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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... rTEATREE .ROTYA DUBLIN. RTH GUAND JUVENet NIGHT. For the convemienot of persons residing at a distance and the Juvenile Brauclsea of Famalies the performance w111 oDmmieO at Saeven-OClock, and be so arrangod that the Pan- tomime will terminnte at a Quarter paut Ten o'Clock. THIS EVENING (Tuesday), January 22d, the performances will commence with the laughablh Farce of THE SPECTRE 13R GlDEtO)i( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. THilS EVENING (Thaursday), Oetobler 24th, the per- Ircmances will commcner with Shbaspereral Tragedy of IBAMLET.1ilarmit, Mr F Robinson; Claudius, Mr Everett; lloratio, Mr N M14Intyro; Polonius, Mr Shephord; Laertos, Mr E price ; Ghost of Hamlot's Father, Mr F ilntley; First Actor, Mr Byng; first Gravedlgger, Mr It Barfoot; Gertrude, MrT Wallis ; Opiolla, Miss S Thorne; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E ATRE , YAL, 'iV'tLIN. . BY. COMXAND , oT NIS EXCELLENCY THE LORDl IBUTEP1ANT. 71118 EVENING (satorrdayh) Febf'arY 9th thcrtor.- tusnces will Commence wihBochsono's.PeUc Comeiyj enti- 'tied %*&L JOBn-Unclo John, Mr Grarfbs; Nopyicir Hawk, hr F Allen j Friend lbomas, Mr Holztonl; YEdwardisasl, Mr Munro N Xicce Hawk, Mrs Rolaton; Elius, Mrs W Baynham; X, CowfforJ, r a 'C H Stepheson. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE LATE FATHER FAY.-A prelii. ,L nu meeting ow the rfiends of the late Father Pay, of ftu4atherlno'a, was beld on Wfednle dy 3irentng to ?? a m6jetent having for Its objeeb to raise a memorial worthy oft lasilleo in the affe1,iona of the people. ft wse unsnimously resolved that Jameo Plunkett, isq, ,T,GL, do adt chalmirma. It pas roposed by Mr. JosOPe Butler, TC. ; mondeod by Mr. John Gavan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TREATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Mr. AIRIS respectfully announces that his BENEFIT WIl Uhe place on THllS (Saturday) EVENING, 23d February, 1061, eun which eceaslon will bo performed theadmired Drama of GWYNNETH VAUGHAN. Mortgan Morgan ?? Mr Granby Owen Williams ?? . Mr Huntiley Gwynetib Vaughan .. ?? MIss 8 Thorne Lyddy Price ?? ?? Mrs Burkinshaw ,To be oilowed by the favourite Comedloetta of THlE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TBFS QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. DXNRFIT OF MR. ATKINS, and his last appearance but three, on which occasion Miss GRACE EGERTON and Mr. G. CASE will give a selection from their celebrated entertain- ment entitled A Christaas Paity.-1ast Week of Miss L TIIOMPSON-Lsst night of Mr. SlEPHERD.-THIS EVEN- 1NG (Wednesdty), June 26th, will be performaed (last time), the Drama of TUE STAFF OF DIAMbONDS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FillrR OYL 1ULIN. FIRS ~Rj~DJUVNI~~ ?? the conve- Mbes of persona eiiga itne and the Juvenillo f ,the prforancceswill commence at mtciotel4and be sO arranged £hat tbe Pantomime will tsrmi- nateat Qorte pas 10-THS EENIG, January, lot, the performance will eommnce with the Farec of TIsl IDDY ASHORE -Harry Halcyon, Mri Burkinllaawr Toti Cringle, Nr Granby; Lady Etarchington, Mrs C 11 Stephen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'VP QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. T Firetappearance of Mr. POWl1IE.-Ll-s, CLARA ST. CA£SE, of the St. James's, Jlaymarket, Lyceom, and Olympic Thtatres, London.-Last Week of Mr. W. ELLERTONA THE BROTHERS ELLIS.-Mr. HARRY CLIPTON.-TIIIS EVENING (Ttesday), Jane 4-h, tho performances will com- mence with ?? legendary Drama entitled THlE ROSE OF E'ITRIICK VALE.-Red Ronald, Mr Warden, Old Adam, Mr FIsher; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORSES. O O'TIUE TO HOUSE BR Smllion, BI.ACK PRINCE, will stand in Dublin at OYCEliS lREP'OSITORY, oi TUiESDAY EVENING. WED. NESDAY, THJURSDAY, and FRIDAY. Hilenck, Saturday, and upi to 'Two ?? on Sunfday. Dunbaync, Sunday Evening, Monday, and on Tuesday .Mrt;ing until Tan o'Clock. All MHores £12 earl,, MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Barbadoes Sugar. QTOKES and ROONEY will OFFER BY 1 AUCTION, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T Last Night but Six of the engagement of Mr. JOliN DREW, the celebrated Irish Comedian.-TtIIS EVENING (Saaisday), Soptember 7. the performance will commenco with the petite Comedy entitled WHO SPEAKS FIRST ?-Captain Cliarles, Mr l! Robinson; ErneOt Militant, Vir Prioo Potter, ir IByng; Mrs Erreat Militant, Miss E Ryder ; Smart Mrs Burkinshaw. To be followed by the comte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY._ _ Q(I('30()WANTED, at 4* perCen., to corplate purchase o Properly ta Lnded Estates Court value for about L7;50*. Appl tS NAULAfnRK,S5011oltor,1, Horehant's-qnsybnbila o59,tS ft4 EDICAts.An ezceellent openin ocoltr V.j In * lar~go ~girc£UtIt0 Towni Jo England for an ?? and rell qusii1lle-., Cdtholic Surgron. Present ! Income about £800 a ylear, oscludfng Apiotnmnents wrorth £aeers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATR} ROYAL, DUBLIN. T SECONID GRAND JUyENIEE NIGHT.-For the conve- nience of persons residing at a distance, asd the Javcnile Branches of Families, the porfolmances will comn&ente at 7 o'Clock, and bh so arranged that the Pantomime wil termi- nate at a Quarter past O.-THIlS EVENING (Tuesday), Ja- rusty 8tb, th-cportormanfes 'Sill commence wfit tbh langh- able Farce entitled THE SECRET; or, ...