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... DAVIDSON DIIOTIK, ME. DOUGALL ROBERTSON, iallkilAtaM MS. T. MAOLAOHAN, [leu oi the IMMIMHIkiIMMt author natch. X MB. J. SKEAF, Jo». _* JOHN Bsuiutssj. PHILHARMONIC WMTiSooSd season. sobsokiptlos, i»«i. noun for to the season lan. TWELVE CONCERTS. Ftalis (Full Dress) eaoh. MUX' the LIVERPOOL PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, * TWKNTY-SKCutfD BEASON. MENDELSSOHN'S ORATORIO EILIJAH.THIS BVBNING (TUESDAY), ...


... There la fact which did not oome oak on the trial, Ist which qalte disproves the theory the defenoe that Mia Long worth went to host up Major Ilia real inducement respect fat the mensvy ol gallant French offioer whom aba.bad formed attachment the interval between her first Introduction to Valor Yelverton in 1852, and her to Galata in 1856. This officer died, waa killed, in the Crimean war, ...


... sitting now io Liverpool that Dr. Muoro, ha« been railing the teachers of the Presbyteiian Church England rather unmeasured and unwarranted terms, wo, a* tcachers and interested the wclfaro of humanity, would protest against Dr. Munro's observations alike unchristian and uu* gentlemanly. ~ Monro wiahes a prelateor ape In his dealings with teachers, evi- Jor e his position a Presbyterian ...


... The first meeting of the new board was held last evening, the public offices, Green-lane, Mr. Morecroft in the chair, and tUe other member? present were Messrs. Liversidge, Pritchard, Turner, Wright, Camming, Peters, Hitchmcugb, Perrey, Williams, Lee, Scots, Corris, and Webb. Mr. Perrey, the returning officer, produce! the 1 votirg papers and other documents connected with 1 the election. The ...


... Letters from Turin, says the Pays, state that King Victor Emmanuel, who was not to have gone Naples until the month of January next, has resolved on proceeding there to present at the installation General de Marmora. Hii Majesty will leave about the middle of next month. Almost all the ministers wi.l accompany the King. Three only will remain at Turin. they, in their turn, will also to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ffi~arringes atxd Ptatb0-. to prevent ?? leftno inltmtflhton ca (In orde& qr Doathw!Ulboinsertild, unesauthentictited b) M h e Iaddrous of the sender, who musret also state hit =h;raena.. ?? authorityforfo. 'ueast b paid for as advertlis~kutsttl] Notioee of Births R E DU lohJst,. at the fllsiecurn Rov. ~.~a~l~mrwyru~z-On *lsO 1 Nalfy, Mr. W. A. A',rzint. ot Chpl nciats.b h Ee e1 MU of J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [In ceder to pr )v~ft. ?? ortt b Mar .~orD z~thill boinsertcd uloer teotm ad ouldreP3 oftbiO sender, who bust coist n .J s~atorityforf ,r'eraxtd th% annOrn~oMtfenImt' M~Ium of BII&'U .=Cb Piai for. a. advot, 00et. t 0. flunlint11o01,11MA., hr. JamlcaA1OIoftl G5 Of Et Gi & (b rl' achr. famr of DonbiltlI. rh Tmtr BAlN1A~t-eI:DWA1lir-.On the 4th Church, bmptrlI OO..hlle. Il the BOe ]F. Dowling.. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? ITb HETb OF HIS LATE ROYAL HIGHNESS TH Th P.RINCE~ CONSORT. T On Monday, at noon, the body of his late Royal High-Ts ness the Prince Consort was buried in St. George's Clsapl, T Windeor. Tito funeral, as previously decided upon, had 550510 of that publio show whsieh has cliaracterised the Li obsequies of royalty in times past. If, however, there was wanting that 1pomp and circumstance ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Wednesday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. CanonParr, vicar, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Clark, Robt. Aitkin, Esq., of Whittle, near Chorley, to Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of Richard Porter, Esq., West Cliffe. On Wednesday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. John Miller, M.A., incumbent of St. Paul's, Mr. William Sedgwick, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. John Parkin- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Tuesday lest, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. D. F. Chapnuan, Mr. Thomas Nicholson to Eleanor Ann, youngest laughter of the late Mr Richard Furness, both of this town; Mr. John Steward to Miss Ellen Ellithorn. On Satutday last, at the Parish Church, Mr. Thomas Miller to Miss Jane Thomas Mr John Barnes to Miss Mary Ann Wood, Mr. Anthony dartinell Forshaw to Miss Eleanor Welch Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATHO-F THE P-RINCE CONSORT. This meclancholy event is exciting the greatest possible Sym pathiy. fo he ajesty in the severe affliction she has sustaine,7I an ?? of ths corporate bodies of the kingdom hays pre- Sa seanted to her addresses of condolence. The funseral of hishi Roya l Hgness, which takes p lace on Monday, 'Will, in all pro- fae babl'ity, ocainagnrlihoay from sieven to two ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE PRINCE CONSORT. The Timnes of Tuesday, in noticing the funeral of the Prince Consort, says the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, who was devotedly attached to the deceased prince to whom he bears a strong reseiblance, was deeply moved, and wept incessautly. 'tie Crown Prince of Prussia, too, was equally affected. Poor little Prince Arthur's grief was enough to move the sternest. He, of ...