =4, Olartgar ghillie. hi. Tussah Moped Nash Tees et Miaow Nat.. Strait (ear T•mpla 1 Lhasa else by Druggists Dreams la Whig. the gagged isikalag priae—ls lig, to H. b • •••I•itty legn ebb ti.B.—Dlreetbee be UM ramie evn eeeb 111111 t. Up oast kg, ...

Atatt and (Church. Dr. Stokes is gazetted one of the physicians in ordinary to her Majesty. The Pembrokeshire ..

... Colebrooke, Bart., M.P. fur Lanarkshire, will move the Commons' address in answer to the speech from the throne. The banquet to the Whig whipper in, Sir William Hayter, at which Lord Palmerston will preside, is fixed for the 27th of Feb. The Prince of Wales ...


... by pre-tieing the same arti.icen Europe seems rapidly returning to its condition of fifty years ago, so far at least as the Whig powen are concerned. The first N. rotens, distractive fire-brand as he was, burnt up many of the cunningly contrived meshes ...

*ate and Church

... the Whigporty, and, although an unfrequent speaker in the House of Peers, invariably supported the views and measures of the Whig governments. Ou the death of his father, in 1839, he succeeded to the dukedom. By his death the extensive estates belonging ...


... father, sod two years afterwards he was reamed fen Carbide on Whig priseipleo. His abilities non hewn appmeet after he attend the Hoeft Cannon and he was deemed • great nakitioe to the Whigs—a political party Owe Wetly insist month is the easky. In 1810 ...

Zht Wirror of the 'rtoo

... Liberal party. For one brief interval an attempt was, indeed, made to conduct the affairs of government on Whig principles without the chief of the Whigs ; but the result was not such as to induce anyone to desire a repetition of the experiment ; and so long ...

Registered for Foreign Transmission

... Hardie or Parris. ours at Teaks in do add of bating the prepare Milan fk4.. the North ad of aide throo4 do property of if r. WHIG= a tM sod woo Saks sow or orospadoo of Jobs Tb ils olora ai ,d of user% sod ratio ad of wof bid of doe Lad drool W prose* of ...

Zhe literary Mirror

... calumnious. Everybody read it; the Whigs and Republicans to admire, the Tories to abuse and denounce. It was, indeed, a niagni ficent party pamphlet in five volumes. For several years the historian was a toast at Whig banquets, and the dismay of Tory and ...

`the otherwise

... appears truly heinous to Mr. Burns, who regards his lordship as a Scotchman. We think Mr. Burns somewhat too severe on the Whig historian. Lord Macaulay unquestionably proposed to write the history of England, and was of Scotch descent ; but he was born ...

leer cm—iv:lrmo

... moral . as a lees lawatit a wow Mow M. Imemtu•• Wailer e• wow maws.' Into Wee, webbed. to the bib et Vet whiny* be lin nese tie Whig. vb. el Its e• ; its wl mow ipalgage eat oath swim al Um mg Pawl WOOD the Damn yob. I *awe preeesthst in.setb, as* at.. of ...