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Manchester Times



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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ffi~arringes atxd Ptatb0-. to prevent ?? leftno inltmtflhton ca (In orde& qr Doathw!Ulboinsertild, unesauthentictited b) M h e Iaddrous of the sender, who musret also state hit =h;raena.. ?? authorityforfo. 'ueast b paid for as advertlis~kutsttl] Notioee of Births R E DU lohJst,. at the fllsiecurn Rov. ~.~a~l~mrwyru~z-On *lsO 1 Nalfy, Mr. W. A. A',rzint. ot Chpl nciats.b h Ee e1 MU of J. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [In ceder to pr )v~ft. ?? ortt b Mar .~orD z~thill boinsertcd uloer teotm ad ouldreP3 oftbiO sender, who bust coist n .J s~atorityforf ,r'eraxtd th% annOrn~oMtfenImt' M~Ium of BII&'U .=Cb Piai for. a. advot, 00et. t 0. flunlint11o01,11MA., hr. JamlcaA1OIoftl G5 Of Et Gi & (b rl' achr. famr of DonbiltlI. rh Tmtr BAlN1A~t-eI:DWA1lir-.On the 4th Church, bmptrlI OO..hlle. Il the BOe ]F. Dowling.. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I ?? ITb HETb OF HIS LATE ROYAL HIGHNESS TH Th P.RINCE~ CONSORT. T On Monday, at noon, the body of his late Royal High-Ts ness the Prince Consort was buried in St. George's Clsapl, T Windeor. Tito funeral, as previously decided upon, had 550510 of that publio show whsieh has cliaracterised the Li obsequies of royalty in times past. If, however, there was wanting that 1pomp and circumstance ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In order to proe~ent (goe £000unoemeats, steilfunak of MaigorDeatb will be inserited, unkat ?? nd addronof the sender, wbomustabohiltatehix authorityforforwardiugthaannounoamnentf orpubicutioe, Notioow of Birtus must be paidI for -advartisomrrue J MAXRIAGE9. BxazrGz-Oseuc 4ua. the ith look, Ft SA. Hcakeu chatne rci. tI Kent. L7 the Zrv. . la. Loes Rd., Mr. Wijilato IL T iLkcayW. 04 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Id tor~'*n Me W Catioan. ufroore te o.ncemrntn for PuN4. Iain.Zotoca of Births rne4l be paid for, as adittise. . ?? BIRTH. El, ?? the OtsIs. h iof FHenry llawsoEsRq. Kereal ]BIARRIAGIEr A~nwttrcv.-rrnjn thelbl-'lae st It.Johns C~hurc.~ by the, P~ev W. saattngou~BLA!. rctr'. AlredAtherlcy,oflo liegtn oMarta. datughteor cf r. i~ithU of Neiitonborgcland, BA;IA ?? i 7th Inst.. at St. Marys -Chureh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marra1101Eor Int to 1PIixfeule u nt .r NA tccsof irh- * must -ce a adllricmnt. ,I~~ittig~ _ t i lefst, at Chlcwall, bythe 1tv. A. actr.M A1 . incurnabont of St. rants.I Hailiwell, ansiste by the 1.A.L eoWrcte. Walton Atenswroth q. a Beech MusatoMazy usa eldes daugter1.~ of1 o: f NOIosly 1163. near Livrpol AiP1RteH .N-l.On a 7h n t, West Butteirwlck, by the R1ev. W. IL. Allerof, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Marfgo r De athwib Anetd, ?? db the niamoatd nddres ofthe aender, who mnat 1ostalaite bla arttlortyforltorwad gthoannounoomentforpubUcfttiofl. Notdcc o Birh A = be paid for aa ?? MARRIAGES. AMSn tD -TAYLronR-On the 9th inst.. AtEt Jobnut Church. Atherton. by th. Hev.S. Johnaon Ineumbont, Mr. Iohan Aidroat. of L-ash, ta ialry Ann. oildest di autr of Jamnes Tayior, Eeq.. Of NVyaibewh. DKLLtei ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... M__ego~elOT ?? oclidalty eel ?? And raddrca duf i t ofonUr. Tborwustao iel. Ofthlr ?? hoireie. h 1?. M. Rnevrso. G. ryard . ?? o ),Durhuuo MAro,~t. dar Elclkr ofh Bheea Mr ?? 3Owilo ED~vAXIM, t'yrcKR.- -Or the 15th lost &%a the Cathtslre. bAJov. Mmedtl sockof M. Jhorns. Ecldeele of Mihr Jrdick o Jll Fr nn. ol 7 dest difUghoh0 tio U Mr. Thoosas Iketi ofth OLrjELL..BTCKR-Oyn the l01h ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In ot m' to ,~wletfaeannws~rtm n pu, aon i lemttnr ht ~ anssisseteveenforp~Wculicv,. MARRIAGES. D~flm~y-MILTt.-Onthe 2161. fmic. Fat St. Gousrp's Churns. Alfrin, chiena by the Rey. G. [Auidcu. Inc.trmbosit. Duniel. toss of 31r VWin bre ,t n.yonrliie of thin M.0t bit. Willisn Milu both Altriachaw. his b to fhi)rst ni.rri-g-) ?? tsa thtisctureh. the happyco~uplwe rris senutc.1by Usa ?? with ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... j& suoutlfoometan, no intimation of Lancaoshr ofl Berth n Nouat cc $ tatetha, qhnI BAMTonvi11 ?? te Sra~t iat-t A e- ?? Boltn by the Rev. J. H, Hrrick o rotoirC. hrr. aietp j \lbivatiey ol Jaocpne, to Hanisl daughter o h a0M.Ata [Anatitown Mlii. Bonieb Noirli B-OOK oItttEoco1e. -On the ?? (nIt. r: XiA~VteChee Yorkehire. by the P1ev. P. C. Kcidd. vcn. lr. WIlliha' Rochial1.tO Mt.Therceakerry of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... (In order to Prevont fabelnoatnonemcni~ta, noItOtltntilvaA ri, Mfarrlagooo Deatb will beinsertod, tanlesa aatho,;I1iii.- i y the naine ad address ofthecernder, neboe rtnut .u ?? r big autthority torforwranhiuag thOeafnnouDmexjttforpol,.hi,a.sion~ Noticee of Births must be Pail for as adeortiocn-egitf.. MA.RIUAGE& ARTFtUft-UArtDN1'1t.- On the 201h lets. at the itbp'irW~~ AtLilneesterrbiro, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF M'MANUS, (From the Irish Times.) Tho remains of TereuicoBcUiw ?? were on Sunday taken, for interment in Glasnovin Cemetery, from the cclcbanics' Institute, Lower Abbey-street, Dublin, where the coiliu has laiu for public iuspection for a week. Prepa- rations on a most extensive scalo were made to render tho ceremony an imposing one. Evcryono interested Iln thi welfare of ...