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Advertisements & Notices

... TOOTH-ACIIET REMEDI7 i ,iEo 0tt1es,2 thd., Is, and 6d.; Poat free for 10 ftampe W. LEDGEB Eii.JON, L.M. and Dentist, Drug Hall, 39, HENRY STREET. li S. WALL. 48, LOWE AKLE LV STREET, i In recelpt of NEW FANCY MATERIALS for Ladies, Dresaea, and will Show This Day. NEW TRIMMED BONNETS *From 1sa. each. An InspectIon reapoctfully soliclted, T. .PATRIC K'S BALL.- Mra. MA4NSING begs to STnnotnoee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. UMmEBHI COLLEGE, ATI{LONE, I-VACAtlON Ili T'ERMiNATEI on the 9th September, Appleantlons fost4dmltoion, Prospectuseq, lc., to bd made toe the Presideiit, VeiY Rev it. Coffey, V G.G Ti' DUCsTIONAL INSTITtlTE FjR . LADIES, 24, LOWER FIrZWILLIAM-STRIERTl, MerrioUn8qubre Dublin. ?? M8MEB- LEISIIMAN (Who are Englisli). Pn AOelliUM'LMA-nuees, * ?? Schuitheis, Ph. D. Italian Do. Do. M. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO DR. C4RAY. Subscriptions will bo received at tho Omdce of the Committee, MANSION HOUSE, from One to Foe&r o'CIock, every day, or may be lodged in the ROYAL BANK, to tihe credit of the Treasurers, .. ; * ?? . B. L. 4U[NNESS,; JOtN D'ARCY, and AN,. e CIS ODD. ¶fES'TMONIAL Tif DR. GRAY. JL b~iOUNTJOY WARD. TO ALDERMAN REDMOND CARROLL. We, tibe undersigned Burgesses and tlatepayors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE. Extraordinary success of the New Burlesque, Aladdin, or The Wonderful Scamp.--Thc celebrated Comedian, Mr. J. OOGEtS,-Mr. EL CLIFTON.-THIS EVElING (Thursday), Angust lot, will be performed the celebrated Drama entitled TIME MILLER AND liS MLEN-Count Frederick Frberbg, Mr Vincent; Karl (his first appearance), Mr S Artaud; Grindos!, Mr 1I Webb; Lothair, Mr J F Warden; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TMIMEi kTRt, ' .0YA1,-DU'BIN. 1'THiS: EVElNaIN( (rid&O, JARSrVr -l89h, the ibW- ormances w1ill commocnee with the comic drama cntitiedi A WONDERFUL WOMAN.-Theo Mfrquiriu 1d Ffrontiguse, Ur WBa3n'am; thi Visekutft do ?? , Mr C Weston; Imdolphe, jlv Jrtvis; Crepin, Ur Oftanby; Zdfttens&, Miss 8 Thorne, Ceelle, Miss Edwardi., To conclude with the mnirthful, ?? Chriatmlai ?? JACKHEE G4IANT-XILLEgR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL rOSTINGS. I COURT OF BANKRUTCY AND INSOLVENUy. DN BANKRUPTCY. In the Matter ot H B Judges of the iobert Lmnhana, ODO ot Court of Bankruptcy and the firm of Thomo and Insolvency will sit at the said Robert Lenham, trad. Court, Four Courts, Dublin, on ing as T. and PR LUn. FRIDAY, the 8th day of Fe- ham, at d1, Jamea's. bruary, 1881, at the hour of etreet, In, the ,City of Eieira ?? , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, il 5HABEtl5 bas the pleasuretoannounce that hebas made an Engagemeut with the celebrated Tragedian, Mr. G. V. BiROOKE, for a limited number of Nights, who will make his thiril appearance in his native City since hla return from Australia after an absence of seven years, also, Mr. It. YOUNGE, from the Australltn Theltres. TiilS EVENING (Friday), October lltb, 1801, ?? be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLW. T.]L ITALIAN OPERAS. LAST NIGHT BUT TWO OF THE FAREWELL ENGAGE- XENT OF MADAME GRIST. T1IIS EVENING (Thursday), December 12th, ILTROVA- TORE.-Eleonors, Madame Grisi; Azueens, Madame Lemalre; Inez, Madli Bles B8; Conte di Luna, Signor Cresel ; Ferrando, Silgor Ciampi Un Zingara, Signor Bellinl, Ruez, Signor Abpa; Maurice, Signor Galvani. On Friday, December 13t1, First Act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERMONS. ! ENMARK SsREET ORPHAN AND DAILY 1)OO1, founded 178, In wilch TWENr-s FOUR UESTITUTE ORPHANS are Dletcd. Clothed, and Educated, acd, when fit, apprenticed to nusful trades. The ANlNUAL CIHARITY SrInMON, In aid of the Funds of the above Intiuttllion, s IIl le preached In thl Church of St. sa- vilour, LOWER DOMINICK SThEET, en SUNDAY, 13th Oetoberat Hialf-pastTwelve o'Clock, Immediately ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TF'iATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T On THIS EVENING (Satolady), December 28th, the eriot manees will commence with the petite Co'nedyientitlod :erLICATE GROUNID.-Citizen Sangfroid, Ur F Rtobinson; Alphonse (le Grarldier, Mr 1 Price ; Panlne, Miss S Thorne, After whilch will be presented a Grand Christmsas Comic Pan- tomime, entitled ALADMIN AND THE WONDERFUL LAMP; or, HARLEQUIN AND THE MAGIGIAN WITH NEW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUJSE FURNISHING AND MANU- t FACTURING IRONMONGERY ESTABLISHIIEiT, 13, WESTMORELAND-STREST, AND Ai 20 AND 21, ASTONS8QtUAY, S HODGES AND SONS, t OP9PRIa'zOss of the above Establishmant, I 1liPttuehly beg leave to notify to the Nobility and Gentry of Ireland and to the Inhabitants of Dublin that, owing to the increase of their Businees, they have of late been obliged to enlarge their Warehouse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE' ROYAL,'DUBLIN. THig EVENING (Friday), February Ist, tse perfer- mances will commence with the favourite Drama entitled THIE DAUGHTER OFTIiESTARS.-Tho lion. Antony Hawki atone, Mr Holston; Mr Crawley, Mr Byng; Lieutenant Ernest Dalton, ILN. Mr C Weston; BDaedbuo Beeswing, Ur Barfoot; Itatherlne Dalton, MIES Edwards Mrs lo0ntcataract, Mrs C H Stephenson ; Miriam, Miss Sarah Thonie. To ...