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... IMMENSE RECOVERY SALVAGE. Up to Friday the fire still continued to hang about several parte of the :ulns, and one of the steam floating engines was even then at work and it is satisfactory to that the firemen, with the aid of that machine, had prevented the ones from entering ore of the vaults contiguous to those destroyed, and have in consequence saved oil and tallow worth £20,000. The ...


... At the monthly meeting the oonncil, William Brown, Esq., was unanimously president, Klrkham Finlay, Keq., and Thomas Chilton, Esq., vice presidents, and J. B. Hampshire, Esq., troa urer, for the year. 'I he following oommittees were appointed, tU. CoMMCNiCATiom, Omcis, Messrs. Howling, Hampshire, Boahby, Job, Kelley, and Darsie. Customs, Dock Arrangements, and Export Trai>k.-Mrs-rs. Bower, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. Yesterday, ait the Parish Church, Pontworthais. by the liev. WN. E. BRawstorne, MA.A, issesuonbent, assistediby the cs' L. WV. Jeifray, MA., rector ofilildfordl, Cheshire, sucle of the bride, WN. Percival Elgee, Esq., Chief Constable of Lancea~lsre, late ('upl) fain 511th (Queen's Own) Regiment, to Lizia, Fanny. ca;Wte:~~o of Williami Marshall, Esq., Of Pt'euworthsus 1hall, in 5hss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE SIR JAMES GRAHAM. Another of the Romans has shuffled off this mortal coil, and justified in his death the psalmist's limitation to the ordinary life of man. The noble and dignified figure of The Knight of Netherby will no more be seen rising in his place in parliament to deliver a calm and political but always bitter invective against whoever might be the political opponent of ...


... ATROCIOUS OUTRAGE ON YOU NG LADY. The absorbing topic conversation throughout Dublin the ruffianly and brutal Assault made by a on a young lady on the >lllltown-road. From ♦Aie statement of the injured, lady, who is about 19 years of age, appears that she went on Friday last, accompanied her brother, to a party given at a large and most respectable educational institution in the city. Her ...


... _ „ Berlin, Sept. 20. Prcussuchc of today King will procced to Complcgne on October C, in order to return the visit which tho Kmperor the trench paid his Majosty last year at Baden. Amcng the persons who are to accompany the King Is Count Pourtalos, tho Prussian ambassador at Paris. THE CORONATION. Tho following royal proclamation has bcon issued at Berlin proclamation of tho 3rd July I ...


... The three divisions of the Spanish squadron for Mexioo had all left Havannah the 3rd December. The troops for landing formed an erfeotive strength of 8000 men. The troops were entreaobed the road from the city of Mexico above Vera OrJU. The greatest excitement prevailed in the capital. According to the last dates, the Mexicans were throwing op redoubts. It to supposed I'hat Marshal Serrano ...


... THE DIVISION ON THE AMENDMENT THE ADDRESS. The following members voted on Tuosdsy sight f« Mr. White's amendment to the address -.—Mr. A. Ayrton, Sir G. Bowyer, Messrs. J. Bright, J. Briscoe, J. Caird, J. M. Cobbett, W. Coninghans, K. W. Crawford, F. Crcesley, B. Dalglish, O. Douglas, Sir J. Duke, Lord Messrs. C. Forster, J. Greene, S. Gregeon, G. Hadfield, Handley, G. tiodgkinson, B. Ingham, ...


... Daring the last few days rumourj of painful character have existed as to the prevalence of fever in this town, and that in several instances the disease had terminated fatally. Upon inquiry, we find that these reports were not altogether without foundation. It is, however, satisfactory to know that the proper precautionary measures have been promptly taken, and there is now little if any cause ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... vafaorfoallo BateduohrtotdL LURRIAGES. ALLKv-(;ooonwra._O, the 23rd hill . n' tho Catbcdmat, by wa, R( v. B1. It. Weatuiner5, ?? Rlbert Aillochk of llil.. ti, WV. MirotleonO;, fA.. reccor, Johs. only survivitng EDO (tf bi. J2s. h3i~ley motcleinit, to Mfarths, third daughter of Osri)3 WV3rd- Fe'q alt of Sail Oul, DXrWAnRD-1.DrnnOn ti'o 21th lnst., ai St. Johra'. (tiurrcb, by th3 Rryi' Wv. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AIARIAGES. On Tuesday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. J. W. Green, curate of St. Paul's, Mr. Stephen Drink. water MeAdows Sykes second son of the late Mr. John Sykes, 6oicitor of Ulverston, to Agnes,. eldest daughter of Mk 6er~ *eathoote, of this town. Wedi i.sday ist, at Sto Wilfiid'e Chapel, b. the Rev. W. fftt, Josina, onlt sonf of Mr. ?? ockshott, andpacinaiisti to Mrgaret, third ...