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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TI EATRE ROYAL,' sD BLIK T ,If XV ING (nurdafy). W ocrtle 7tb, tbe perfer 150IN Rill commence wvith the viw nin (trthltedt ftatl tile french, and adapte d ex&pfts Ifo -tlhi Theatre by Mt UM), ectitled THE CAPRl R= OF I AVRE-Matru, Mr *aby * Arnand, Mr C WcObn; Fellilen la Roche. Er W hamnbam the ViacoOe t Anbefort, Mr L Munro; 1 MarlJ D epria, Mr Irwin; S1hapiat, Mr Holston; Genevieve, Mrs C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WATER WORKS. T ?? THE~ BURIGESSES OF THE NORTH CITY WAR.D, 01ISTLEURN1, The Municipal Council, to wvhich YOU have done me tile honiour to, sned me on. many succallsive Accasions as your r~pe~s~tlO, asng siovedtoproinne a bill in Par- lisi 1 itpeye, tN5 Wter Soupply of the City, and resider till 104 o;h theW!~ Unato equit~able and just, tkajss'l, jo yur name, 8iven that bill every support ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O OM 4pM'R, int reat variety, in t '!Ei A B1 SROOKSS,_ SACKVILL-(PLAOE, Dablin. VANIEL DOIAN, CITYO0)tBlX JLIV PAPER STAINING WORMS 15, PARLIAM3YSI-WREFT, and 4, and 6, ORANEW-LANE, Whilte LeadOj Paints. Oils, Turpentine, Coloeurn, Varnihese, Plate, Sheat, and crown Glass; Plaster of Paris, Roman and Portland CemOI. ?? Mouldings for Rooms, ad Picture Frenmes, Re trsnuratO Prices Wholesale and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIEATRE ROYAL, DUAXIN. _L 1W To monroS Evening thore will be no dorciallno THIS EVENING Crhureday), February 14th, the perfor.. formances will commence with the favourite drama entitled ROBERT MACAIRE; or, The Two Murdereri-Robert ma- eaSre, Mr P Huntley; Jaques Strop, Mr H Bsrfoot; Dantont. Mir Byyng ; Grmeull, Mr Holston,; Plerre, Mr Xrving;' barles, Mr. L Munro - Clumeatine, Mine Wood; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE' ROYAL,'DUBLIN. THig EVENING (Friday), February Ist, tse perfer- mances will commence with the favourite Drama entitled THIE DAUGHTER OFTIiESTARS.-Tho lion. Antony Hawki atone, Mr Holston; Mr Crawley, Mr Byng; Lieutenant Ernest Dalton, ILN. Mr C Weston; BDaedbuo Beeswing, Ur Barfoot; Itatherlne Dalton, MIES Edwards Mrs lo0ntcataract, Mrs C H Stephenson ; Miriam, Miss Sarah Thonie. To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? £a5.%.. V a THE AT P.E R-y~ 0 Y U ¢VfL,IV. T171S EVEFNi2G Otondaj), Febrary Jitb, tbe per, tormances willi c 1ommncee witb the calabrat~'m en.le THE WtECK ASHORE - or, a BrIdegrOom from the Sea..- Miles Bertram, Mr WIlaynbarnm Wa!iturBartfrd, MrWesteoi Captain Grampus, Mr F Huntley;; Marmaduke Mazog, Mr Granby.;; Jemmy Starling, Mr Barfoot; AAllee Miss Thorno; Belii, Mrs Burkinlbraw; Dame ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 ToE OuRGHT UoNoUEjADLE THE LORD MAYOR. W E, the undersiguedrequest your Lord. VV ship will be pletsed to convene a. PUBLIC MEETING of the Citizens of Dnblin On MONDAY NEXT, the 25th lIe- stant, for tho purposeO 6f taking Into consideration the pro. prioty et petitioning Parliament to pass a BiII now before the Hiouse of Commons for the better supply of Dublin with W ater. er181 February, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONEY. M£20 for one year, tobe d r quarterl Intalmentai, for which a ?? sad liberal intcrest wil be gigven,[ecarity on property value for £8,009, tolgeter with a pelloy of Insurance as ol- lateral, wil be deposted waith tho lender. Address AB, M(oney, 0b, Blsslagtonatraet DublIn. 111,20 PUBLICATIONS. Just Published, THlE Second Series of HOOD'S OWN; ,T.Lor LAUGHTER FROM YEAR TO YEAB. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in great variet, iln *ttltl~gBROOKiS'Sl SACiEVILLE-PLAOF, Dublin ;1 BET1IEMEN'S WINTER UJ. ~~DRESS. WATERPROOF GARMENTS. WAltM OVERCDATS! HIGHLAND CAPES, INVERNESS CAPES, 4BREAD.LBAKE CAPES. TODD, BURNS, and CO., B6e*tfully iusite an inspectIon of tholr present >tesylarge 6tock of the abovo Useful and Gentle- G1arnDet In all the varlous colours and m- t=ria1& suitable ior~ the present Season, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR8s BUnRKNsuAW has the hononrito announce thet Ier FIRST BENEFIT in this City will take place on THIS AVENlilNe 4daturdgy), Feb.c , on which occasion will be per- forlaed the celebrated Drama entitled MATTEO FALCONE; or, THE BRIGAND AND IlIS SON.-Matteo Falcone, Hr Huntley; Fortunate (his*on), Mrs Burkinsbaw Corporal Ni. eo , Gambe, Mr H Ilarfoot; Guiseppa, ire Munro. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T E ATRE , YAL, 'iV'tLIN. . BY. COMXAND , oT NIS EXCELLENCY THE LORDl IBUTEP1ANT. 71118 EVENING (satorrdayh) Febf'arY 9th thcrtor.- tusnces will Commence wihBochsono's.PeUc Comeiyj enti- 'tied %*&L JOBn-Unclo John, Mr Grarfbs; Nopyicir Hawk, hr F Allen j Friend lbomas, Mr Holztonl; YEdwardisasl, Mr Munro N Xicce Hawk, Mrs Rolaton; Elius, Mrs W Baynham; X, CowfforJ, r a 'C H Stepheson. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE LATE FATHER FAY.-A prelii. ,L nu meeting ow the rfiends of the late Father Pay, of ftu4atherlno'a, was beld on Wfednle dy 3irentng to ?? a m6jetent having for Its objeeb to raise a memorial worthy oft lasilleo in the affe1,iona of the people. ft wse unsnimously resolved that Jameo Plunkett, isq, ,T,GL, do adt chalmirma. It pas roposed by Mr. JosOPe Butler, TC. ; mondeod by Mr. John Gavan ...