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Daily News (London)


... MANSION-HOUSE. A respectably dressed man, 55 years of age, nanued Joll Perkins, and who desecribed himself as a commercial tra- veller, residing at No. 14, High-street, Cheltenrhai, Was brought before the Lord Mayor, in the custody of M~ichael Havden, a detective of tlhe City of London poolk, charged withl stealing, On the 27thl of February loot, a iorO letter containing Bank of Englaud notes, ...


... MANSIONX-OUSE. b William Smith, alias John Dalton, underwent a final ex- h ainination before the Lord Mayor, upon a charge of stealing r a carpet bag, containing a quantity of wearing apparel and articles of toilette, the property of a gentleman named v Bunce, from the steam vessel Seine, lying off Fiesh Wharf, P on the 16th September last. h It will be remembered that the prisoner wag ...


... T HZ BAr LB OP THE ARBITPATION COVBT&1 . ome 0urprimadindignatiozxhavebeezixpreued at Oke hold ttanF made by the CCausrOaiv ptrt upon their ?? the BevinngB r' O MiI so; by wholesale objections mafiadby thousands, ar sind by an objectorat U. a day; but the wonder is that the tame oru0 ?? not bean taken in: other counties an beroughs'rwaen the efect Is conIdered. My of the objections are pctiv, ...


... KINGSTON, OCT. 16. (vefore Major Peurhyn, Cbairmaan, and a Bench of Magistrates.) MUSIC AND DANCING LICENSES. The court was occupied to-day in hearing apolications for renewals of licenses for music and dancing, and new ap- Iictions for similar licenses. The following licenses were ?? Rosemary 3ianeh Tavern, Peckhan ; the Father Red Cap Camber- well; the Ship Tavern, Fore-street, lambeth; the ...


... THE POLICE COURT& BOW43TR1ET. nommas ompseu, a stout, well-dressed man, of spectable appearance, wearin a large moustache, who ha beenremaded n acharge of stealing a brilliant necklace, worth 72 gnineas, from the shop of Mr. Attenborougb, in the Strand, was brought up before Mr. Henry to answer sevy- ra other charges of the same description. Mr. Lewis, jun., again appeared for the prisoner. ...


... THE POLI0W COURTS iL8fl1ON -H6OUSE A stylishly-dressed young man, named Charlslea To/nI Neafby, was brought before the Lord Mayor yesterday, in the custody of Saunders, the superintendent of the Margate constabulary, on a warrant, signed by Mr. Thomas Black- burn and Mr. Richard Jenkins, two of the magistrates of Kent, charging him with appropriating to his own use the sum of 401., being part ...


... iEB MILTOW0BOALI OUTRAGE. e Ho I lady juvmed to a, ierf from her assavt Was cuarey gone ovar by hqndredih who, .one. 4 dll eopa-ad# wodrat ah! ?? escape of 40e ~dy itisuch ape on a'4dark, wet, and tempestuous night. there is w grounded I*eown for bieviug th&t the cuprit will soon be capture(L Trhe rigah 2'ma published the following statement. At an early hour on Thursday motniu, straugo ...


... MANSION-HOUSE A man who yave his name as George Smith, but whose real name was William Smithers, who was brought up on Monday last before the Lord Mayor charged with being in the vaults of the General Post-office, was brought up for final examination. Mr. Peacock, of the solicitor's department of the Post- office, prosecuted. It appeared that at about half-past seven on Sunday morning last ...


... I YTE ZINGSWOOD MUBDBIB Up to, Ist night the peretrators of this horrble deed had not been apprehended, though from the Old.hce i; the custody of the police theya mnnot, we should imagine, continue long undetected. rhe papers which we stated yeabrday had been found, and which had evidently be- longed to the murderers, or one of them, include a book of thekind with which all German artificers ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-HmerrFoD, JULY 12. t The commission for the county of Hertz was opened in 7' thin; town on Thursday by Mr. Juttice Blackburn, and busns SBPoeded with this morning in both courts, Ony ?? *r. Justice WUllians and a Common u Jury). lEP01 Wi. UARr.-aBEoH OF onoOnS E OF NMAIA. Thun was an action brought by Anne Hedge minor ho t sued through bar next friend, her mothe, to re ove ...


... MIDDLESEX SESSIONS. (Before the Assitantaut5dge.) Bidard Pillingham, 40, described as au artist, was in- dicted for fraudulently obtaining fhrmn Msrs. Shoolbreda, of Tottenbasmcourt-road, a quantity of carpeting and other articles, value; nearly 1001., by mns of false pretences, with intent to defraud. Mr. Oriidge prosecuted, instructed by Mr. Warrand, soli- citor to the Asociation for tie ...


... MAINE'S ANCIENT LA W.* The period when English law was pronounced ' by the greatest of its oracles to be the perfection l of reason was probably the darkest hour in its history. That which Lord Coke and his contempo- raries esteemed its highest glory, later generations have come to regard as its greatest shame. It would be out of place here to inquire what were the causes which led to the ...