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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Brownlow-June 30, at Ballyleck, County Monaghan, the wife of James Brownlow, Esq., of a son. Pirrie-July 4, lt 5, Fishorwick Place, Beleast, the wife of Dr. Pirrie, of a daughter. Stokes-June 30, at the residence of her father (tV. Fen- wick, Esq.), Greenhill, County Donegal. the wife of the Rev. T. G. Stokes, of a son. Thompson-July 2, at York, the wife of William Thomip. son. Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF REV,. DR. MURRAY. S-(FRaOM -TES 5.'E YORE? OH5EftYEi.) OUR friend'and correspondent (Kirwan),.the Rev.' Nicl9asB Murray, D.D., ofElizabethtown, New Jersey, died at home on Monday, Febinary 4, in the 58th year of his age. It is vain for us to, attempt to speak our mingled feelings of astonish'ment and grief, as we hear and repeat these sudden'and'distressing tidings. But a few days ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE BARON GREENE. WITr deep regret we hiaeQ to announce that the Right lIon. Richard Wilson Greone, late one of the Barons of her ?? Court of Exchequer, died on Satulrday last, at his residence, 49, Stephen's Green. Although the melancholy event had been for a loUg' fimo foreseen, the deceased gentleman having been for a considerable time previous to his retirement from the judicial beneh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Dennis-December 7, at Barraderry House, County Wick- low, the wife of M11ajor Dennis. of a daughter, Uanwell-Docember 7, at Charlton, the wifo of Captain Hanwell, R.A., of a Eon. Woods-December 7, the wife of Mr. Samuel Woods, Banbridge, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Bennett and 11alcom-Doeeinber 12, in Great Vietoria Street Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Sanmuel Hamil- ton, Saintfield, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF COUNT CAVOUR. (FROM TUE TIaTES.) COUN'T CAVOUR is golC. The mind ahnost refuses to believe what but a week ago it would have been a doubting of Providence to think at all probable. It is as when, on a sudden darkness, the eye is still possessed with the object that last filhledit. But just now all minds were on Cavour. In what form would he cast the still unsettled, still hot and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIS. January 20, at 17, Buccleugh Place, Edinburgh, the wife of Robert Workman, jun., of a daughter. January 20, at Downing, Flintshire, the Viscountcs3 Fielding, of a daughter. January 5, at Argyll Lodge, Wimbledon Common. the wife of Otto Goldocbmidt, Esq. (Mdme. Jenny Lind Goldsebmidt), of a son. November 5, at Sboetlond Street, Auckland, New Zealand, the wife of William Buchanan, Esq., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, DEATHS, AND.MARRIAGES (IRELAND) BILL. PREAiAusE.;. Clause 1. Interpretation Ciause. REoQsTRAR.Ggsk Al..2. General Register Office to le provided. Registrhi-Genueral to be appointed. Registers, &c., to lbe transferred to the Registrat- General. appointed,.under this Act. 3. Asslitant- Registrar-CGeneral may be appointed. 4. Certified copies given at General Register Office to be sealed. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE CAPTAIN BOYD. THE following correspondence, which we extract from the columns of the nmes, will be perused with by a painful interest-- tie TO TUE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. tat USIRI have the honor to enclose a letter, re- 1 ceived by me this morning, from Captain Somerville, pr, of the Navy, residing in the neighbourhood of' Kingstown, relative to the circumstances attending the death of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE PRINCE CONSORT. He-I (rsOeM T1HE T1iMEs.) fee' THE nation has just sustained the greatest, loss thel aifl could possiblylhave fallen upon it. PrinceeAlbeit, who tc a week ago, gave every promise that his valiable 1:1 his would be lengthened to a period long enough to enabli fill him to enjoy, even in this world, tile fruit ofn i me: tuous youth and a well-spent manhood, thle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF PRINCIPAL CUNNING HAM. IT is with a grief to which no words of ours can give adequate utterance that we announce Ithe death of the Rev. Principal Cunningham. This most sorrow- ful event took place at his house in Salisbury Road, Newington, on Saturday morning, at lialf-past twelve o'clock, to the inconsolable grief, of friends the irreparable loss of the Free Church, and the profound ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTITS. Fletcher-October S, at 1, Tievor HTil, Newry, the wife ol the Rer. Oversireet Fletcher, of a son, still-born. tIrrvine- ctober 10, at [tridg' hotise, Clonmany, the wife ; | i Smg n Al xander Irmine, --f a son. Sbharley-(ictol)er 12, at Ravensdale, near Dundalk, the %,i s of the l1ev. J. Shatkey, aesistint-chaplain H.M.'s ; tnian servicc, of it daughter, still-born. MARRIAGES. ?? nild ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Tli DEATH OF KING WILLIAM 1II. Triic fifth volumne or Lord M5nacuday'3 History of Eng- land has just beeo published, We take from it the fol- lowing accoottt of William's death, transcribed by Lady 'Trevelvan, from the Unrilvised MS. of Lord Macanlay: Meanwhile, reports altout the state of thre King's health eot e constantly becomning note and more Iarlarm intg. ?? medical adviers, both E ...