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Advertisements & Notices

... [ ADVERTISEUENTS.J FOT RoT IN SnoSEEP.-A mode of curing the above and other diseases of the feet, now so prevalent amongst sheep, may be obtained by enclosing a properly directed and stamped envelope, to 11r. Clift, I)orking, Surrey. 6, Queen-street, London, 23rd Augtust, 1860.-Messrs. B. Wother. spoon 5:Co., 16, Dunlop-street, Gasgow.-Dear Sirs,-1 have, as reauested, te-dey visited the lloyal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Established 1806. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, 50, REGENT-STREET, LONDON. C'aitXl £400,000. Jdet wrns praid to Policy Ilolirs £247,100. P OLICY-HOLDERS are ?? informed that the Christmas Renewals are now in tile hands of the several Agents of the Company, and should be paid before the 9th of Januarly. Farming Stock and Imtplements Ss. per cent. No extra Charge for Thrashing by Steam. The PROVIDENT LIFE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH, -ATURDAY, ,JAN'UARY 5, 161. S3TSI)AY Luoo0NOSS-~1;I-Rl1)a~ SCU~dWy 3103,,q~l-40t 1essolu; Isaiahl tlo 130; 2nd sonO: Luke :1. to V. 23 Eveniho -tst Iissoau: Isaih 1); 2: Icssos: Johill 2, to v. 112 i ¢ 7 lhe 0fllce of this PupoeP is 9peo) biveteoo tile hours of Nine am. aN. Sele p.1. I 15 ?? qutestedl that Letters be addr'esseC( to HARRISON 4' Co., oJ Blsiness matters; ?? to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. HARPER receives Six young LADIES, M over the age of sixteen, whose School Education is finished, but who require a judicious Course of Reading in the Works of the best Authors to complete their mental culture. Mrs. Harper's object is also to offer a cheerful, happy, and permanent home to Ladies who, being Orphans or Wards in Chancery, may have no near relation to receive ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A(GS'T ERi's SE Rl1EiS oflCHIURCH SERVICES; AC B eliecant, readtlahO, unit durmbly bound. Evecry style A )~ of bindingand nioutting. '10belhod of all booksellers. ptiy~m RA-NC IGSTERt'S COS I'IV ICUB,0CU SERV1CE. Aecide B lin evry otyle of binding and inountilig. To be had Mil), j of nll bookneller s. insurer AlLY IAGIT ON' TIlE DIAILY PATTI; a New al read, D DUle'ti ltial ?? lie di fsr every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WINTER ASSEMBLIES AT THLE KING'S ROOMS, SOUTHSEA. PATRONESSES: LAD~Y CUNYNGIHAME, LAOY BLACKWOOD, LADY CHA)S, MURS. MUNI)Y, MIRS. ROBINSON, IRS. ALEXANDER. lfR. HOLLINGSWORTH has the honour to l announce the next BALL will take place on TUursday, January 10th1. STEWARDS: Sir F. Blackwood, Bart. Captain C. V. R. Conway Gordon, Captain Madden, R.N. Captain Robinson, x.N.. a. Cheobald, Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1 I TISH- COLLEGE of HEALTH B Euston-road, London. 'Thc MIOISONIAN SYSTEM of MED101NE. 1. Th1e vitil principle is in the blood. E ll verything in the body is derived from the blood. 3 All constitutions nre radically the same. 4. All diseases arise fromt impurity of the blood. Pain and disease have the same origin. ,. From the intilate conmexion subsisting between iljiu;l andt bodly, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 NOTICE. Postponement of Sale at Lower Wolvercot. Messrs. T. MALLAM and SON lEG to announce that the Stile of the FuEEi.O I)D Jt Housc, in the occupation of Mr. Bell, at Lower Wol. vercot, near Oxford, advertised for Salo o0 the 7th of January, 1861, WILL NOT TAKE PLACE. 126, Iiqlh-astreet. 0Oxford, Jan. 4, 1861. O Stoite, Briclk, &Slated FEEEHOLD COTTAGES, 0 ESOLD BY AUCOTION, By Messrs. T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL PORTSMOUTH, PORTSEA, AND GOSPORT HOSPITAL. 'r HE GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the Sub- T scribers to this Institution, will be held at the Hospital, Landport, on Tuesday, .January the 8th, 1861. The Chain will be taken at 12 o'clock, noon, precisely. CHARLES F. KEELE, House Surgeon and Secretary. ?? 26th, 1860. ESTABLISHED CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. tTTHE REV. JAMES BOUTHORNE, Assistant to l)r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REDUCED F'AriEs .F119O PORTSMOUTH TO, T4EAM SHIPS FOYLE~ DUIE OF CORNWALL;. 13 ad LAI)Y EGLINTON; ftlte~naitely :-vitlI tilea CERES, TEMINIRA, or other snitablo Vessels, tradep between Portsiiouth and Dublin. The intended S ailings, for the present Season Pire asC follows : (Wind and Weather permitting) from PORTS- i MOUTH for PLYMOUTH, FALMOUTH, and DUBLIN, t every Sundlay, at Eight AlL, onl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIRt EDWIN LANDSEER, B.A. A Collection of ENGRAVINGS copied from AL his celebrated Pictures, produced in the first style of ?? Down the Law, 21 by 21, Ss.; Dignity and Impudence, 22 by 17, 6s.; the Stag at Bayg, 18 by 14, 4s.- Lion Dog of Malta, 16 by 14&, 4s. ; the High land Shepherd'As Home, 17A by 15k, 4s. * the Lady and the Spaniels, 16 by 14l, 4s:; Scotch~ Terrier, 16 by 14^., Is. *Islay, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. HARPER receives Six young LADIES, r t over the age of sixteen, whose School Education is finished, but who require a judicious Course of Reading in the Works of the best Authors to complete their mental culture. Mra. Harper's object is also to offer a cheerful, happy, and permanent home to Ladies who, being Orphans a or Wards in Chancery, may have no near relation to receive ?? ...