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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... JULY, 1861. 1IRST-CLASS STEAMERS ARE, intended to Sail between Belfast n elnd the following Ports, viz,:- FOR DUBLIN. Wednsday Aug 7,at 8 o'clock Evening. Wdufleday, A~ug. 1.1, at 4 o ciock Afternoon. Si ~ednesday, Aulg. 2, at 8 o'clock Evening. F Wednandy, Aug 28, at 3 o'clock Afternoon.i Cabinl Faic, 12s. 61. Steerage, 45. B.Lnvninw fromit DUBLIN Ofl CI'ri)' MONDAY. E tsirge~ ?? bwe taken ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i; 00gate hit C'urfin. SALE THIS DAY. cJAIMtEIA HTOUJSTON WILL OFFER FOR SALE Ad by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, 14th August, 1261, the Cargo now Landed ex ?? Diamond, from B1iraminhi, at Twelve o'clock, North Side of PRIN E S DOCR, coisisting of- 4,000 Pieces Spruce DEALS and BATTENS, 10 to 24 feet long. 500 ,, DEAL ENDS. 114 ,, BIRClH, large size. Also remainder of Cargo &.r James White, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOK SALE CONTINUED. A T TI1E AUCTION MART, No. 8, WARING T A STREET, This and following Evenings, at Seven o'clock precisely, a large Number of MISCEL- LANEOUS WORKS. JOHN CRAMSIE, Auctioneer, ,1 103 8, Waring Street. It SALE THIS DAY. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Mr. HYNDMAN'S Mart, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of January, 1861, at Twelve o'clock l noon, if not previously disposed of by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE PRESENT STATE OF THE WINE MIARKET, T AND THE PRESENT REDUCTION IN THE DUTY OF WINE, ] Have materially ifiected ths Quality ann Prices of Port, tl herry, tind other Wines. Brt, however true it may be that the Public have been led to expect a greater inducement for the Con- I sumption of Wines than could be seen when the Consumer tested the assertion by trial, it cannot be con- tradicted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -N'O`W I I PORT, foR, NEW YORK DIRECT, I ; rE FIN E BARQUE Captain WRAGGE, *1- 92Tons. ReiateredFiret-Cltass Lloyd's. ThiT Vrssel will sail direct from here to New Yoor en tile 6t NOVEMBER, provided sufficient freight (C .This fiee opportenrlty has great advantaag*s to Slippers of Goods, to Cabin and Steerage Pasese- gers and it is requested that early applientinns may be ?? This splendid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJSTRALTA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEALAND. A-TAILACK IBALL LINE OF t 1,Iritish and Australian Ex-Royal ail Packlets, and Eagle Line of Packets, r4S gI FOR MELBOURNE. Ship Reg. BMr. Capt. Date. Hope, 1,104 2,000 King, Oct. 5 c Great Britain, ss., 3,20 500 tI.P. J. Gray, Oct. 15. Marco Polo, 1,625 6,000 D. Johnston, Nov. 5. Paclet for the 5th October, the magtnificent Clipper ship 1hOPE. 1,104 tons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMTONS TO-lMORROW, CHRTST CHXURCHI CLOTHING SOCTETY. HE ANNUAL SERMONS ON BEHALF fCF 1 this Society will be Preached (God willin-i) CHRIS'l CHURCH, after Morning and Even,1- . vice, on SUNDAY, Dec. 22,1861, by the REV. ROBERT S. GREGG, A.21.,M INC UMBENT. Contributions of those who cannot attend vi r thankfully received by the Preacher. . SERMONS TO-MORROW. BALLYMACARRETT PRESBY TEnRI , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS EVENING. BOOKS BY AUCTION. To be Sold by AUCTION, on TUISDAY, 1st Octo- ber, and following Evenings, at Seven o'clock, at the AUCTION M1ART, No. S, WARING STREET, A I S C E LL A N EO U S COLLECTION OF A VALUABLE BOOKS, among which are seve- ral rare Works, in good condlition. Catalogues may be had by applying at the Auction Mart., On each Evenin g, at comnimuncement of Sale, there will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T V ISITOi R S TO BEL'FAST, TOWN AND TRADE DIRECTORY. THE BELFAST AND PROVINCE OF ULSTER DIRECTORY FOR 1861, PRICI 6S, Is on Sale at the NEW&S1.ETTER OFFICE, 25, DONEGALL STREET, and at all Booksellers. T HEATR E ROYAL, B ELF AST. Positively the Last Six Nights of the Irish Wonder, JOHN DREW. THIS EVENING (Monday), August 12, 1861, the Performances wvil] Commence with the well-kinown Drama of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - j AT R2ICK RAILWAY. 'r[W AND DIRECT ROUTE TO IRELAND, r , _ AS D t JKALA I ' k p it ra' rli'le (Ci.'dl Station), by Glasgow and - I'll, jVturP Cisdtle Douiglas and Dumfries, and ?? .1. k esa'ilx;vs to ST RANL{AER, thence per SF l AS E DE. BY DAY. AND ONLY 3j HOURS. -~sscngers arc nolw l oki'id Through to BELFAST ?? leavin2 t C'nrisle, Citadel Station, Every 1D2 ?? arid FRl'iDAY;, at 6.13t3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, & NEW ZEA LAND. BLACK BALL LINE OF ) British an d A iistralian Ex.-Royal M i Packets, and esagle Line of Packets, s, FOR MELBOURNE; Reg. g Bur. Capt. Date-. W T asmania 2,1136 4,500 Fly nn J nly 5. Ha young Australia 1,020 2,000 Lowrie, July 15. E lz'th Ann Bright, 1,919 4,000 Starkie, Aug. 5. The Passenger accommodation in this ship is de- Co cilleflly superior, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CL-ASSIC.\T, IIARMiONISTS' SOC-E I'Y. TII, EMIBERS ARE IN FORtIIED THTAT TITE 1 T Fir:f I'la ctio 1 Ot M ting of ?? SeasonN will ?? 1(ald I il lr. BrSSELL'S scionol Room), Prti- ht Blic', oll be A10NDAY Evenivv , 28th inst., at Eight o'clock, wrhen a nutnlalousi attendance is psirticul aly re- quested. 4713 - JOHN DUNN, Jun., Hon. Sec. XTOTICE CONVENING EXTRAORtDINAR1AY iN GENER\L MEIETING. . ...