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Literary Notices

... 'fittraril T'lotim. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW FOR J ANUARY. The place of honour in the new number of the QUARTFRLY is assigned to a paper UpOfl Canada. The distinction is well merited, for the essay is a very able one. Brimming with carefully-collected and well-arranged facts, it abounds also with acute and forcible reason- ings, and points out with sagacious forecast the glowing future that awaits ...


... ESSAYS AND iRE VIEWS. Air 'd(ward Miall, the -vell-known editor of the NA'o2onoajriit, has phlishled a third and cheaper edition of his *' Bases of Belief, with a prefaci relating almllost exclusively to 'Essays and RC- viewvs, the su)eculations, criticisms, and reasoa- ings of which are similar to those which his vol- tlme was written to combat. Mr Miall occupies a position which favours ...

Literary Notices

... I( itturil lliotM. REGENERATION. By WLLTA31 ANDErSON, LL.D. v Second Edition. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black. s WiEn this work first apieared, we remember that several strait-laced theologians hurled severe vI diatribes at the doctrinal purity of the author. tl The sprethe injnrhc foeric of their tinie-honoured n dogmas roused their carping spirits to the height I o'f frenzy, and with a few, ...


... EXHIBITIONOF +Tii I ROYAL zSCOTTLSH' !;pi ' ,'i, iAOADflMV. l ''-a ,The thirty-fifth nsfinarhib1{ dfothegoyaP'1 Scottish Academy, to be opened this morning, will I not, we believe, he found to differ much in its gene- I vol character from that of last season. It has be- 1 cdnie eftetIary t3 ' p' ik of one Exhibition as I -being more attractive than another; bat judging from the number of ...

Literary Notices

... Al'ituany C, IVw-;su 1N JAPAN. By George Smith, D.D., rBlrnp of Victoria, Hong Kong. Loudon: l],1l,1an, Green, Longman, and Rloberts. f in;public will soon be in a position to form an accucatc opsinion as to Japan andl its people. Here gc hlave another excellent volume on the subject, all the more attractive and reliable that the author holls one of the most pictnresqne of pens, and can be ...


... THEMTRICAL LICENCE FOR THE WATERLOO R001M. Yesterday, a special session of the Justices of the Peace for the city of Edinburgh was held in the Burgh Court-room, for the purpose of con- sidering a petition from Mr William Howard for licence for the Waterloo Rooms, for the purpose of producing operattas and scenes from operas, in which recitatives are spoken, under the Act6 and 7 Victoria, cap. ...


... For the last six or seven years our Western neighbours have been deprived of the pleasing and elevating inliuence of Fine Art Exhibitions. The causes which led to this untoward state of mat- ters are not easily explained ; but we heartily rejoice in the belief that an earnest desire now prevails amoong all classes of the conmmunity to establish on a permanent basis annual exhibitions of modern ...

Literary Notices

... Ngitecblrary I.otIt. ntly THE GUILT OF SLAVERY AND THE CRIME OF SLAVE- sout HOLDING, Demoustrated from the Hebrgw and Aith | Greek Scriptures. By GEoRao B. OHEEVER, ract IID. a of Tns work is a most elaborate and successful oDs; attempt to drive from beneath it every.prop by orth which the accursed American institution of slavery is upheld. It were difficult, indeed, to r the overrate the ...


... T'HE ART UNioN OF GREAT BRITAIN. Tche dlrawing fo'r prizes in this Art Union took place in the Free-trade Hall,' Manchester, on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a numnerous body of ticket-holders. Mr A. L. 'Bernstein hav- ing been chosen by the meceting to occupy the chair, commenced the plroceedings by calling upon the Secretary to read the report, from which it appeared that each ...

Literary Notices

... LECTUR1ES ON COLONIES AND CoLoNISATIoN, de- t livered before the University of Oxford in 1839, 1840, and 1841, by HERMAN M1ERIVALE, A.M. A Newv Edition. London: Loagrman and Co.E TIIE reappearance of these lectures is portentous.c The controversial ferment amid whiich they were first p ublishecd has long subsided. Surplus popullat~ion~s, model colonies, convict labour,A slave emancipation, ...

Court and fasthion

... ourt with fastiou. BALMORAL, September 15. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Princess Helena and Prince Arthur, went out driving yesterday afternoon. Prince Louis of Hesse went out deer-stalking. Mr and AIrs Farqulbarson had the honour of being invited to dinner. September 16. The Queen and Prince Consort, with Prince Alfred and Prince Louis of flesse, attended divine service in the ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... . I I 1; ?, ir t ; .? '. . :?? 11 ; - 14 .. i ad- f?q .- V., ?4?-.,.?-;??j , M ',;'ilBle is nowr staying-in; Berlin in ~order ,ta'oonr , .salt Dr Greefes,the emineentiocuhist., ,''- .']5x7. ,Mroolner. is',engage d ,upon, bustof, Arc~ldeacon i H~are nd.Profeessoer. enslow, and uppn a grpiip,9f the children of Mr T. Fairbaiini. Next vweek is annotinced for publication an irmportant | pamphlet ...