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Liverpool Mercury


... frequently oalled to the conduct of fellow-tMnsmen surveying with the utmost apathy and the overladen hones oar Btn-t). Many are the occasions on which the torn caan t again start the load after onoe stopping, particular) when snow is on the ground, a. at Ma.y are the silly spectators who stand gaping and at the poor horses struggling and straining in vain move the load, instead of ...


... The following inquests were held yesterday by Mr. Carry, coroner:— On the body of Eliza, infant daughter of James Mason, engine fitter, 43, Darwen-street. On Sunday night the mother fell asleep with the ohild at her breast, and on awaking about five o'clock tho following morning found the child dead. There was no doubt that the deceased was accidentally suffocated, and a verdict to that ...

THE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. The following notice, dated December 16, has been issued from the War Office:— Sir,—Mr ..

... attention having been drawn to the practice which exists in some volunteer corps allowing cross muskets embroidered the sleeve ot the tnnlo to worn indiscriminately by their members, am directed to inform you that it is desirable that should be explained to the volunteers that this particular badge represents in the regular army prescribed standard qualification in musketry which cannot ...

On Monday, collier brig bound far the Tyne drove to Tynemouth rooks in consequence a.™d by the The Prinoe Consort

... visited Cambridge Mondav his ostensible objeet being the inspeotion of Hall, and the preparations making thereat for the reception the Prinoe Wal* During a heavy gale Sunday the brig Gloaoester South Shields, laden with eoals, m MhSekl Filv Bay, became a A Kebckk for Pride.—At Bow-street police court, Friday, the sitting magistrate the foUorag letter, enclosing la. for the poor-box —Sir, the ...

TO CORRESPONDENTS. undertake to return communications which do not avail oonatiM. Communications should always ..

... on on* tiu pmtr only ; length the difficulty finding space lor them. Whatever is intended for insertion must authenticated the name and address of the writer, not necessarily lor publication, but as a guarantee hie good faitfe. Widow.—No. hundred per cent. Be—The Sirins was the name of the first vessel that crossed the from England, and her last place of oall was Cork. ...


... SALUS POPULI LEX DOMESTIC. Mr. W. J. Fox, M.P., the aenior member for Oldham, who is well known political writer and lecturer, and more especially for his prominent services in connection with the Anti-Corn Law League, will retire before the op3ning of the session. A proposal has been set on foot by several gentlemen well known in the religious world, the majority being members of the ...


... THE IN A PASSION. The year 1860 has been particularly bad one for the Pope, and there is, very little prospect of things mending with in 1861. Hia previously diminished principality has shrank into the mere city of Borne with few square miles of adjacent territory, and eren this fragmentary residue of the acquisitions won by medievs) violence and fraud -is held not by him, but for him by the ...


... FOPtJU tKX SUPKBMA. DOMESTIC. Those of our readers who recolleot the revolting disclosures which were made cause Hooper «. Warde, recently tried the Court Queen's Bench, will not be surprised to learn that the Lord Chancellor has felt it his duty to order of Mr. Warde, Clopton House, Warwick, to be struck out from the commission the poace for that oounty. The Times says—After receiving an ...


... FOR TUB PROTECTION OF COMMERCIAL INTERESTS, wx.ckku and The fourth annnal general this association was held at noon vettirday. tho Under writer*' Committee Room, exchange building?, Philip 11. Kathbone, E-q., deputy-chairman, pro iding. Tho nutea of the last havii g been read and oonSrmcd, tho secretary ca'led upon to read tho committee'* report for ISGO. The 00 beg pw«eut following p rtkuiara ...


... The osii*l weekly meeting of the workhouse committee was held yesterday, in the boardroom of the Pariah-offioea, Brownlow-hill. Mr. Churchwarden Oropper presided, and the following gentlemen were also pre sentMettrs. Peck, Soott, Denton, Shaw, Turner, and Smith. Mr. Carr, the governor of the workhouse, reported that there were 2538 paupers in the house, against 2447 last week, and 2253 in the ...


... THE PRINCE OF WALES' VISIT THE UNITED STATES. The following letters have passed between the British Government and the Government of the States in reference to the visit the Prinoe Wales to America LETTER LORD LYONS. Washington, Deo. 8, 1860. Sir,—The Queen, Sovereign, has commanded that the earliest opportunity after the return of the Prince Wale- to England be taken to conyey to the of the ...


... lb* Marquis of MdT., wUM ■» Joundl- chs Jain o{ the Governor cam, Itrihg kit AxoeUettei't lovr. The »e ill NUVIDMf 1 -, IMO, T'jta v/cninj, the Mauritius will give i •cJmt*!* tba Hop* H«p*-atr*et, mi*ionar. with a apodal MMinw that th* rttlaa. P»« Mr la b* takea uvea e'oiool by the Rector Unrpool The Rev. ll'Neil will also address the meeting. OoiN AMD Bullion.—The fol lowing Is the valae of ...