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Liverpool Mercury

A Sensible Recantation.—Yes, Mr. Chairman, I would say to Mr. Seward, give up the menwar must avoided. (Hear, ..

... not for to advise the Secretary of State, for not a believer In good advioe. The sneers enemy are preferable to the oounsel of a friend—but lam enemy the administration, henoeglve no oounsel— but, to common with my people, deeply Interested all questions that interest them. Give the men ! apology better than war and for once I believe England right—(hear, hear) Amerioa wrong. My opinion, it ...


... f London, Wednesday Afternoon. During the last few days the weather has been all that could be desired for harvest operations, and it now expected that the whole of the crops will be secured in a brief period. This favourable change has given rise to a feeling of confidence which exerotfes a strong influence on the publio funds, and morning consols were quoted per oent. higher, but the ...

Prince Viotor Hohenlohe, grandson of the by her first marriage, will shortly be married Mise Laura Seymour, ..

... Admiral Sir George Seymour. and Fatal Accident.—The North- West Gazette of the of November says—A week ago, eoms soldiers Raoeeeunge were enjoying themselves with the delightful amusement of throwing about human skull, playing ' o*tch, schoolboys say. But it seems as if some secret ftill lurked in; that desecrated;skull, for it struok one of the men upon the forehead, and tetanus and lockjaw ...


... (From 'Al London Qaattlt Twday, April d Barrett, Birmingham manufacturer® WMro \ and Wilson, fundarlatid. Sharp, Nottingham, rllfc thruw«U*a Hkletead. Kant branfuunders. m * a Ohrmioal Work a, Carnvtrtnaoahtra and eleey u, chuiniatai u(wurefarta J. J - Taylor, la* J. Wilton and Co., Wall rook march aa far aa J Kayo. at*t X. Nottingham, lace manufacture** Jenkins ana Bodiuar. fct George a wharf ...


... Commander William!*, R.N., who was the mall agent oa hoard the royal nail steamer Trent when she was st -pi by the Federal war San Jacinto. and Slidell and Mason, Confederate commissioners, takoa from her, is member of the Royal Yacht Club, tfe members of which entertained Mr. Wiliami at dinner, at Pljmouth, responding to the toast of his health, the guest v ening said— The New York papers ...


... Official Appointment. Mr. Alexander Graham Due lop has been appointed First Viceconsul at Constantinople. Fssays and Reviews.—The arguments in the case cf the Bishop of S lisbury the Rev. Dr. Williams were continued Saturday. The further hearing the case will be resumed on January 7th.f The British Despatch to the Federal Government.—lt is stated that Lord Lyons was directed to communicate ...


... «• ha« n-^b, down ofcrt driven by Cornoltns thaempley Eotwrt waa intoxicated at the tine. 11* was Wfsaaaaft- - - the body of P.triok Geary,-3C m, *f who «M carpenter the tha V^.r. the Northern Hospital, where died WednwcUy, erysipelas having set in. Verdict, the body Robert Boardman, Infant eon Boardman, 108, liaigb-swet, Kvertoo About lire o'clock on Thursday the mother gave Urn the be—lt, ...


... Liverpool gALVS LEX SUPREMA. In House Lords, last evening, Lord Wodehouse stated that the of Monaco had told the villages of and Roqnebrune to France for 4,000,000 franca, or £166,000. tho Home of Commons, last evening, Lord John Kussell entered into explanation of the under which Mentone and Roquebrune were sold to Franoe by the Prinoe of Monaco. He alio stated that the indemnity to bo paid ...


... 0-noert Hall—TlmrtoiiV En . rtatannat. ~ vjueen's Hall, 11. u-«reet - Se«e«jr •' Art. Exhibition Paintings. Mayer's Egyptian dally and third Maadsy the Royal Institution Ma^uia, (first and third Monday *h* m»nth fro*). ton Hall-The Carpenter Family. Handler's Cirqne Tarttrt-Eqatetrtan Pantomime and other , . (MoaMtn- joj'ttlar Dr»m%*nd ChriatmM Putotnix'f. j AiMphlth—tW ChrUtmM Pantoinlaia. . ...


... London, Saturday ArrmNoos. The business transactions effected to-day in the public markets wire the most limited And restricted character, quite insufficient to effect any material change in prloes. The demand for money has been steady at full rates, and being the quotations for loans the stock market on the best securities. The state of American affWn regarded the main cau-e of the prevailing ...


... Mayer'a Egyptian Museum, - Open dally (first and third Monday ia the month free). Royal Institution Museum, Oolqultt-street -Open daily (first and third Monday in the mtnth free). Parisian Gallery Anatomy, Paradise-street, Zoological Gardens, West Derby-road. Royal Amphitheatre—The Child of the Regiment. Royal Colosseum—The Drama of The Tiger Slayer. Clayton Hall—Rumsev and Newoomb's ...


... TO THE COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING CLASSES LANCASHIRE, &C. Gentlemen, —Were 1 disposed so to do, I eight put cases s ar.ce bearing upon the pnsent anomalous position England towards America, but I consider thoce already placed before you be sufficient to meet the question sc ...